
Ever since I read this I've been wondering about the Moon Lord.... obviously he's not Cthulhu because he's got five eyes and Skeletron's got only 2...... I think the Moon Lord is actually LORDE from Calamity anybody else agree ?????? similar names i can't be the only one who noticed
I... Are you being serioius? I'll assume you're trolling... But in case you're not...Ever since I read this I've been wondering about the Moon Lord.... obviously he's not Cthulhu because he's got five eyes and Skeletron's got only 2...... I think the Moon Lord is actually LORDE from Calamity anybody else agree ?????? similar names i can't be the only one who noticed
Now, the Terraverse can finally exist. And since it exist, it can also grow. The symbol of this growth is the tree on the homescreen. This tree will be known as <Your name idea here>. It was born with our ancestor, will grow along us and die with our far descendents. This tree is the physical manifestation of Terraria. But is Terraria really a name ? Maybe Terraria is actually the first god. Who knows ? But what we all knows is that it is your destiny to uncover. But that is your story. The next page belong to you.
no i'm serious i think fabsol is going to conquer relogic his discord is growing large.... he's building an army open your eyes before it's too late...Wait what. I'm...
Confused. Questions. Many questions.
First of all...
Corruption and Crimson being forces of balance seems kind of odd since they try to consume everything. An all-consuming hivemind and literal evil-cancer aren't exactly one's definition of balanced in any form.
Also wait, the gods made both of those? Yet gave the Purity nothing to defend against either unless the "Core" Wall of Flesh is destroyed?
And even then only the Hallow to combat BOTH of these negative forces.
And Cthulhu... What? What?
I thought it had been stated before, canonically, that the Moon Lord is NOT Cthulhu (despite the True Eyes of Cthulhu saying otherwise) but barring the fact that the Moon Lord is not missing its brain or eyes... It's now suggesting that the Moon Lord is an attempt to revive Cthulhu? Despite it having no mechanical parts...? Those exact mechanical parts which were stated to be needed...??? And what? Presumably the Mechanic made the Mechanical Bosses but does that then imply that Skeletron is Cthulhu's Skeleton? Despite the eye sockets being way too small for the Eye and the skull being too small for the Brain? Also if that IS the case then what on earth is The Destroyer? The Eater of Worlds isn't an organ.
And okay so the Old Man isn't evil but is possessed by Skeletron or something, but... Aaaaaa???
And the Mechanic was working for the Dungeon despite the fact that she states she was going to end up like the other Skeletons and was tied up, unable to work on anything, getting attacked by the very skeletons... I... Wh...
Also why is the Brain of Cthulhu summoned by the Crimson Hearts if the two are wholly unrelated??????
Like, okay, I understand doing something neat for the anniversary but...
For "official" lore, this sounds like it was haphazardly made up on the spot with no consideration to how much sense things made with the actual game and previous statements.
RIP Crimson is Cthulhu's eldritch corpse theory and The Guide is The Wall of Flesh theory
and I dislike the bit about the mechanical brain not being done as a throwaway reason to never add a mech boss for the Brain of Cthulhu.
Like... Really.
This... This was a bad move. I feel like this is the kind of game that should never have had official, deep "lore" stamped onto it, unless it had been there from the beginning... Which this clearly had not.
Sorry for the tone of this post but, it just really really just leaves a bad taste in my mouth here to see so much love put into the game and... Then what seems like so little effort put into the official lore when finally deciding to give it some, while simultaneously ruining multiple fun fan theories and giving poor answers to questions nobody asked while giving no answers to questions people have been asking for ages. Ech.
I... Are you being serioius? I'll assume you're trolling... But in case you're not...
Calamity devs have nothing to do with Re-Logic. Calamity is not official in any capacity. Lord is a title, which multiple people can have without being related. THE LORDE is an intentional joke boss modelled after concept art of that mod's "Big Bad" Lord Yharim with googly eyes and crummy JPEG compression, which is or already has been removed, and was never at any point considered canon in Calamity's ludicrously dense lore, not to mention looking absolutely nothing like the Moon Lord...
Okay what am I doing, you were obviously trolling. Ech.
i've been trying to tell this to everyone all along... they didn't listen to me... they called me crazy, now the truth will finally come out. open your eyes sheeple.no i'm serious i think fabsol is going to conquer relogic his discord is growing large.... he's building an army open your eyes before it's too late
Please don't leave. No matter how "official" this is, and despite never having seen any of your lore, I can almost assure you whatever you have has had more thought put into it than this ... logical disaster.And with that, I take my leave.
Nice to feel like I wasted 6+ years making my own.
Yeah very funny. But seriously if he was that insistent on getting in charge of a game then he should just make his own gosh-darned game already.no i'm serious i think fabsol is going to conquer relogic his discord is growing large.... he's building an army open your eyes before it's too late
...Intestine... That makes... Some semblance of sens......... A very, very long time ago, I joked that the Eater of Worlds was Cthulhu's Small Intestine... I can't believe the official lore about the Destroyer actually implies I may have been right...
Also what's this about a mechanical *brain*?