tModLoader Terraria Overhaul - Gameplay enhancements and much more

Multiplayer only issue with loot bags disappearing within a few seconds of dropping (unless picked up and then dropped by player).
  • Any boss
  • Any map (including a new map)
  • Single Player has no issue
  • Loaded only Overhaul mod and tested with separate PC server as well as Host & Play
  • Experimented with different settings for Overhaul (gore/blood, etc.)
  • Player movement seems to trigger it faster
  • Sometimes it won't even show up at all (disappears instantly?)
  • Does not affect any other item
Unsure if this is a me only issue. Love the mod and want to continue playing with a friend.

If anyone has ideas or I can provide more information please advise. I figure it is something to do with loot-bags being player-ID'd / netcode / item persistence..
Thorium doesn’t seem to work with overhaul
Also spirit mod doesn’t seem to be compatible with overhaul
Inadequate claims.
Overhaul causes my game to crash when I try to enter my world
Means nothing, post logs or at least crash messages.

Multiplayer only issue with loot bags disappearing within a few seconds of dropping (unless picked up and then dropped by player).
  • Any boss
  • Any map (including a new map)
  • Single Player has no issue
  • Loaded only Overhaul mod and tested with separate PC server as well as Host & Play
  • Experimented with different settings for Overhaul (gore/blood, etc.)
  • Player movement seems to trigger it faster
  • Sometimes it won't even show up at all (disappears instantly?)
  • Does not affect any other item
Unsure if this is a me only issue. Love the mod and want to continue playing with a friend.

If anyone has ideas or I can provide more information please advise. I figure it is something to do with loot-bags being player-ID'd / netcode / item persistence..
Wrote it down, but I'll be busy for ~10 days (I'll bugfix everything immediately once I have time).
Is there any way to confirm that this happens only for boss drops? The only 100% chance drops that come to my mind is from gold bunnies -- they always drop bunny paws.
overhaul it does not work for me, please.
fix this bug
Same as with Sky Fracture's message: Post logs or at least crash messages.
Found an issue with the burnt wasteland biome or whatever it's called. Its spawns overwrite any event going on, which is really problematic in pumpkin moons since there's fire everywhere.
EDIT: It also happens with wolves during full moon events.
Last time I investigated it, it looked like some tML or base issue. There are checks for invasions, no idea why they wouldn't be working.
So, there'is still bugs with music for me. Hallowed theme is remixed even with music remixes disabled, lunar invasion theme can be heard everywhere when pillars are alive and ocean's biome music is playing in the main menu.
Wrote the first two down. The main menu stuff, as already been pointed out, is a feature -- the playing track and menu's background are dependent on the current real life season.
Grappling hooks don't seem to be changed for me. I've used the normal one and the emerald one so far. Not sure what the issue is.
Is there any way to confirm that this happens only for boss drops? The only 100% chance drops that come to my mind is from gold bunnies -- they always drop bunny paws.

Tested - Bunny Paws drop and persist indefinitely on multiplayer. Boss drops like The Picksaw disappear (even if not at the same time as bags)
  • Loaded JoostMod for quest item drops - all quest items behave the same as boss drops (seemingly anything assigned to a PC in multiplayer)
Thanks for the reply - let me know if I can help with info.
Well. I'm having a lot of crashes, and my PC is pretty fine (i7 with 8gb ram), reduced max gore from 400 to 50, still having crashes without knowing the reason. Then a day, after a goblin invasion, i kept afk while my dragon killed all the enemies. Went down to grab all the stuff, and then the game crashed. I noticed it crashes a lot when have events like post-cultist (with pillars and a lot of stuff dropping) or invasion like events. Such as goblins, pirates, frost moon, etc. So... Besides the gore limit, could you make an item limit also? I had a lot of crashes with my friend in multiplayer, but when we played at single player, we also had crashes. I lost about 600 lunar fragments because of a crash. Was moving them into a chest, and after some time, it just crashed the game and when i re-entered the world they weren't both in my inventory neither in the chest, just some items were there. So, if possible, please, make an item limit just like the gore limit. The mod is pretty good, the only three things that i think you could change to make it even better are:

1: that item limit as i said.
2: storms are too dark, looks like is an eternal night, you could make at least the sky visible or an option to choose.
3: reworked items. I really liked the sound effects and such, but the items themselves i hated a lot, my SDMG's fire rate isn't so pleasing as before and i feel it a lot nerfed to be honest. And the items lost all of their "originality" becoming all alike weapons. Example: the Starwrath and Mewomere swords. Starwrath was amazing against worm bosses such as the destroyer because of the stars falling from the sky and hitting them while you were able to run. Now it just shoots straight projectiles that you can spam or hold it to release 3 projectiles. Meowmere was supposed to be a rainbow-cat-spamming-sword, but it have the same function as starwrath but it bounces. The same can be said to bows, there were automatic bows, or bows where you needed to keep pressing the trigger in order to fire again (like the bee one that i forgot the name), but now all of them have the charge function of press & released and the arrow goes at your feet, press and hold then it goes. Honestly, Summoner became the most OP class with the reworked items, lol. I know there is an option to turn them off (and i do), but i just wanted to give you my feedback, and say that you did a great work with the sounds (but perhaps there are some "too loud weapons" like tactical shotgun that you could lower the volume a bit), anyway... The sounds are amazing, but the rework i really disliked 90% of them, even arkhalis became a real crap weapon to me (in my opinion), half of DPS basically... So, if maybe someday you are interested in keeping the new sounds (some weapons returned to the old sound, some didn't) but also keep the weapons original. I'm pretty sure that not only me but a lot of people will love that.

Hi! I want to say I tested some mod combinations and this mods works very well together:


I guess all things that these mods contains is the upper limit that you can generate a map. If you enable one more mod with at least 200 items you can not generate a medium map.
If you could, could you add a config option to enable/disable the female chestpiece replacement with modified player rendering? I don't like how it modifies even vanity sets and is unavoidable without totally disabling the feature...
How do you enable meelee autoswing? Or if you can't, can you add a setting that you can enable it? Having problems with getting used to spamming left click.
My friend who is using the Butterfly Staff 1 and Living Wood Acorn from the Thorium Mod, can't, for whatever reason, hit Demon Eye's and Antlion Swarmers. The other mods we're using are Elements Awoken, Another Boss Health Bar, and Boss Checklist which shouldn't be effecting anything. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem, and if it is a Terraria Overhaul problem, whether or not you could fix it.
Hi! I want to say I tested some mod combinations and this mods works very well together:


I guess all things that these mods contains is the upper limit that you can generate a map. If you enable one more mod with at least 200 items you can not generate a medium map.
There's a known issue with bard class between Thorium and KRPG, where inspiration notes won't get used instantly like hearts or stars and will rather clog up inventory space.
It seems no one else is having the same problem im having. When ever i damaged an enemy, whether it be friendly or hostile, my game crashes. I have Calamity mod installed, and no other mods. If you could find a solution that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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Every time I attack something of fire a bow my game crashes and I get this message.

System.ObjectDisposedExcption: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name 'RenderTerget2D'

that is not the full message but it is the first line of it. I have downloaded the .NET Framework 4.6 and it still won't work?

But from not being able to play more than five minutes into it I think it is a good mod I just want to be able to play it. Please help.
It seems no one else is having the same problem im having. When ever i damaged an enemy, whether it be friendly or hostile, my game crashes. I have Calamity mod installed, and no other mods. If you could find a solution that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I also have this problem I hope it can be fixed
Yeap, same here.
New character and world. Reinstalled mod, .net framework, xna framework, changed video modes, settings and i still get the error.
I have a few mods installed but this is the only enabled mod in Terraria.


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I'm having a very annoying problem with seasons right now.

So when I started a new world for some reason it started me out on summer. I didn't think anything of it but I've realized that I've been stuck on summer forever. The days will sometimes count up but then suddenly it will go back to like day three from day six or something and will never make the transition to august.

This is the only mod I have installed.

Edit: I installed HERO's Mod and used it to skip a few days and it seems the seasons have gone back on track for now.

Edit 2: I figured out what's happening sort of. Anytime I exit the game when I start it up again the amount of days that have passed gets reset and it goes back to the first day of summer.
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