TCF ~ How to get a high Like/Message Ratio

*Sigh*. Like-bombing has been forbidden for quite some time, yet I see it happening constantly.

Doing it in two minutes is what's forbidden. If someone takes their sweet time, let's say, a couple days, to do the same that caused the likebomb ban, then it's okay.

It's a bit like how dynamite fishing is forbidden in most places I've seen, even though it's just a quicker and more amusing way to fish. Why isn't "normal" fishing also forbidden? Because it's a slow and mostly ignorable way to murder fish.
1. Become friends with already popular people by liking everything they do regardless of the content (the investment phase).
2. Pick a fight with someone who says something which is not necessarily, but which can be interpreted as, no matter how far fetched, offensive, to you or one of your friends (the confrontation phase).
3. Get a lot of likes from your friends, regardless of the actual quality of your argument (the cabal phase).
4. Completely bash the member with your 'friends' with offensive-but-not-offensive-enough-to-deserve-an-infraction remark until it gets to a point where the staff can actually break up the fight without getting far fetched accusations of bias flung at them (the conflict phase).
5. Rinse and repeat (the conquest phase).

Thankfully this trend seems to have died down over the last months, but never forget...
Well, this doesn't help me at all, I try most of the time to post content, quality content if possible, but apparently being rather selective of what you hit like on, as in only click that for the things you really like, approve of or support and not doing this to some extent:
1. Become friends with already popular people by liking everything they do regardless of the content (the investment phase).
doesn't really help you get known across the forums, unless you come up with something completely original and excellent (with an effect such as The Confection or the Cyber, basically when biome alt threads weren't as widespread, or stuff like pyrantula).
Honestly, I've only seeked likes and wanted to spread the news about my sprite thread, because I want to do requests for fun. This statement also is to an extent a form of shameless self-advertising, as well as the big wood panel which covers my entire signature.
Anyway, in a suggestion or art thread, likes to the OP are the best way of showing your support of that something, because it's literally the first thing to be seen, and the number of likes on it is rarely overlooked.
It's a bit like how dynamite fishing is forbidden in most places I've seen, even though it's just a quicker and more amusing way to fish. Why isn't "normal" fishing also forbidden? Because it's a slow and mostly ignorable way to murder fish.
Not quite that simple. Fishing with a rod kills a few fish you can eat. Fishing with dynamite kills way more than you can eat, not to mention absolutely everything else in there.
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