Other Team PsychoVerse Vanity Ideas

Greetings, fellow Terrarians. My name is Psychot1kA and I'm looking for people to team up with for the vanity contest. Currently it's only my friends and I working on ideas for submitting to Re-Logic. Feel free to join our discord server so that we may discuss what our submissions will be. I'm looking forward to listening to you guys' ideas. When we submit our vanity set, everyone will be credited. If you're not looking for someone to team up with at least take these tips with you, so that your vanity sets are more original.

What to avoid when making original vanity sets (most common submissions):

-Anything related to space. (Space suits, Astronauts, Cosmonauts, etc.)
-Copyrighted characters (Anything from anime, video games, movies, etc)
-Coronavirus/Chernobyl inspired costumes (Hazmat suits, gas masks, and other things)
-Crusader outfits (These have been done to death)
-Technology related things (Monitors, Cellphones)
-Military stuff (These also have been done to death)
-Trees (what else do I have to say?)

Update: 16/03/2020
After monitoring the recent posts, anything related to boxes has been done to death. I recommend avoiding these things to be more original.
You can submit anything, these are just some tips. I'd say using your own OC (original character) as a submission is the best shot at originality.
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