So... I've got a message to the mods and the devs. You know all those thousands of people that bought the glitchy mess that was the 3DS version? ...Do we get a free update to the Switch version? Or at very least a [substantial] discount? I'm willing to bet this is a huge 'No, we want your money yet again', but I'm willing to hear what you guys have to say.
I'm a fairly reasonable person but I don't feel like I've been treated fairly. I waited patiently for YEARS for a release on Nintendo... then I get the 3DS version. A game that barely worked at the best of times. A game that, in the words of the original Terraria developers themselves, shouldn't have ever happened in the first place. Even now it's completely broken. I'm afraid to even play the game on fear of it corrupting. (I have previously played for over 200 hours, and then my file to refused to load - not only that but there's a HUGE amount of people reporting the same thing)
You guys know that the game [on 3DS] is horrible. The developers don't even have the balls to talk to us anymore. You know that you should put customer satisfaction first - and offer us jaded fans the chance for a free Switch version - after being treated so poorly. We paid the most money to be shafted the hardest. If you can honestly defend the 3DS version, then, please... I'd love to hear it. Truth is, it is a disgusting, expensive mess, and everyone that bought it at very least deserves the Switch version for free.
You're a multi million dollar company now, too. Please, be nice to your fans. If it wasn't for us, you'd be nothing.
Thank you.