Standalone Super Terraria World - MMORPG Style Mod - Server and Client Mod

Hey so when i click the play button on my character, the game goes to a blank terraria background screen and then promptly crashes, any clue what could cause this? i really would enjoy playing this mod.

EDIT: Nevermind, fixed it, when you dont save to the Terraria designated folder, the worlds dont save to where they are read from, my bad for installing it like an idiot, you are doin well.


  • wtf.JPG
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I have seen this mod around lately and I really want to give it a shot, the only problem is that when I go to install it... the terraria folder is missing from the "My Games" folder. How do I fix this?
So I played through the game and all it had to offer so far (I think. I've at least done all quests) and I gotta say it's pretty interesting! If not super tedious at some points.

Like Mining currently takes so long that by the time you get enough bars to create one level worth of stuff (like armor) you practically reach the next tier invalidating the ones before it. Sure its handy for raising crafting exp but this just means you're slowly draining the mines of one resource to then need to hunt for another. While this wouldn't be too much of a problem this raises the issue of connecting combat classes to mining classes. This means you HAVE to build previous tier depending on when you tackle mining or you're blocked from using it. I.E. Gold without being combat 20 in something.

Also I feel like the Ra temple's puzzles are ludicrously difficult. While up to a point they weren't -too- bad :guidesmile:red: dart traps) I had to throw my hands up and give up on the falling rocks and rope climb section. There was just no feasible way you could possibly dodge those rocks in time. Especially when they do 100 damage to you in gold armor. I actually gave up and slowly block climbed my way up and it was so long I couldn't believe it. I don't know if this is intentional or not but I feel like as is...nobody will be able to get up there without god like pattern memorization and reflexes. Especially when you consider every death resets said pattern. May I suggest changing it to timed dart traps instead? While just as difficult at least that would be a bit more doable.

In the Fjord there is also a major bug in that in the final boss room the ice doors seem to be bugged. They're currently exploding and reforming at roughly a hundred doors a second. By the time I got to that room I collected like 7 stacks of 10000 doors. Also I feel like the price of Viking Silver could -maybe- be lowered a little. I guess it's fine if you wish to keep it that way but it would just mean players need to spam gold/plat and sell it until they can buy enough. Mostly because enemies aren't worth farming for cash.
Well those are just my thoughts so far. It looks fun and interesting and I'm curious to see what it'll be like when its finished.
So I played through the game and all it had to offer so far (I think. I've at least done all quests) and I gotta say it's pretty interesting! If not super tedious at some points.

Like Mining currently takes so long that by the time you get enough bars to create one level worth of stuff (like armor) you practically reach the next tier invalidating the ones before it. Sure its handy for raising crafting exp but this just means you're slowly draining the mines of one resource to then need to hunt for another. While this wouldn't be too much of a problem this raises the issue of connecting combat classes to mining classes. This means you HAVE to build previous tier depending on when you tackle mining or you're blocked from using it. I.E. Gold without being combat 20 in something.

Also I feel like the Ra temple's puzzles are ludicrously difficult. While up to a point they weren't -too- bad :guidesmile:red: dart traps) I had to throw my hands up and give up on the falling rocks and rope climb section. There was just no feasible way you could possibly dodge those rocks in time. Especially when they do 100 damage to you in gold armor. I actually gave up and slowly block climbed my way up and it was so long I couldn't believe it. I don't know if this is intentional or not but I feel like as is...nobody will be able to get up there without god like pattern memorization and reflexes. Especially when you consider every death resets said pattern. May I suggest changing it to timed dart traps instead? While just as difficult at least that would be a bit more doable.

In the Fjord there is also a major bug in that in the final boss room the ice doors seem to be bugged. They're currently exploding and reforming at roughly a hundred doors a second. By the time I got to that room I collected like 7 stacks of 10000 doors. Also I feel like the price of Viking Silver could -maybe- be lowered a little. I guess it's fine if you wish to keep it that way but it would just mean players need to spam gold/plat and sell it until they can buy enough. Mostly because enemies aren't worth farming for cash.
Well those are just my thoughts so far. It looks fun and interesting and I'm curious to see what it'll be like when its finished.

Uhmm... You can actually memorize the pattern without struggling, you just have to count and climb from the right side. When every fourth boulder comes you just have to change your position ( only option in here is going to left rope then to the right )

Doors didn't exploded in my game, ı think that's because of your game or some temporary thing. Also for the Viking silver, I agree with you. Only way to grind some money is going a crimson instance world and mining some crimtane.
[doublepost=1475601451,1475601205][/doublepost]There was nothing in this chest, in the sewer chest too

Oh and while you charge your bow or doing something like that if you press non-right clickable items they will have glitched
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Uhmm... You can actually memorize the pattern without struggling, you just have to count and climb from the right side. When every fourth boulder comes you just have to change your position ( only option in here is going to left rope then to the right )

Doors didn't exploded in my game, ı think that's because of your game or some temporary thing. Also for the Viking silver, I agree with you. Only way to grind some money is going a crimson instance world and mining some crimtane.
[doublepost=1475601451,1475601205][/doublepost]There was nothing in this chest, in the sewer chest too

Oh and while you charge your bow or doing something like that if you press non-right clickable items they will have glitched
View attachment 142673
1. That's untrue. The boulders spawned at random intervals each time I did it. First time it was right, middle left, middle right, left. Then I died and it ended up being something like left, right, middle right, middle left. So depending on various factors those boulders were most definitely changing their patterns on me whenever I died.

2. As for the door thing I have no idea either. It was as if a million chainsaws were going off and spawning infinite doors. I wrote it down here just in case it might be an issue to look into.

3. Yeah I didn't get anything in my chest either. I wasn't sure if it was just forgotten or didn't spawn properly.
Uhmm... You can actually memorize the pattern without struggling, you just have to count and climb from the right side. When every fourth boulder comes you just have to change your position ( only option in here is going to left rope then to the right )

Doors didn't exploded in my game, ı think that's because of your game or some temporary thing. Also for the Viking silver, I agree with you. Only way to grind some money is going a crimson instance world and mining some crimtane.
[doublepost=1475601451,1475601205][/doublepost]There was nothing in this chest, in the sewer chest too

Oh and while you charge your bow or doing something like that if you press non-right clickable items they will have glitched
View attachment 142673

I was able to grind money fairly easily with fishing. Agree with the other guy, though, Temple of Ra is stupidly brutal.

Meanwhile, I can't even go to the Fjord. After the first time I looked at the boat menu, it glitched. On all subsequent visits, only the button for East Island shows up.
Is there a reason terraria is missing from the "my games" folder? I can't figure out how to install the mod without it...
Can you add support for lower resolutions (e.g. 800x600)? Currently, several different GUI elements are overlapping with each other, and it gets confusing.
did anyone else mine their way to max mining in the very first tutorial cave thinking it would eventually turn to other ores like the instructions said then crafted all the ingots and found themself with max mining/crafting before the first mission? (oh, well that and like 20 lvls of crafting from arrows/torches/flame arrows)

may i ask if i could have the code just for the regenerating ores?? i would Love to use that in a lot of things

and yeah, a lot of "hidden" or "challenge" chests seem to be missing their stuf... that and Why cant i grap the mythical water bolt that is in the first NPC's house :',-',(

oh, just an idea on the monsters to money thing, why not make areas level monsters up, but give monsters loot upgrade chances (basically give them tables similar to the "inside a slime" loot table, but more often)
I love Terraria and this mod looks pretty good, but for this moment i cant play 2 player LAN on this? :guidesad:
Sorry there are no plans atm for STW to be LAN. We will have multiplayer servers up in the future.

Did you use the windows installer? Your STW is not installed in the correct location or Terraria itself ins't installed correctly. I recommend uninstalling Terraria, install Terraria, and then use the Windows Installer for STW.

I have seen this mod around lately and I really want to give it a shot, the only problem is that when I go to install it... the terraria folder is missing from the "My Games" folder. How do I fix this?
You need to have Terraria installed for STW to work. Terraria will create the Terraria folder in My Games when it is installed.

I Have a question, sorry if this is stupid. Will our characters from Alpha and Beta save between different versions of Alpha and Beta and the Finished version?
We have plans for your character saves to be saved between alpha versions and possibly beta. You might have to start over when we start up the MP beta servers. We will most likely start everyone off fresh for the official release as it is too easy to cheat now.

1. That's untrue. The boulders spawned at random intervals each time I did it. First time it was right, middle left, middle right, left. Then I died and it ended up being something like left, right, middle right, middle left. So depending on various factors those boulders were most definitely changing their patterns on me whenever I died.

2. As for the door thing I have no idea either. It was as if a million chainsaws were going off and spawning infinite doors. I wrote it down here just in case it might be an issue to look into.

3. Yeah I didn't get anything in my chest either. I wasn't sure if it was just forgotten or didn't spawn properly.
1.The boulders are supposed to be a pattern as designed by @Khaios.

2. This is a know bug and will be fixed in the next release.

3. The chest reward system is in the works. Sorry for not finding any awesome loots!

I was able to grind money fairly easily with fishing. Agree with the other guy, though, Temple of Ra is stupidly brutal.

Meanwhile, I can't even go to the Fjord. After the first time I looked at the boat menu, it glitched. On all subsequent visits, only the button for East Island shows up.

Do you have a screenshot and/or able to reproduce this? And you are correct, fishing is great way to get cash.

Is there a reason terraria is missing from the "my games" folder? I can't figure out how to install the mod without it...
Terraria must be installed to play STW. When you install Terraria it will create a folder named Terraria in My Games.

Can you add support for lower resolutions (e.g. 800x600)? Currently, several different GUI elements are overlapping with each other, and it gets confusing.
There are no plans for this at this time, we might in the future if we decide to change up the GUI layout. Can I ask why you are playing in 800x600?

Will there be support for Linux coming soon? I am quite anxious to try this out !
Yes! In the next release we will include a Linux version! :guidesmile:

did anyone else mine their way to max mining in the very first tutorial cave thinking it would eventually turn to other ores like the instructions said then crafted all the ingots and found themself with max mining/crafting before the first mission? (oh, well that and like 20 lvls of crafting from arrows/torches/flame arrows)

may i ask if i could have the code just for the regenerating ores?? i would Love to use that in a lot of things

and yeah, a lot of "hidden" or "challenge" chests seem to be missing their stuf... that and Why cant i grap the mythical water bolt that is in the first NPC's house :',-',(

oh, just an idea on the monsters to money thing, why not make areas level monsters up, but give monsters loot upgrade chances (basically give them tables similar to the "inside a slime" loot table, but more often)
We have more plans for loot from monsters as they are a bit lack luster. We do not have any plans to share the regenerating ore logic at this time.

Thank you everyone that has posted a message and I'm sorry if I don't respond to each and everyone one of you, but do know I read every single message.
Just played through up through the Temple of Ra. Some of my thoughts:
  1. Mining feels very grindy. I'm not sure how to make it better, but faster level ups might make it feel better. I don't want to spend all of my time going from copper to lead to gold weapons and gear.
  2. The quest system is really cool. The only issue I have with it is that quest items can sometimes be obtained again, like the mushroom, but don't seem to have another use.
  3. The idea of unlocking potion recipes is cool, but it seems like a slow process to unlock them all. I also dislike how unlocking the recipe doesn't give me the recipe.
  4. I also like the level system for combat and noncombat tasks. It might be helpful if there was an indication when I reached the right level to do some new task and if the player was told what the point of leveling up was. For example, for mining, tell me what the next level I need to reach in order to mine the next ore instead of only telling me when I try to do something I can't.
  5. The Temple of Ra is really hard. I got through it, but I never figured out what the bottle was for and the checkpoints for the upper levels weren't working for some reason. I ended up having to turn on block editing in order to get the platforms for the checkpoints to show up.
  6. It looks like a lot of work has gone into this mod and I can't wait to see how it evolves!

PS: Anyone want to tell me how to access my normal terrara characters and worlds? I don't really want to uninstall the mod to do it.
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