Subclass Challenge

Aaron Assal

This is isn't a mod idea, but rather a collection of challenges that players can offer themselves, especially if Expert Mode wasn't enough.

All of us know vanilla's main classes: Melee, Ranged, Magic, and Summon. Each have their own respective damage type, and variety of equipment. Some of us restrict ourselves to only playing one main class at a time, which avoids the mismatching of weapons, armour, and accessories. But can we go further?

"Subclasses" still follow the damage type restriction of their main class, but are limited in what types of weapons and accessories are available to them.

This naturally stunts customisation, but also forces the player to explore options they might not have considered before, and makes for a good challenge.
These subclasses can be done without any major content mods, such as Calamity or Thorium.
The most straight-forward of all subclasses. Swords only; no lances, flails, or otherwise. Even from the start, the swordsman has quick access to powerful weapons, such as the Enchanted Sword, or even the Arkhalis. Ironically though, this forbids the use of Solar Eruption and Daybreak; some of vanilla’s strongest melee weapons.

Yo-yo Artist
A unique subclass straight from vanilla. Ignoring projectiles, yo-yos have the greatest reach and control of all melee weapons—if not all weapons in general. Unfortunately, they are often ignored for their childish aspect.

A strange underdog of the subclasses. Limited to flails, lances, boomerangs, and tools. Unable to use ‘standard’ melee weapons, one has to be eccentric to play this. Ironically, this is the only subclass that can use Solar Eruption and Daybreak.
Another straight-forward class, and one of the easiest. This subclass has few weaknesses, the highest DPS, and a massive variety of guns to choose from. The need to aim falls steeply later on, especially with rapid fire and chlorophyte bullets.

Some people have a strong love for the bow and arrow; others have decided to inject this weapon with the demonic steroids. While this subclass may not have ‘auto-aim’, it certainly doesn’t lack power... or absurdity.

Rocket launchers aren’t available until after Plantera, making feasibility difficult. One idea is to progress from Grenades, to Hellfire Arrows only, to Explosive Bullets only, and finally to rocket launchers. Try not to blow yourself up.
Only spells from books can apply to this class. Due to the extremely limited variety of tomes, even with mods, this makes the subclass a harsh endurance test. Not recommended to those who rely on variation and not being squishy.

Being limited to staves still grants this subclass far more options than its counterpart, as well as access to the Nebula Arcanum and Nebula Blaze. This allows it to easily rival all of the ranged subclasses, except for mana conservation.
Sadly, vanilla Terraria doesn't offer enough variation to make summon subclasses feasible. Sentries alone are probably not viable, especially against the Moon Lord.
Martial Artist
Created by the Weapons Out mod, this is one of the most unique subclasses invented by the modding community. With ‘fists’ as their only weapons, the player must constantly be in the face of the enemy, trading blow for blow. Powerful and resilient, its only weakness is zero distance.
A straight-forward subclass that is only allowed to use summon weapons which occupy minion slots. While there are indeed a large variety of summons to choose from, including the Stardust Dragon and Stardust Cell, a lot of mod content for summoners becomes inaccessible.

Being the direct opposite of the Commander, this subclass is not allowed to use minion slots (with the exception of the Enchanted Barrier and the Solar Spirit from Calamity). With Thorium and Calamity, this means a lot more than just sentries, and is shockingly feasible.
These subclasses require mods that empower the Throwing class, which is minor in vanilla Terraria.

A ninja relies on being lightweight, adaptable, and having a stupid amount of tools. This restricts one to knives, shurikens, and explosives; anything else is too big and cumbersome. But damaging accessories, such as the Spore Sac, are fair game.

Hunting in the jungle requires strong and reliable weapons; only boomerangs, axes and pikes fit that description. Variety is a problem in vanilla, but not with Thorium, Calamity, or Sacred Tools. Surprisingly, Daybreak is also available to this subclass.
These subclasses require Thorium by default, as they depend on the Healer class introduced by this mod.

The true tank, relying on thick armor, and Warding on every accessory. However, this holy path does not allow corruption of one’s power, and prevents the use of life-leeching and life-expending weapons.

As the independent black sheep, this subclass relies on corruption and life-stealing weapons. Healing others is difficult with this subclass, and the sacrificing of life for damage is a dual-edged blade.
These subclasses require Thorium by default, as they depend on the Bard class introduced by this mod.

The Woodwind subclass has the quickest access to most instruments, but has trouble acquiring power later on, and often requires a direct line of sight.

The Percussion subclass has the largest variety of instruments to utilize, and is even capable of massive AoE attacks. However, high inspiration costs make it slow in battle.

The Strings subclass has the most trouble acquiring weapons early-game, but has the strong staple of piercing and bouncing projectiles. Can access the Rockstar’s Guitar.

The Brass subclass has the smallest variety of instruments at all times, and has limited variety. It is, however, the only one to have hyper beams of death for instruments.

The Bard subclasses may have to be played in pairs to be feasible.

Hybrid Classes
Hybrid Classes combine two or more damage types, but are still restricted in the types of weapons and equipment they are allowed to use.

This grants some customisation, while still offering enough challenge to make them unique.
The classic combination of swords and guns. This allows the hybrid to be comfortable at close quarters and far range at all times. For a real challenge, forego any machine guns for rifles and shotguns instead.

The powerful combination of staves and minions is recognised by many, and the Forbidden Armor is iconic. Be wary though, as minion damage can sometimes cause your magic attacks to miss. For a real challenge, rely only on summoner armour and accessories.

A strange hybrid that lives by a strict rule: You can only use what you can fish, and get rewarded for fishing. This means you cannot mine ores, you cannot farm mobs, and you cannot buy any equipment except fishing rods and ammo. Potion ingredients, Life Crystals, and Mana Crystals are fair game though. Heavily inspired by the Terrarian Youtuber, Happy Days (cannot link due to forum rules).

What subclasses or hybrids can you think of? Post your challenges below, so that they might be added for everyone to consider!
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