"Terraria is a ripoff of Minecraft" comebacks

*Casually dosent be toxic on the terraria forums* I do actual play Minecraft though. I like terraria slightly better but I still play both. I think that the hate between this communtiny and the minecraft community should stop. Both are very fun games, and people who prefer one over the other are just showing their opinions.
Yeah, I don’t like comparing the games
Yeah I really don't understand the comparison. Terraria is all about gear/world progression and Minecraft is about building and farming. I like minecraft more but that's just preference and has nothing to do with Terraria being worse or a rip-off.
Terraria isn’t even a survival game. There’s no hunger system or endurance based resource management, and there is minimal penalty for dying on Classic and Journey characters (which are in fact the ones basically everyone plays). Many of what people call survival elements in terraria are actually sandbox elements which are a whole different thing, so Minecraft and Terraria aren’t even in the same genre beyond both being somewhat of a sandbox (but they also both lean into other genres so heavily that this comparison means basically nothing below a surface level anyway).
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