Mobile Teleporter and pressure plates issue...


Your Terraria Device
iPhone XR
Mobile OS
iOS 13.2.3
I have had this issue for a while and wonder when it will get fixed, yellow pressure plates do not work when placed on teleporter. I had to use a red one or a green one instead. Another annoying issue I have for teleporters that I rather use lever with, sometimes when swinging a weapon: sword, axe, etc. the game seems to "forget" that a lever is present.... I can put my "cursor" on the lever all I want and pressing the action button just keeps swinging the sword/weapon and ignores the lever. I can adjust my weapon to "aim only" or "aim and use" and it "may" fix the issue but most likely it doesn't. This issue very rarely also happens when standing next to a minecart track (cursor ignores tracks, but using the grappling hook always works great otherwise).
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