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They said that "we released ios early because apple will be on Christmas vaca" so why didn't they release gp update early? Gp had they're Christmas break on schedule too. Can't help but think that 505 is giving ios special attention. Makes sense since ios has more features like being able to buy multerraria having an in game recorder etc..

Noone is giving anyone any special attention. If they are, I am wholly unaware of nor would ever support such. 99.9% of the time people assume malintent when the truth is far more benign in my experience.

Until I get an answer on the "so...what happened to the GP update?" question that I have already asked, its all just idle speculation. :)
No, it also spawns on Android, but you have to remember, the monsters can kill the truffle worm and its also considered a monster itself, so try a battle potion and a water candle. :happy:

Ohh ok..I really need to build a proper farm..getting many mushroom grass seeds are so hard..but thanks again :joy:
Now Goggle Play say that my Mobile OS Version is not compatible for the latest Terraria Update. At this point i wont pay for anything on the :red:n Google Play store. I started to google some stuff and downloaded it. Feels good to get ALL Games for free. It feels good to spend nothing to this fa**ots. I'm out guys. Have fun with spending your money to the developers. You might "support" them. For sure.... :b
Yes! I've noticed these before the new update! All I get are those!

I'm getting ice tortoise and icey mermen or w/e. They're just rare.

Why can you become invincible and i cant?
Nothing that i have to become invincible works not even the titanium armor:sigh:

When you get hit, you start flashing and cannot be damaged again while you're flashing. Those are invincibility frames. Standing on a spike makes it super likely that any damage you're going to take is from the spike because it will hit you immediately when your invincibility frames run out, which makes you invincible to boss attacks during the invincibility frames. Standing on a spike works and so does standing on a slime / whatever else statue. Some boss attacks will probably get through but likely not enough to kill you.

Bugs that are probably lost in the rubble but haven't yet been added to the OP:

The Meat Grinder no longer drops as a crafting station. Instead it is an equippable weapon that, to my knowledge, can't be used to craft the flesh items that the meat grinder is intended for.

Recipes: You are no longer notified when you unlock a new recipe, and the icons under the crafting tab no longer have a visual indicator to show you which recipe is new - In short, when you unlock a new recipe, there's no way for you to know it.
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They won't spawn for me if I'm standing on the floor of my farm. I have to jump up to the platform and then fall down to see if they spawned underneath me. It's kinda weird that they never spawn above me on the platform
I dont get why not getting the RoD is such a big deal anyway. There are actual teleporters in the game that go much farther. Im waiting for this update because timers broke and now i cant make any afk frost/pumpkin moon farms. :((You may say im a cheater and to attempt it on my own but in my defence i have a laggy device)
I dont get why not getting the RoD is such a big deal anyway. There are actual teleporters in the game that go much farther. Im waiting for this update because timers broke and now i cant make any afk frost/pumpkin moon farms. :((You may say im a cheater and to attempt it on my own but in my defence i have a laggy device)

Meh, mostly just to say you have it.

Chaos Elemental spawn is super weird. I was getting them. All I did was build up the walls a little higher with pearlstone. And now they won't spawn. With a water candle and going through 3 battle potions, I saw zero. At least I will never need souls of light again. Why in the world won't they spawn here? Nothing but slimes and bats and the occassional sword.


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Now Goggle Play say that my Mobile OS Version is not compatible for the latest Terraria Update. At this point i wont pay for anything on the :red:n Google Play store. I started to google some stuff and downloaded it. Feels good to get ALL Games for free. It feels good to spend nothing to this fa**ots. I'm out guys. Have fun with spending your money to the developers. You might "support" them. For sure.... :b
Bye Felicia!
Every time I go into my main world the game crashes on me, is there anything that I can do to get back into my world

No. Your .world file is corrupted. Everything in it is gone. I started backing up my worlds at least once a day because I've had this happen three times since the update.

You could try clearing the cache (not the game data) and then try restarting, but that hasn't worked for anyone else with this problem that I am aware of.

Can you log in to that world with a different character? Try that to make sure it's the world that's busted and not the character.

You could try moving your .player and .world files to a different backup folder, then deleting the game data or re-installing and then moving them back to the folder you took them from, but again, this method hasn't worked for me either.
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yeah, give that a shot and if the world still doesn't work, sorry... It's gone. It won't do you any good to submit a support ticket either. They'll basically just say "thanks" and then mark it as closed / resolved.
My defence is 103 and duke fishron can't even kill me and I brought my friend and his defence is 78
I killed Duke Fishron in 42 seconds.
Please fix the bug where my game randomly crashes. iOS 9.2 iPad Air.
Also more bugs, Queen Bee seems to spawn twice when I only summon her once.
Is this supposed to happen?:
On the iOS version of the game the Travilling Merchant never spawns in. Since the update i have had him spawn in 4 times in 4 different worlds
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