Texture Pack Terraria Exclusive Edition


Replaces various end-game gear and items with exclusive content from old-gen console, Nintendo 3DS, and mobile Terraria.
Let me know what you miss from these old versions in the comments and I'll see what I can replace to add it!
But, no bosses, and enemy variants are iffy.

Steam Workshop:

No direct download, since it's probably gonna get updated and I'll forget to update it here XP
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Health bars - Old-gen console style health bars
Sunflower loading icon - Old-gen console loading icon
Shiny Stone - Valentine Ring
Hornet - Half of variants replaced with Dragon Hornet
Celebration - Roman Candle
Orange Zapinator - Zapinator
Super Star Cannon - Egg Cannon
Fruit Salad - Horn o' Plenty
Stardrop - Petri Dish
Junimo - Slime

Including localisation for all (English only)
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Birdie Rattle - Vial of Blood
Lil' Harpy Pet - Bat Pet
Exotic Chew Toy - Turkey Feather
Fennec Fox Pet - Turkey Pet
Baby Rattle - Old Walking Stick
Baby Face Monster Pet - Old Lady Pet
Monster Meat - Suspicious Looking Apple
Pig Man Pet - Worm Pet
Spiffo's Plush - Brain
Spiffo Pet - Zombie Pet
Glommer's Flower - Beeswax
Glommer Pet - Tiphia Pet
Lightning Carrot - Golden Seaweed
Volt Bunny Pet - Golden Turtle Pet
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