Texture Pack Terraria: Retro Edition


Old Terraria textures from a bygone era

I know it's been done multiple times before, but I strive to make this pack stand out from the rest. Right now it includes every texture that was in 1.0 through 1.2 (except the armour, some mobs and some NPCs, since they're hard to format; but I'll do them at individual request!), but I want to expand it to include EVERY SINGLE TEXTURE. I'm mostly doing the textures at request now, so if you see a problem, a glitch, or have a specific texture you want resprited to match the style, just let me know and I'll put it on my priority list!

I'll get more and better pictures, I swear! 😅

Some of the textures were done by the creator of Oldrarria, and of course the original textures were by Re-Logic, so much credit to them.

Terraria: Retro Edition Steam download:
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Reformatted some of the sprites so they work and made all the water blue
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small note, you seem to be adding a lot of padding to sprites, which will cause the items to appear smaller than normal, and have their hitbox extend beyond the edge of the item.

i wonder if this is the one case where mixel crimes are worth the sacrilege...
small note, you seem to be adding a lot of padding to sprites, which will cause the items to appear smaller than normal, and have their hitbox extend beyond the edge of the item.

i wonder if this is the one case where mixel crimes are worth the sacrilege...
Yeah I ended up upscaling or editing a few of them afterwards, which makes the pixels look bigger or the sprite less accurate, but it makes it more pleasing to the eye since it fits better
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Redid some more textures, including torches and other lights (just removed flame animation for other lights), some ground debris, some tables, some workbenches, and more. Still accepting requests.
Made most of the tree wood trunks the same colour (not the items or blocks), changed underground backgrounds, other sprites
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Added the old dye textures, fixed sunflowers (again), added old molten armour chest, bows, guns, statues, removed falling leaves
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Added the beloved 1.0 puffy clouds. I left the 1.2 clouds in the files, so you can swap between them if you want, if you can find them
Added the base game Shadow and Jungle armour textures back as the ancient armour and added localisation to revert numerous name changes (including the Volcano -> Fiery Greatsword)
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