Terraria conspiracy theories.


Official Terrarian
So I've been realizing a few things about the game and I finally came up with some theories:


So during a hardmode full moon, werewolves can spawn. We all know that a werewolf is someone who transforms into a wolf during a full moon which raises the question: Who were the people? There are a few possible answers to this.

• Pirates. The pirates appear to be some of the only characters in the game (besides NPCs) who are completely human. They are the most plausible candidate for the werewolves

• Goblins. The goblins are less likely as they are not human. They are however the most plausible explanations for the skeletons found underground and chained up in the dungeon.

• NPCs. Now this one is slightly more far-fetched but hear me out. When an NPC dies, another one takes its place, often with a different name. There seem to be an endless stockpile of NPCs to replace the old ones. The only thing that makes this explanation false is that none of the NPCs will turn on a blood moon.


The possessed is an enemy that spawns during solar eclipse. It could be a reference to The Exorcist or The Ring. It is a human figure with long black hair and white, blood-stained clothing. The name implies that the possessed was once a human that was... possessed. I have one theory behind this...

• V Costa Moura. This is the man or woman who painted most of the paintings obtainable in the game. I am only giving one candidate for the possessed as the prefix "The" implies that there is only one. My reasoning behind this is how bad luck and demons seem to follow painters (Vincent Van Gogh, The guy from Ib, etc.)


The merchant is an early game NPC who will move in with you if his requirements are met. He will sell various goods to the player. The Travelling Merchant is an NPC who will not move into a house but he will sell exotic goods to the player. However... Where did the Travelling Merchant come from?

(This one will not be in point form.)

The merchant has always referenced the price of dirt overseas. But what's overseas? We never get to cross the ocean completely HOWEVER we can fire projectiles past the boundary which means there is something past there. The pirates help support this as well seeing as they must come from somewhere. (As of 1.3, they bring a flying pirate ship.) There could be some sort of mystical island that we can't get to OR...

It could be the background.

There is so much in the background. Trees! Deserts! Giant cow skeletons! During the slime rain event, you can see slimes falling in the background which means that there IS land back there. I think that there is another race of people in the background that haven't shown themselves... yet.

(This is not meant to be taken seriously. These are some silly theories I came up with.)
V Costa Moura. This is the man or woman who painted most of the paintings obtainable in the game. I am only giving one candidate for the possessed as the prefix "The" implies that there is only one. My reasoning behind this is how bad luck and demons seem to follow painters (Vincent Van Gogh, The guy from Ib, etc.)
Name of Crowno, the lead spriter
The merchant has always referenced the price of dirt overseas. But what's overseas? We never get to cross the ocean completely HOWEVER we can fire projectiles past the boundary which means there is something past there. The pirates help support this as well seeing as they must come from somewhere. (As of 1.3, they bring a flying pirate ship.) There could be some sort of mystical island that we can't get to OR...
This is impossible, because there is only one block past there and then there is nothing, and unless the game code proves me wrong, nothing willl
Bone Serpents are just a myth.
I don't care about all the photographic evidence and the banners I got from killing them.
They're a myth. They don't exist.
Because I'm trying to make them extinct.
Bone Serpents are just a myth.
I don't care about all the photographic evidence and the banners I got from killing them.
They're a myth. They don't exist.
Because I'm trying to make them extinct.
Bone serpents are as real as you or I. What aren't real are the Martians. Aliens don't exist!
I have a conspiracy theory.
Pinky doesn't exist. (oh noes here we go again)

You know why? Pinky is your pinky finger, and if pinky is in the game, your pinky finger is not on your hand.
How could this happen?
Re-Think your Logic, Re-Logic!
What if...The Guide (Original and any after him) are actually DEMONS escaped from the under world? We have no idea where the Guide or the player are from, but it's possible they have some past, as they arrive together in your world (It is possible the Guide was there before you, and you just met.) What if before the player knew the guide, he was one of the under world's many demons, and each time a new guide comes to live in your town, it's an escaped demon? This could explain his vast knowledge of items and the world around you. He can tell you about hard mode items before you should even be able to obtain them, and demons have alot of exposure to those in hardmode as all biomes except ocean touch the under world eventually. Maybe because he escaped, Voodoo dolls were made of him to curse or torture him for this? I don't know, me and a friend were talking once about the guide being a demon and it kinda spiraled off. Another (And more plausible) theory is that the guide is simply your past character, coming to help the new player in their journey with his vast knowledge from his adventure. The question is then...who was HIS guide? Andrew is a possible name for the guide, and if I am not mistaken Andrew is the name of the creator of terraria, Red. He also drops a special hat upon death. Is it possible the first ever guide goes all the way back to Red, and the player he taught went on to teach another, who taught another, who taught another...

xD I generally find the NPCs kinda suspicious at times, and this is what ensues from me thinking too much into it.
Now I'm pretty sure that Mechanic girl got locked in the dungeon because she built the mechanical bosses as weapons, which Skeletron saw as a threat...
What if the Guide has absolutely nothing to do with the Wall of Flesh, and the simple act of sacrificing one of great knowledge will awaken the Wall of Flesh, the entity created by an unknown greater force to imprison the ancient spirits of light and dark?
As for how the Guide knew about the Wall of Flesh, I dunno, maybe he just reads a lot. Maybe the unknown greater force wrote a book about sealing the ancient spirits of light and dark.
As for how the Guide knew about the Wall of Flesh, I dunno, maybe he just reads a lot. Maybe the unknown greater force wrote a book about sealing the ancient spirits of light and dark.

What if the Guide is actually a magical purple pony disguised as a human, because he is best NPC, and Book Horse is best pony. Crossover confirmed.
Have you ever seen that video, "Redigit Plz" or something like that, from Pedguin's 1.2 adventure? When the Wall's eyes and mouth fly off the wall and into space? What if this happens in 1.2 because the Wall is going to become the Moon Lord? Think about it, on the moon, the eye find Lumanite, perfect for making a new body. He models himself after Cthulu and adds extra eyes and a demon heart. He even keeps his tounge and mouth very similar. He then recruits pillars from the far reaches of the galaxy, Vortex, Solar, Stardust, and Nebula. With his great power, he starts a cult following of five people told to approach the player when they've proved themselves by defeating the dungeon. With their sacrafice, which can be compared to the Guide's sacrafice, the beginning of the end is started. The four pillars then assult the area, and at the end of it, the Moon Lord. So through this glitch occuring we were all warned of 1.3's approach, with this great challenge. This could be why the cultists are called ancient, as they would have been around since the start of 1.2 or possibly even before. Conspiracy confirmed 1.3 confirmed 1.4 confirmed 9.001 confirmed Half Life 3 confirmed.
[Random theory from a random guy incoming]

Achievments were introduced in 1.3 and one of them says that you must "Defeat the Wall of Flesh, the master and core of the world [...]"
So the world core is a bunch of flesh
But, where that flesh came from?
In my mind, WoF is flesh of molten people, and that's makes sense when you see the Ruined Houses on the Underworld, the cabin's on the Caves, the swords shrines, the Dungeon, the cultist and their Mysterious Tablet (with the face of Chtulu), THERE WAS CIVILIZATION before the Player and the NPCs arrive there
So, when you defeat Wall of Flesh, it appears "The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released.", there is what i find the conection point
Wall of Flesh was sealed away within dark and light, so Terraria would not be destroyed by one or both forces, but in the same Achievment of Defeating WoF it says "
[...]who arises after a great, burning sacrifice.". The sacrifice in that case is the Guide when he have his Voodoo doll thrown in lava i think he randomly burns after the player doing it , this means that melting someone will bring awake Wall of Flesh, why? Because there is a new part of him, all that melt flesh that make him a bloody toasted wall on hell is those ancient civilizations who tried to keep the future safe by sealing away those spirits, and those spirits are really explicit when in hardmode, when Hallow and new dangerous creatures come in

So, resuming that bloody mess there
Ancient civilization knows that if they do nothing, s#it will happen and seal they selves within the spirits in the core of the world

Reading all this stuff made me think if I have a brain disease
Maybe the guide is the wall of flesh! He's the spirit of the center of the world with the spell being contained in his voodoo dolls, when they're destroyed he goes into a mindless rage from the sudden transition. "Destroying" him (bc how can you destroy the center of the world?!) Knocks sense back into him and lets him get his ess together restarting the spell with a waiting doll as the vector. Hence the once per day rule. :guidetongue:
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