Terraria Celebrates 6 Years!

Is it just me, or is that mannequin wearing accessories?
Looks like it
There's also living wood furniture, and root blocks. Dunno if they were in the game before. And that thing on the table that looks like a terrarium or a painting
I'm so excited for Otherworld, 1.4, and Terraria 2. I have been playing since the beggining, and it has been a great ride! Thanks for the awesome ride!
it's not fair that you didn't post this on the front page of the forums. you're lucky that i found this thread
EDIT: Turns out that this thread actually IS on the front page. I'm a idiot.
Happy birthday, Terraria! Here's to my favorite game!
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This game is the ULTIMATE proof that a pure 2D game can become a very good open world like Minecraft is ! This game prove to be good, with load of entertainment even if it is a 2D game ! This game proof that 2D pixelated blocks can be best at many thing !

Today, we celebrate the 6th anniversary of the big, beautifull, Tree of Terraria. This tree, from the start to today and even going later, proliferates with life and giving Terraria the feeling of freedom that as made Terraria what it is today !

Happy birthday, Terraria !

- From Xiarno, and my true name, Keven.
Every year, it gets exciting to celebrate how much older Terraria gets. Just like cellular organisms that grow and get bigger and improve. Terraria is almost sentient in this way as well. There is always evolution that happens with it.

I almost think that Terraria may have evolution as a major theme, looking at the updates, along with how the people behind the game along with Community continue to evolve with it.

Because of this, I love thinking of birthdays as Level Up Days, and this is an awesome Level Up day for Terraria indeed!
Happy birthday Terraria!
So far, the development on this game has been amazing and I hope it continues this way, although I don't doubt it will!

is there any cake?
Happy Birthday Terraria, wow this game is now growing from what looks like simple game with small content to massive, dynamical game..

and now its been 6 years and im here still stuck at fighting moon lord to get those luminites :D
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