tModLoader Terraria Overhaul - Gameplay enhancements and much more

WHat does it mean TO is compatibile with Thorium? No crashes, that's obvious but does it also mean that Thorium items inherit Overhaul features? Can I use power attacks with new swords, charge new bows, reload new guns? Do mod bullets bounce off metalic enemies? How added hooks behave, etc. etc.?
All mod items except guns and hooks should be overhauled. Bullet bouncing and etc requires help from mods' authors. They just need to tag the projectile as a "bullet".
So i got the Framework ran terraria and enabled the mod but when i enabled it it said "You've run out of memory, Game will restart in 5 seconds"
but after the 5 seconds it diden't kick me out it also brought up this console which blocked the entire screen with text.
maybe its cuz my comp is a toaster :/
So i got the Framework ran terraria and enabled the mod but when i enabled it it said "You've run out of memory, Game will restart in 5 seconds"
but after the 5 seconds it diden't kick me out it also brought up this console which blocked the entire screen with text.
maybe its cuz my comp is a toaster :/
Well, what it says. If you were reloading mods - don't, enable what you want and restart the game. That way they won't ever leak any memory. If it still doesn't work - you're either using too many mods or overhaul's just too big for your pc.
Is there any way I can improve the performance? I'm playing this with Thorium, Fishing 2.0 and some other small content mods. Everything is fine except my FPS which is at 30 when it's highest. My FPS with just thorium is 50-60fps
So i got the Framework ran terraria and enabled the mod but when i enabled it it said "You've run out of memory, Game will restart in 5 seconds"
but after the 5 seconds it diden't kick me out it also brought up this console which blocked the entire screen with text.
maybe its cuz my comp is a toaster :/

Yeah it didn't work thanks for helping though
Is there any way I can improve the performance? I'm playing this with Thorium, Fishing 2.0 and some other small content mods. Everything is fine except my FPS which is at 30 when it's highest. My FPS with just thorium is 50-60fps
Try messing around with frameskip and overhaul's blood/gore settings.
I can't seem to pick up mana stars when my current mana is over 200. They'll still spawn when under max but I can only collect them when under 200. intended?
So how do we handle sanity? I skimmed through the changelog and everything but i couldnt see anything on it. this overhaul is too massive lol It's going up way more than it goes down, and i dont even want to know what happens when it hits 10k.

Oh, so it is. Lol my bad, guess i never noticed it before i started using this overhaul.
There is a weird character model "doubling" while using dual-wielding mod. Not gamebreaking or anything but just a bit irritating. Is it fixable?

The mods are incompatible and it's listed.

Oh, sorry, didn't see that. Thanks.

Also, another bug which seems to occure because of "Item stats+" mod. While it's enabled guns' stats do not show up when you move the cursor over them. Works fine if that mod's turned off.
I get this error when I try to boot the game with the mod enabled or reload the mods, in both cases it's the only mod I've got enabled
Failed to resolve Terraria.GameInput.InputMode
at Mono.Cecil.Mixin.CheckedResolve(TypeReference self)
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.GetConstantType(TypeReference constant_type, Object constant)
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddConstant(IConstantProvider owner, TypeReference type)
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddParameter(UInt16 sequence, ParameterDefinition parameter, ParamTable table)
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddParameters(MethodDefinition method)
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddMethod(MethodDefinition method)
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddMethods(TypeDefinition type)
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddType(TypeDefinition type)
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddTypeDefs()
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.BuildTypes()
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.BuildModule()
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.<>c.<BuildMetadata>b__1_0(MetadataBuilder builder, MetadataReader _)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.Read[TItem,TRet](TItem item, Func`3 read)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.BuildMetadata(ModuleDefinition module, MetadataBuilder metadata)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.WriteModuleTo(ModuleDefinition module, Stream stream, WriterParameters parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.Write(Stream stream, WriterParameters parameters)
at Terraria.ModLoader.AssemblyManager.LoadedMod.EncapsulateReferences(Byte[] code)
at Terraria.ModLoader.AssemblyManager.LoadedMod.LoadAssemblies()
at Terraria.ModLoader.AssemblyManager.InstantiateMods(List`1 modsToLoad)
If you want performance improvements - get dottrace from the first jetbrains result in google and get me a performance snapshot file. be sure to install it as a standalone and not a visual studio addon.
this tutorial should be enough.
the snapshot's extension should be .dtp or .dtt.. or both.
It was impossible to get snapshots as my frames dipped to <5fps to the point I can't even point my mouse to where I want so I could only take snapshots with this mod disabled. I'll just give them to you anyways. Thorium and other content mods are still there.

Here is the snapshot when I'm running around in my world, and here is one in main menu right after the game started.


Something else I did was I increased my virtual memory on both hard drives. That made things a tiny bit better but not a significant change.

FPS with thorium: 50+ (with no mods I get 50-60fps with colored lighting at 1280x720)
OS: Windows 10
CPU: AMD 1.40ghz dual core with integrated graphics
RAM: 4gb
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Hello? i cant seem to activate the mod from the mod browser. ive disabled all and only tried the mod itself alone. the only thing that does is pop up this error
Failed to resolve Terraria.GameInput.InputMode
en Mono.Cecil.Mixin.CheckedResolve(TypeReference self)
en Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.GetConstantType(TypeReference constant_type, Object constant)
en Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddConstant(IConstantProvider owner, TypeReference type)
en Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddParameter(UInt16 sequence, ParameterDefinition parameter, ParamTable table)
en Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddParameters(MethodDefinition method)
en Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddMethod(MethodDefinition method)
en Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddMethods(TypeDefinition type)
en Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddType(TypeDefinition type)
en Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.AddTypeDefs()
en Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.BuildTypes()
en Mono.Cecil.MetadataBuilder.BuildModule()
en Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.<>c.<BuildMetadata>b__1_0(MetadataBuilder builder, MetadataReader _)
en Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.Read[TItem,TRet](TItem item, Func`3 read)
en Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.BuildMetadata(ModuleDefinition module, MetadataBuilder metadata)
en Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.WriteModuleTo(ModuleDefinition module, Stream stream, WriterParameters parameters)
en Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.Write(Stream stream, WriterParameters parameters)
en Terraria.ModLoader.AssemblyManager.LoadedMod.EncapsulateReferences(Byte[] code)
en Terraria.ModLoader.AssemblyManager.LoadedMod.LoadAssemblies()
en Terraria.ModLoader.AssemblyManager.InstantiateMods(List`1 modsToLoad)

anyone knows what could be the problem, my tmodloader and .net framework are up to date.

Edit: i tried to install it manually, the same error pops up
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