tModLoader Terraria Overhaul - Gameplay enhancements and much more

Can you add third melee charge?
No charge - fast attack(current)
Medium - empowered attack(current)
Long - medium charge + fast click will deal another empowered blow
So basicly all KAG charges, instead of just two :guidetongue:
Also, why it lags when Im using melee?
It veeeeerrryyy laggy when using something like bladed glove and when there is a bunch of gore, even wooden sword charged attack causes lag.
crafted a modded sword and realized that it didn't shoot projectiles thanks to overhaul.
i really like your mod and your ideas don't get wrong, but is there a way to fix this?
i know that many swords, especially vanilla swords only shoot projectiles if you do a charged attack holding lmb.
So what all can catch on fire in this mod? and are there any blocks that can't catch on fire but have the fire spread to it?

Mostly anything that'd logically catch fire like wood, grass, etc. A notable exception I found was that Living Mahogany doesn't burn but glass does.
To my knowledge there is no such block that can carry fire but not itself be broken by it, nor any block that can spread/carry fire without being on fire first. To that effect I don't think there are any blocks that burn forever, either. Lava, torches, fire magic, and flaming arrows can make things catch on fire, but oddly enough, Living Fire does not.
It seems that modded versions of trees in mod biomes fall as the basic forest trees, and only drop normal wood, instead of their mod counterparts.
The first case is from Jenosis' Furniture, Food, and Fun mod, while the second is from Tremor Remastered. If not a fix, since that would probably have to be tailored for every mod, could the config have an option to disable the falling trees? The animation weirdness wouldn't bother me so much if I could actually get the intended materials.
I Have an idea maybe you could like make it so If your in a cave or in the coruption or crimson Or underground for too long Then You can like halucinate and see enemies you cant hit or Maybe your screen will get blurry
crafted a modded sword and realized that it didn't shoot projectiles thanks to overhaul.
i really like your mod and your ideas don't get wrong, but is there a way to fix this?
i know that many swords, especially vanilla swords only shoot projectiles if you do a charged attack holding lmb.
What sword is it and from what mod? I'm working on compatibility right now, so i'll just fix it.
the blood, slime and other gore is not rendered according to scale. that is a big problem when playing in 4k as it appears in the wrong position.
that's extremely weird, because it's scaled for everyone else..
some of the effects ive noticed are REALLY fast. Like, "you cant even see them" fast.
Turn off frame skip.
It seems that modded versions of trees in mod biomes fall as the basic forest trees, and only drop normal wood, instead of their mod counterparts.
The first case is from Jenosis' Furniture, Food, and Fun mod, while the second is from Tremor Remastered. If not a fix, since that would probably have to be tailored for every mod, could the config have an option to disable the falling trees? The animation weirdness wouldn't bother me so much if I could actually get the intended materials.
Huh.. I'll try fixing that.
I Have an idea maybe you could like make it so If your in a cave or in the coruption or crimson Or underground for too long Then You can like halucinate and see enemies you cant hit or Maybe your screen will get blurry
This isn't a solid gameplay feature and it doesn't fit this game.
I just got the Blizzard in a Bottle, but it functions as a Cloud in a Bottle. It doesn't have the visual effect either, but that's less important compared to the mechanics not working right.
In my play-through, I used shotguns fairly extensively and I do agree that most shotguns need a buff.

the boomstick is very weak for it's low clip size and long reload time, though I suppose the idea might be to get that 2 shot burst in and then switch to another weapon?
The regular shotgun is, eh, 'Good-Enough' in early hardmode. Mobs with a lot of defense will always be the bane of shotguns. Have you tried using Ichor Bullets?
The Onyx Blaster's raw damage honestly makes it 'good' even against the Moonlord when used properly. I used it against all the Mech-bosses, Planterra, and Golem to great effect.

The Super Shot gun?

Well... I'll just say; Prepare to be pleasantly surprised! Pair it with Ichor or Chlorophyte bullets and you are in for a treat!
(for best effect, maybe use a spell or melee weapon to apply the Ichor debuff, and then use chlorophyte bullets)

Can we even consider the Onyx a shotgun now?
Weaponout compatibility please?
Also while using bows, it's really annoying how my arrow disappears when I hold the button for too long.
Arrows disappear right after you hear the sound effect, that should be longer
What about third charge for sword attack, just like KAG(since apparently some sounds are from KAG, I assume you took system from it too :guidetongue:) I mentioned above :>
What about third charge for sword attack, just like KAG(since apparently some sounds are from KAG, I assume you took system from it too :guidetongue:) I mentioned above :>
I feel like adding that will make existing stuff feel less "contrasty and solid", and doubleslashes are pretty op. This ain't a pvp game.
I feel like adding that will make existing stuff feel less "contrasty and solid", and doubleslashes are pretty op. This ain't a pvp game.
Im fine with these.
Although, maybe add a shielding?It already exists, you just need brand of Inferno(which is pretty lame :guidesad: ) to shield.
All up to you tho
Could you add more config options please, I love your brutal doom take on terraria but there are just 3 things that are bugging me that there is on config option for, swimming, jump height , and the 0 invincibility frames. The swimming isn't advanced enough yet that I fell I should be using it instead of the vanilla option. The jump height I want to be disabled because it is REALLY inhibiting my ability to move around even with the climb feature. The whole 0 invincibility frames makes fighting normal enemies much more fun, especially as a player who exclusively playes ranger but for boss fights i'm a bit concerned because calamity has an item that eliminates inv frames and I had tried it out and I was instakilled by every boss. I have noticed you increased player knockback to help counter this but I can think of several times were bosses could literally suspend me in air with attacks so I would like there to be an option to disable that. Only problem is that i'm concerned that if i set the frames back to normal that the players knock back will also revert back to normal and that might effect rocket jumping which I'm a HUGE fan of, so if you do make the option please make frames and knock back separate options. Other than those things Id say that this is the best mod I have ever played hands down, more so than calamity and fargos.

Thank you for making such awesome mod, I didn't think anyone was willing to go this big and this bold for a terraria mod anymore.
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