Terraria Bad Ideas

Added pikathulu
Added cathulu's walking stick
Added cat lulu
Added final boss: dodo
Added windows phone
Added iPhone
Added android phone
Added the indestructible phone
Added spartan lazer.
Wait a minute, that last one was a good idea. Oops
Terraria :
Fixed : hack that could let you craft at a work bench
Added : Cthulu him self, not just parts of his own body
Added : you can now pay Bob the constructor or Handy Mandy to build you an "normal" house for once
Added : the fashion police to kill you in a hit because you are horrible at dressing your character
Fixed : bug that could let you quit the game to get a life, it no longer exits...
Added bosses : Zeus, Bill Cypher, Yo mama, The Teletubies, that guy over there, Death him self, Ossama Ben Laden (did I spell it right ?), Donald Trump, an crazy old lady, Rocky Baldboa :-D, aliens and predators, hot goat mama, dumb and dumber, you, Sanik and Snoop Dog
Terraria :
Added : sea turtles, but can now be easily killed (5 hp)
Fixed : not intense gore when killed by a shark or whale shark
Added : .......more ideas ?
-Li'l Hunter added

-Li'l Hunter Invasion Added. Invasion lasts for the entirety of the world's lifespan after spawning, and just supplies you with an onslaught of Li'l Hunters and IDPD Shielders.

-Changed game development status to "Early Access", then released it out of Early Access in an unbalanced form.

-All non Li'l Hunter and Shielder enemies are now medusas.

Am I :red:posting hard enough yet?
Mother of god, you are right minerturtle45, good one pieofcuthulhu :naughty:, for that, I bake you a pie, eye of cuthulhu flavor (yes, this is a bad terraria idea :D)
Terraria :
Added : every single part of the world will be hell, but not in the underworld apparently
Added : a new...oh my god, do you see that ? This post is the 666, Jesus christ, I am the devil !
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