Maybe he meant that the Terraria Logo now has a colored outline.

Maybe he meant that the Terraria Logo now has a colored outline.
..though the Yorai and Cenx comments are certainly informative.![]()
Screenshotting everything relevant they said takes too long so I'll just list it like this.$50 internet dollars to whoever finds these comments.
$50 internet dollars to whoever finds these comments.
Pff. Rookies.
In other news!
( )
- New Loading bar. The above picture is from Cenx' profile.
- Kane hints, "there might be more to this than meets the eye". New biome perhaps?
- The symbols seem to represent corruption/grass on the surface, gray rock in the middle and orange hell/lava underneath. Remember, this update may have the Dante's hell facelift we've been waiting for.
- There are two loading bars, probably one of them is for the particular phase in generation ("adding more grass") while the other is for overall progress.
- Kudos to Criddle for noticing the colored outline on the top Terraria logo!
- The remainder graphics on the loading bar could also be a reference to new content, such as bosses, factions, helmets or other.
Initially, it seemed like the two ends were helmets of some sort, the right one a grass helmet with a sword and the left one more evil, perhaps just a creature head. The fact that both have a gem-like thing is interesting, speculation could lead to that being some sort of attainable trophy or object.
What's interesting to note is that the progress bar on top seems to go from Corruption to Forest, whilst the bottom one, indicating obviously that it's the underground below those two, stays gray and uncorrupted throughout the entire bar.
Chances are that the "fill" inside the loading bar on top is also gonna turn more greenish as it advances towards the green counterpart, but who knows.
The idea that the world might now revolve around itself also popped up.
I also had some thought about sky islands and height distances, but I forgot what that was.
There's also of course the notion that just like the progress bar, you're supposed to go from "corrupt to noncorrupt" to unlock something, but that would require a major game model change and isn't something I'd speculate in.
Neither is the notion that the underground will remain uncorrupted past hardmode, or is somehow supposed to become uncorrupted. It'd be more likely that the biomes have a continued development, possibly even a new biome to fight.
The loading bar might indicate that the Corruption is being made, but I doubt this, considering I think Corruption is made after Forest.
Notice that Hallow does not seem to be represented.
oh ehm uhm..
Maybe there could just be alternate blocks now, maybe part of the world spawns with one time, and others spawn with other types, like the moss.I've been thinking a bit about granite from one of the earlier spoilers. Considering it is an igneous rock, I'm trying to predict possible spawning locations for it. As igneous rock is formed when magma/lava cools and solidifies, it is possible to find it underground and in volcanic and mountainous regions. But that begs the question. Could we be getting a mountainous or volcanic mini biome in the update?
Or at least so I'd think, but I was under the impression everyone had been working at the game non-stop till now, and it seems Cenx was on a vacation (Not blaming her!) ^^
Devs are people too, of course.
Twas the Holiday season, after all.
My First Impression
This is pretty interesting. I love some of these features, as some are very useful.
I've been missing the ability to make gigantic screenshots, as have probably half the community given large constructions.
Another interesting fact is that, if I'm not mistaken, lighting seems to be significantly improved, which I condone.
I also like the rainbow torch, and the pink team is something I really want. I love pink.
However there are some features that I, if I understand them correctly, am very sceptical to.
Such features include the ability to craft using any ingredient in any nearby chest, for instance.
My bad, misunderstood! You can only craft from one open chest at a time.
The reason I feel sceptical to this, is that it kinda casualizes ingredient-gathering and crafting in the game. A game like this should reward creativity, and player choices should matter; whether or not you kept that daybloom, and how you figured out that you could craft something with it.
If you let the player create anything by simply navigating through different types of chests (say, one chest has all the plants in it, one has all the ores), players will just simply keep every item they find, not caring what it is and storing at least 1 or 2 of them, then expect crafting to give them whatever they need.
They won't know, nor care, what ingredients it took, unless it's something they need to replenish, and if so, they'll just look at what ingredients the recipe is using.
There's no such thing as exploring and actually legitly finding out these ingredients by chance or creativity. More on this below, on "Chest and Inventory Management".
But first..
The buttons introduced over the inventory slots seem to link to separate menus for different types of equipment.
I personally find them cluttery, and don't know if I like the idea of there being inventory slots for every sort of item, not just because that means craptons of items and menus to manage and clean, but also because it simply just makes "saving inventory space" not so much a thing anymore.
Overcustomization can be a thing too, you know. I want a player to have to choose, and it's easier to manage one inventory than several.
I also feel the placement of those menus needs to be redone. The Camera mode should be moved away from actual ingame items and equipment, kinda like the Settings menu is far away from the Inventory.
I love the pink team btw. I'll be pink team in multiplayer.
Chest and Inventory Management
As for the Quick Stacking to nearby chests, I'm not really sure I like it either. I'm sceptical. Making inventory management too easy is basically like there being no inventory management.
Let me draw out an exaggerated example.
Suddenly you get a Magic Item Mirror that lets you autostack whatever in your inventory, into your chests, from miles away.
Then you get a feature that lets you choose chest "types", so the game can detect what items to automatically "Deposit All" in what chest, depending on chest category.
Suddenly you never have a full inventory again, you just use the Magic Item Mirror every once a minute, and your chests get infinitely full and it doesn't matter what you do or harvest, because you'll usually have plenty of everything anyway.
Your inventory is thus useless, and you might as well just remove chests from the game and have an infinite storage menu with you for even easier management of essentially the same items.
See where I'm going?
If you make the game too convenient, you are essentially removing some of the core frustrations and challenges of the game. If you start making things automatic, you remove gameplay elements at the same time. I don't want inventory management to be a joke; I want players to have to choose between one item and another; to make compromises, to face challenges and deal with dilemmas. Not just rush through the game without a care in the world.
The dangers of the physical environment have already been terminated (Wings and horse shoe, platforming and the environment itself not being dangerous) which I felt was too easy. Please don't terminate a player's need to make decisions and be creative.
The Spoilers
All in all, I'm amazed at the work you guys have spent in the UI department. I wasn't aware you were that focused on the UI, and a lot of graphical improvements have been done already.
As for PR, I like that you smackbanged in a new big spoiler. The community's been thirsting for it - though to be honest, I think you focused a little bit too much on gfx.
Like I've said before, spoiling "everything in an area" makes that area uninteresting. Not that you have done so, but you certainly dwelled in the UI and nothing else has been spoiled. Therefore, if you're not into UI, this spoiler is not so appealing.
If you had introduced, say, a bit of UI, a new soundtrack (we all love soundtracks) and perhaps a few things here and there, there would be a ton more things to speculate about, people would be all over the soundtrack, and you would generally have shown that you're capable of innovating in all areas.
This is also part of why I criticised one of the previous Terraria trailers that showed all the bosses. What more is there to see if you've already shown us all the bosses? Same rule applies to UI.
Then look at what previous updates did...1.3, cause it is the only PC update since I've owned it.
I know about the others, I got them on mobile.Then look at what previous updates did...