Terraria State of the Game - January 2025

I'll let this update be delayed by 10 years if the Hardmode V is made not :red:
They already stopped the evils from permanently damaging the jungle so I think the only major problem left with it is that the jungle can eat the hallow and ruin it. You can just do sunflower spam and npcs will still live in evil biomes if you do, so imo there’s not too many issues left.
They already stopped the evils from permanently damaging the jungle so I think the only major problem left with it is that the jungle can eat the hallow and ruin it. You can just do sunflower spam and npcs will still live in evil biomes if you do, so imo there’s not too many issues left.
I thought pylons still didn't work in the evil biomes?
I thought pylons still didn't work in the evil biomes?
They do if enough sunflowers are nearby and if the biome is hybridized with the correct one (meaning only Forest pylon doesn’t work iirc). All pylons care about is having 2 npcs permanently near them and the correct biome being involved in any way.
Would take too long to go in depth here but the 5 bosses which need it the most are Moon Lord, Destroyer, Plantera, Deerclops, and Queen Slime in my opinion.
I don't think these bosses need overhauls, just some minor tweaks:
  • Fix the moon lord socket cheese
  • Make it so the destroyer despawns if you are too far away from it
  • Make it so plantera will only despawn if you're farther away
  • Make plantera shoot out spiky balls in phase 2 and possibly other projectiles
  • I think queen slime is a pretty good boss, maybe her loot is too powerful for pre-mech? I don't think that's a problem with the boss fight itself though.
  • Make golem enrage outside of the temple
  • Never fought deerclops in normal progression so idk about him
The bosses I do think need overhauls though are fishron and EoL, their attacks are just too predictable. Fishron ruins progression because it's easy enough to kill pre-mech, and the EoL just straight isn't a fun fight, it's just memorising patterns with a ton of leeway. Maybe add an Ice Queen-esque random bullet hell attack to fishron that's hard to avoid and would make killing it pre-mech much harder? Or make the empress of light summon gastropods or something so you have to avoid their random lazer spam too.
IIRC, it does enrage outside of the temple. It's just not very impactful.

EDIT: yep
He enrages outside of the underground jungle, not outside the temple. The optimal strat is to build a large arena close enough to the alter room that you can recall/hoik to it without despawning the golem, and fight him there. It turns him from one of the hardest bosses in the game to one of the easiest.

But yeah, they should make the enraged golem more powerful too, maybe make it have end of phase 2 lazer spam and constantly jump on top of the player every few seconds.
He enrages outside of the underground jungle, not outside the temple. The optimal strat is to build a large arena close enough to the alter room that you can recall/hoik to it without despawning the golem, and fight him there. It turns him from one of the hardest bosses in the game to one of the easiest.

But yeah, they should make the enraged golem more powerful too, maybe make it have end of phase 2 lazer spam and constantly jump on top of the player every few seconds.
Ahh, I missed that part about outside of the U. Jungle vs outside of the Temple itself.

EDIT: one attack method I suggested before was implementing something similar to the Stynger weapon, where it would shoot Stynger bolts that explode within proximity, scattering shrapnel in random directions. This would only occur when you are above the Golem, causing the player to choose between running along the ground or flying.
I think queen slime is a pretty good boss, maybe her loot is too powerful for pre-mech? I don't think that's a problem with the boss fight itself though.
Queen slime fight is pretty wonky but that's also why it's my favorite boss fight so I don't really have problems with it.
If I could rework any boss I would rework twins, retinazer is impossible to avoid so you just have to hope you don't get hit, and spazmatism just puts a weapon range minimum on the player with its dumb fire breath move. If your weapon doesn't reach farther than the fire breath then you're pretty much cooked.
The developers themselves wrote that they still have a lot to do, fix, and discuss whether they have added everything.
So, given the previous expectations (release in 2023), it would be a miracle if the update comes out at the end of this year.
Yea they keep adding more and more and have a another crossover planned on top of the still not released Dead Cells one.

And ReLogic refuses to split the update into parts.

So yea expect this update realistically in like late 2026 best case hopeful scenario.
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