Terraria State of the Game - July 2024

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Why do you sound so hostile all the time when someone screws up like not everyone has the exact same memories and mindset as you
I'm really sorry for sounding hostile. But the lack of a release window for the update besides a WHOLE YEAR OF RANGE is REALLY driving me insane! Also, I wish I could post a poll in the thread so people could guess which of the remaining 5 months of 2024 1.4.5 might release in!
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I really like how jungle vines and grass can grow in the temple now. I like how it seems overgrown, like the dense rainforest outside is spreading in. I also hope those lanterns appear naturally, those look really nice.
Y’know, considering the new Whip is prolly gonna drop from Plantera (or could be Expert Mode exclusive, idk-), that makes me wonder: could other bosses have gotten new items added to their drop pools in 1.4.5? :3
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We can also pass the time by making up meanings for gibberish words like Giasfclfebhebhr or Gegagedigegagedigo or Weiuhqiuhajaknsjnogheu or Fliggoogiggoo or Gerbleebablop or Eidalfitr or Loogerboogerhowowiwah or Honkadoodoo! Or have y'all not succumbed to THAT level of insanity yet?
Hmmm after seeing the new Jungle temple i wonder... Will we be able to transform into a Lihzard?

I hope there will be a lot more transformations if i'm being honest. Maybe zombie, skeleton... Heck maybe even the Lost Girl to troll friends
That sounds like it’d be really fun! ^^ Maybe there’ll be a specific item or accessory that allows you transform? Kinda like the Celestial Shell?
That sounds like it’d be really fun! ^^ Maybe there’ll be a specific item or accessory that allows you transform? Kinda like the Celestial Shell?
Or maybe a mount?
Honestly i can't remember if the devs told us how the bat and rat transformations work. But Lilith's Necklace is a mount so i guess it's going that way :guidesmile: I'm very hyped! The update will add a lot of new fun things. First thing i'll try is the whole vampire thing
Alright, I know that I am asking for a lot here, but I am a long time Souls and Terraria fan. I finished playing through the Elden Ring DLC and jumped back to Terraria after many months away from it and making my own game(s). I will provide feedback on these ideas to implement them cause I would love to see this in this final Final, FInal, FINal, FINAl, FINAL Update.

Firstly, I would love it if you could toggle projectiles On/Off Melee weapons to use a pure melee variant of the weapons. I prefer pure melee over the projectiles after I have already used the weapon a couple times. I like to get up close with boss fights and dodge them head on.

Secondly, There is only one shield (technically two counting Sargent United Shield (great weapon btw)) that can block, I wish we could block with all shields like a parry function to avoid damage, but they don't need to provide a buff of bonus damage I just want to block with a shield other than the one or Sargent United Shield.

Thirdly, this is probably a controversial one or mabey even a no-go, but my biggest ask here and the feature I would love the most is Weapon Upgrade & Progression. I want to use my Wand of Frosting and Sparking against later bosses (somewhat) comfortably at least do enough damage that it doesn't take an hour to challenge fight a boss with an overly underpowered weapon like copper short sword vs Moonlord. Gungnir, looking at you.
My idea to make this a reality is each boss can drop a consumable or crafting station upgrade for current (likely demon alter) or a new station designed to upgrade weapons and it will upgrade all weapons or weapons you take manually by a percentage each time the consumable or upgrade is applied and the later in the game the weapon is obtained the less of a damage percentage from each upgrade it gets this way you aren't getting a 900% damage bonus on your endgame gear and dealing base damage over a couple thousand. This is just a feature I would love to have because some of my favorite weapons are early/mid game and I am always sad that I can't use the weapon comfortably against later fights. This would add endless replay ability to the near limitless replay ability I have currently with the game since 2011.

Lastly, the idea follows from thirdly and applies it to armors, this way you can use different armors and utilize armor and set bonuses opposed from the couple armors you get in late game.

The least I ask is blocking with sheilds and ability to toggle sword projectiles

I am sure this might not get seen and if it does probably not to be features for terraria, but I love the idea to be able to use everything the game has to offer and being able to allow all weapons (like all souls games) a damage that can keep up with everything else to some degree would be a Terrarians (me) dream come true. I am busy making models and trying to code for 2 games though, so I hope to see the team doing well and enjoying crafting the update to release sometime soon within the year or so-
Are those vines in the temple now naturally generated or just there for flair? If it's the former I'll be extremely happy, since it gives it some nice extra detail

Also those Pwn Hammer cards look amazing, can't wait to get one with my pledge​
Wait, is the jungle temple actually getting a REVAMP?! I have waited for this for so long! Even if it's just visuals I can already see a huge improvement. Not only is the lihzahrd enemy getting a new look, but also the bricks will now seemingly have some moss growing on top plus vines will spawn. This will help make this place more abandoned and wild. I'm hoping for some mechanical/ structural changes as well since currently the temple is the most bland and forgettable biome necessary for progression
I'm happy to see even more whips too. Some might say it's bloating the weapon pool but to me having so many cool options to choose from is good. The game already has tons of somewhat pointless swords, staffs and bows and these whips will actually have unique functionality
I'm a little more mixed on the new voice changes. I do of course like these new options but isn't it being an accesory a little annoying? I'm assuming it can be used in a vanity slot but your accessory space is still limited
With all these teases I'm getting more and more excited for 1.4.5. I really hope we aren't that far from release :rslime:
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The whip spoiler is beautiful! Did you try to get the mossy sign grave and have to record that multiple times until you got the gravestone that went with the new temple stuff?
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