Video Terraria Hardcore Series (Now with a Semi-Competent Host!)

I like to think I did an alright job. Not my best work but it has it's redeemable qualities. It carries it's own PBG qualities while also being way more silly. It's solo for now but I plan on inviting people in later episodes. Suggestions always appreciated!
In the first video, at 5:30 more or less, you put a piece of audio that I found interesting, what's the name?
Hey there boss! At 5:30 about I use the song "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" by Nat King Cole. The song directly before that was the "Charleston" by Green Hill Instrumental. If you want more info about any other songs, I listed the music used in the Youtube description of each video.
Hm, I looked up those song's names, and I didn't found what I was looking for. I was reffering to the piece of audio that plays in about 5:30 in the first video.
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