"Terraria is a ripoff of Minecraft" comebacks

Minecraft's going to get much better once caves get updated.

I would hope so because all of the info I've seen on the game, makes it seem like it really needs fleshed out a lot more.

I mean, Minecraft reminds me of Terraria 1.1 in terms of content, variety of things to find, etc.
I would say "Minecraft started development in early 2009, Terraria started development in mid 2008 and Terraria has 3 times more content then minecraft, even when comparing 1.16 minecraft to Terraria on release."
Saying terraria is a minecraft rip-off is like saying csgo is a skyrim ripoff because skyrim has knives/daggers and so does csgo
terraria: here have a bunch of bosses, mini bosses, weapons, quality biomes, armour, accesories, damage classes, etc
minecraft: heres two bosses in which one of them is mediocre, 5 types of armour, a decent range of blocks, a hunger system, breakable tools, static health, plus 3d
oh and let me add, here have 3 different slightly different variations of every single biome, plus variations for those variations, you wanted more right?
I'm sorry since when does minecraft allow to collect FRIEKIN SOULS from killer robot death machines
definition of ripoff:
- a fraud or swindle, especially something that is grossly overpriced.

Minecraft costs more than Terraria

- an inferior imitation of something.

Terraria has better weapons, bosses, mechanics, boss music, and replayability.
I used to say "come back when your underground isn't the most bland thing in existence" but... that doesn't really work out anymore, does it?
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