Terraria Future and Spoilers Discussion Thread

Which update do you think was/is the most important one so far?

  • 1.1

    Votes: 113 13.7%
  • 1.2

    Votes: 352 42.7%
  • 1.3

    Votes: 358 43.4%
  • 1.4

    Votes: 1 0.1%

  • Total voters
I'm looking forward to the Portal Gun, as discussed in the Spoiler Thread back when it was on the old forums. Hopefully it makes the 1.3 release, and @Cenx might be releasing the unnerfed Rod of Discord.
Unnerfed RoD is my 2nd or 3rd largest priority on 1.3 I guess, in addition to a Demon Scythe upgrade, whereas a new Hardmode comes 1st.

@Cenx please give us!

I've been having a feeling that a new Hardmode equivalent will not be in this update.
I hope I'm wrong.
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What exactly is the Rod of Discord and what is this so called nerf?

As for what it is, it's an item that lets you teleport into any open space that you can see on your screen. When 1.2 first came out, the RoD didn't have that added debuff which hurts you if you teleport too often in a short time period.
You could use it to fly by repeatedly teleporting above yourself.

Not only this, but you could use it to travel in any direction at incredible speed regardless of silly concepts like "walls" or "monsters."

It was ludicrous, had no place in the game as a mid level item especially.
People make the unnerfed RoD seem bad, but honestly.. it doesn't give you that much of an unfair advantage.

The reason being that yes, it lets you travel exceptionally quickly, but at any point in the game, you'll be able to dodge bosses and their fire.
You can't use any weapons while using the RoD, and if you teleport too far away, the boss says bye bye.

It offered next to no help against bosses, and I found it more useful to just simply use the wings (or even Jetpack for max speed) to just dodge boss fire while being able to actually fire my darn weapons.

The one situation where RoD comes in handy is when you're exploring underground. You can find caves, but you have to guess, and depending on the circumstances, it can be a tedious process in the dark.
This, however, is no longer relevant, as the Shroomite Digging Claws can literally let you dig faster than you can fall. The RoD is useless at this point.
And with the new mining mount that lets you fly with full control while digging fast? Sorry, RoD is way behind.

People also argue that RoD is OP for PvP, which is also false for the same reason as it not being OP in boss fights. You might be able to quickly equip it to get away if you get stuck somehow, but experienced players avoid getting stuck in the first place - most regular, unmodded PvP battles also find place on the surface, I believe, so you won't get stuck that much. You can already go anywhere, pretty quickly, with wings anyway.

So if you sum it up, unnerfed RoD is more or less useless when it comes to competing in any specific area. What it does is bring a lot of convenience that may last until you have those tools - if you can manage to even get your hands on it, given its sick rare drop rate and the fact that any player who's not a pro farm builder will have to survive nasty underground environments and put many days, potentially weeks, of effort into getting it. Like I always have.

Put that into perspective - I facetanked Pumpkin and Frost Moon, but I found the RoD exceptionally hard to get, given its ridiculously low drop rate, and the fact that it's difficult to make a good farm for it when they teleport all over your face and you can't stand inside a single backwall.

And now that they nerfed it.. it's safe to say that it's 100% useless, especially end-game where, even if unnerfed, you'd have shroomite claws and digging mounts anyway.

That's why I think they should just outright unnerf it, so at least it'll be useful to some extent. If they make it completely end-game, it will still be useless, given how other tools get the job done quicker. You can't use it to get into the Temple anyway.

So honestly, I just want them to unnerf it and maybe put some extra requirements on it, or maybe let it unlock if you complete a certain event.

Maybe it could drop from an OP, super-fast-teleporting unnerfed miniboss version of the Chaos Elemental that deals sick damage and has a rare chance of spawning.
It'd already be unfair if the boss was hard to beat, and you'd have to wait another month for it to spawn again, so a miniboss-level difficulty would be plenty.




  • The Solar Eclipse event is a tribute to monster movies
  • New mobs in Solar Eclipse in 1.3, deadlier than ever! (Picture below)
Kudos to tulanh for posting this in the 1.3 User Interface thread!

Previously missed spoilers:

  • There will be an Expert Mode! Greater rewards in it too.
  • Item number 3,000 has been added to 1.3 a while ago
  • Also what looks like a proper Alchemy Station and fancy blue robe! (Or isn't that robe new?)
  • Some blurred sprites





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I can't wait for the new Solar exlipse monsters.
Mothra?! Seriously! totally bad :red:, but then where is Godzilla?
I am quite cautious, to be honest.
On one hand there is a lot of content being rumoured.
On another hand it looks like most of said content is at least Hardmode, and that thing is already packed full of it to an extent that I am only keeping things like Thorium+ because they expand pre-WoF drastically.

Although maybe we'll finally get a pure bladestone drop Cthulhu bossfight. That'd be rather interesting to see.
I am quite cautious, to be honest.
On one hand there is a lot of content being rumoured.
On another hand it looks like most of said content is at least Hardmode, and that thing is already packed full of it to an extent that I am only keeping things like Thorium+ because they expand pre-WoF drastically.

Although maybe we'll finally get a pure bladestone drop Cthulhu bossfight. That'd be rather interesting to see.
I don't think we're fightint Cthulhu, I think we're fighting something Cthulhu-related
I look back at all these spoilers and I'm piecing the update together in my head...

I don't think we're fightint Cthulhu, I think we're fighting something Cthulhu-related
If we don't fight Cthulhu himself, it needs to be something like the Hand of Cthulhu (not literally, Hand as in higher ranking minion) that utterly destroys us, and makes us want to cry and hide in our dirt shacks again at the thought of how powerful Cthulhu himself would be :p

EDIT: PERSONALLY, I hope that the Cultists try to resurrect Cthulhu, with 2 stages. First stage would be Cthulhu as the Cultists are chanting, in his corporeal Spirit of Dark form, then he'd regain a physical form and become either giant or just a bit taller then you for the final battle. It would be pretty cool if your NPCs could assist you in the final fight :P
If we don't fight Cthulhu himself, it needs to be something like the Hand of Cthulhu (not literally, Hand as in higher ranking minion) that utterly destroys us, and makes us want to cry and hide in our dirt shacks again at the thought of how powerful Cthulhu himself would be :p
_____ of Cthulhu is out of the question (In my books)
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