Pixel Art Terraria Spriting Carnival 2

I redesigned my Stardust Elemental Staff

With a White Border
Platinum was little updated in 1.3.1 or 1.3.2. I don't know correctly. I don't know if it have different colours of not , pink outline of the armor was added for sure. Your pink outline is somehow very bright or how I could say it.
To be honest I don't like your variant, even I didn't like your revamped variant of classic hardmode armors, they didn't even fit Terraria. I don't think updated armors need to have different shapes to make them look awesome as others. It maybe only need better colours , like Mythril armor needed.
Platinum was little updated in 1.3.1 or 1.3.2. I don't know correctly. I don't know if it have different colours of not , pink outline of the armor was added for sure. Your pink outline is somehow very bright or how I could say it.
To be honest I don't like your variant, even I didn't like your revamped variant of classic hardmode armors, they didn't even fit Terraria. I don't think updated armors need to have different shapes to make them look awesome as others. It maybe only need better colours , like Mythril armor needed.
I guess I will take a shot at making some changes then though I will reuse parts of the chestplate in another set because I liked how it looked just not the palette I paired it with
So i thought i would try my hand at re-spritng one of my sprites on here and this is how it came out
Re-Sprite 1.png

Now this is only the first one as i plan on updating this until i can get it right but a huuuuge thanks goes to S0ren for his re-sprite of this sprite that gave me the idea and motavation of even trying this and also the kind words he gave me that helped me get more into this as well
<-----Made by S0ren
I tried not to go too much off of his re-sprite and the one i made was based of the original i made but it kind of turned out to look like his :P no copying intended i just went off of it too much :D I will most likely update this later on since as said before i will be working on this sprite until i get it right :D
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