Surviving in an early hardmode Pirate Invasion!


By early hardmode, I mean just starting hardmode.

To begin with, get someplace where there are NPC's. Pirates swarm the place where there are NPC's, so this is the place where you can get the event over with the fastest. Build an elevated square box, and mine out 3 platforms in the bottom of it. Make sure there are no places where Parrots can get in through the top or sides. At this point, you should be wearing the best armor of your class (Necro for Ranged, Molten for Melee, Jungle for Magic, unless you want to use the Space Gun, in which make use of Meteor). Get either a flail, bow of good tier (Hellwing or higher if you managed to mine enough hardmode bars), or a Water Bolt. Shoot downwards through the platforms, and make sure to take down the ranged pirates first. When the Flying Dutchman spawns, DON'T attack it. If not engaged by the end of the event, it will explode with all drop chances for weapons as they would be if you had killed it. If a Pirate Captain spawns at any point, run. Try to attack it, but don't let your health get too low. When it is dead, continue your regularly scheduled box strategy. When the event is over, praise RNGsus if you managed to get a good weapon or accessory, because those things' drop rates are ridiculous. Hope this helps some people!
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