Terraria: State of the Game - January 2019

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All seasonal items should be removed.
I don't think they should be. Some of the more interesting stuff should be ported over to the other platforms instead. Terraria needs more seasonal stuff as it is.
I don't think they should be. Some of the more interesting stuff should be ported over to the other platforms instead. Terraria needs more seasonal stuff as it is.
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I want that Chinese lion costume for my character, dangit. But the Chinese New Year stuff was never even really implemented into the mobile version. It was in the code but could only be obtained by hacking or modding. Console version had an arch wyvern as an exclusive mob and they took that from us, too XP
What about the 3ds version? Any news on that? It kinda feels like it's being left behind. There hasn't been any update for it in over two years. Will mounts ever be available? And pinky doesn't drop the pink gel so that leaves out a few recipes. And the pocket watch isn't craftable either.
What about the 3ds version? Any news on that? It kinda feels like it's being left behind. There hasn't been any update for it in over two years. Will mounts ever be available? And pinky doesn't drop the pink gel so that leaves out a few recipes. And the pocket watch isn't craftable either.
It is left behind. They announced long ago no further support was being provided to the 360, PS3, WiiU, Vita and 3DS versions of the game. Only PS4, XB1, Switch and mobile devices are continuing to receive updates.
Will the 1.3 update on mobile get rid of your 1.2 update status and make you restart

Just wondering because I've been working for years on my guy and level and want to know if I'll loose my account
Console version had an arch wyvern as an exclusive mob and they took that from us, too
Arch Wyvern.png

That thing looked good too! I can only hope that some day that some of the removed content will make it back into Terraria in some form across all platforms. It'd be a real shame if it didn't.
Will the 1.3 update on mobile get rid of your 1.2 update status and make you restart

Just wondering because I've been working for years on my guy and level and want to know if I'll loose my account
The plan is that your existing character and world saves will stay safe. A bit ago, DR Studios (the mobile developers) requested save files from the community so they could test how current worlds converted in the new update - they received more than 2,000 files. They are doing all they can to keep existing characters and worlds safe.
Will the 1.3 update on mobile get rid of your 1.2 update status and make you restart

Just wondering because I've been working for years on my guy and level and want to know if I'll loose my account
You should not lose any items. Your files will be converted to the new update. You should still get a backup of your world before updating incase.
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