That's right, at the end of September the forums will be celebrating ten years (!), and we thought it would be fun to open things up to our forum members - all newcomers (hi, welcome), those that have been here since the beginning (we salute you), and everyone in between (waving) - to plan the celebration.
Line up at the Party Center
, in a single-file queue and an orderly fashion, and let us know your thoughts...
Line up at the Party Center
Would you like to see some sort of "Ask Me Anything"? To whom do you want to ask your questions?
Things to keep in mind...
If you like the ideas that other have posted before you, make sure that you indicate that - either by "liking" their post or referencing in your own post that you like the idea (or both). It will help us know which suggestions are resonating with you. Although, just because an idea is the most popular doesn't mean that it is guaranteed to happen. A lot of other things come into play (time, effort, resources, availability, viability, etc). We will do our best though.