Stone platforms are the greatest thing ever.


Duke Fishron
To be honest, I kind of feel like a wild fool for even thinking of posting this, but it's something that's been on my mind for a long time now ever since 1.4 came out.

I just think they're visually designed so very well that they're versatile for so many casual constructions. I found that it's my go-to platform for anything other than a lazy impromptu arena. Wooden platforms are textured well, they're beefy, they go well with ANY kind of stone formation, and are even merciful in their colorations.

Does anyone else find themselves drawn to using the stone platforms more often than not?
I didn't know we had stone platforms
Yup, Spider, Lesion, Sandstone, Bamboo, Nebula, Solar, Stardust, and Vortex Platforms were also added in 1.4. I never really think to make them, so I usually forget about them. They could be cool in certain builds.
I'm honestly still shocked that, much to my chagrin, I still haven't used any of the ones previously mentioned except for Sandstone and Bamboo platforms. I actually skipped right over the Spider fangs in 1.4. My loss, really. I got way, way too used to 1.3.5's modding spree.
I wouldn't call them the greatest ever but there are a nice addition. Always hated how I had to bring wood with me when I would go on one of my underground exploration missions. Plus they look much better when used along with many other stone variants for towers and castles.
Certainly stone platforms are attractive and useful. And you can make a furnace in the field, to craft more stone bricks as needed.
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