*slowly scrolls down to the ps4 section*
oof... uh... little barebones there...
that's it? "quality of life coming soon!"?
i mean, i appreciate everything pipeworks is doing for us, but they really don't have even a tiny word of encouragement? like "now that the QoL update is pretty much done, we'll now begin work on 1.4!" or something like that?
it's just... REALLY hard to find much to look forward to during this year, especially when you feel like you could cease to live at any moment...
...anyway, hopefully one of the things 1.4.1 is getting is my idea for a new clentaminator solution for turning dirt into mud so we can restore the jungle, that'd be a welcome addition, i'm sure.
i love this game, re-logic, and pipeworks... hopefully i'll get to see what they all have in store for us in the future.