That was actually why I brought that up since that is one of the mechanisms I like the most about the game but come endgame the options drastically decline as the strongest lunar tier stuff is all fairly simple. Post Plantera Solar eclipse, The Empress of Light, Duke Fishron The Holiday Moon events, Martian Madness and Tier 3 Old Ones Army...There is also no Dart weapon at that point of progression and it always seemed odd that Moon Lord dropped two sentries. So my "complaint" more has to do with weapon subtype diversity i.e. I wish there was a weapon options for each of the major sub class archetypes. If it were up to me I would probably add a few weapons even out the options for things like the holiday moon events:
Once you start getting toward the endgame in videogames [and this is the case with nearly all of 'em], the path to progression starts to get pretty narrow. There's typically an "Ultimate Weapon" Players inevitably land on,
if they want it, and of course the option to ignore them [best weapon(s)] is almost always on-the-table, to include some other
obscure techniques with "lesser items" that make them competitive [i.e. Gravity Potions/ Mounts vs. HM Wings].
I've suspected for a while now that EoL is
about post-Lunar Pillars tier, if not equal, with competitive items and gear
to about said level, even if
that's debatable, it's tough to argue against her having the best "Wings" in the entire game. To a certain extent, there's plenty of capable "endgame items" and Weaponry, but if you're gonna min-max, there are obvious choices. However,
for context(s) sake, I personally consider the Tier 3 DD2 items to be "endgame gear" [to include the War Table getting buffed with 1.4.4]
The Pumpkin Moon has basically nothing for melee besides the situational The Horseman's Blade, A spear formed from a branch of a Mourning Wood and a Greek Fire magic item would fit pretty well giving something for each class archetype...The Frost Moon has literally nothing to offer for Summoner focused builds despite the Ice Queen and the Flocko appearing to have been a perfect choice for a Ice Queen based summon.
Bias as it may be, I find it
very difficult to feel sorry for Melee Class, considering the fact that it almost-always has branching upgrading paths throughout the entire game [Night's Edge vs Excalibur for example]. Melee even has distinct playstyles, totally outside of just having a Unique Weapon.
- Sword
- Spear
- Hatchet-type/ Boomerang
- Yoyo [with an entire dedicated kit]
- Flail
The Solar eclipse is also extremely melee focused too as all but two weapons obtained/crafted are melee focused but given the general horror thematics of the event This honestly doesn't bother me with the exception of Mothron and the gigantic piles of broken hero swords you will never use unless you have a lot of spare iron to craft toilets. They would be perfect for Sky Fracture and Blade staff upgrades and a ranged option based on a borderlands reference of the swordsplosion(i.e. the shot gun that fires swords) would frankly fit amazingly with Broken Hero swords. (IMO crafting materials have been underused in general post Plantera)...And there are admittedly a few more thematic things like the lack of a shock spear from Martian madness feeling like a missed opportunity with the Gigazappers or a Martian Sentry and the Martian Engineers who literally build sentries.
If I'm following correctly, it seems as if the Devs plan on adding even more Melee Weapons with a Monster Hunter crossover. This may or may not happen [officially], but it's rare that the Devs
underdeliver on their ideas, so even if MH doesn't come to Terraria, there'll likely be
some-kind-of newer Boss/ Enemy that competes with tiered,
already-existing content.
You just might get your "Lighting Spear"...
Yeah it definitely was strange how it was so class specific in the first place when all the other expert drops tend to be class neutral. For me it is mostly a problem with the loss of an interesting weapon even if that weapon was at a place where it didn't fit.
Yeah, but I'm starting to understand that nearly everything we got with 1.4+ was a "package deal". Some changes were great, others were debatable, but it was
undeniable that Terraria ended up being a better game for it [to include some of the tragic changes that were thankfully reverted].
Remove/ change one feature, add 20 more + improvements; I have to be a fan of that,
even if it's hard...
I do have to admit I have a bit of a second biased reason in that the item could help fill out Skeletron's standard loot pool because I hate that chance to get nothing for killing Skeletron namely because you can only do one attempt to kill per night. Among the progression mandatory bosses aren't Skeletron and the Eye of Cthulhu the only ones that don't offer something for each of the major 3 non summoner class archetypes? EOC isn't a problem given that it naturally only drops crafting materials outside of Expert (excluding the odd case of dropping unholy arrows on Corruption worlds w/ no crimson counterpart)
Good question, but the only answer I can give is "retcon". Summoner was-at-first
one specific thing, and then became
something else due to fan request(s). I always saw it as an Easter Egg Class, one that you figure out how to navigate once you're more familiar with the game [like an unlockable character]. Most of the Classes items were hidden and obscure [some still are], but it's a bit more prevalent and visible now, while also still being obscure [e.g. Blood Moon Fishing/ Desert Biome Chest], which can get pretty confusing for a newbie.
Honestly, with the addition of Abigail [10 minute Sentries], the new War Table [10 minute Buff Stations], I think Summoner is
pretty much covered, but I also felt that way in 1.4, so it holds little weight.
Basically I have a bit of OCD petpeeve about how disproportionately different classes benefit from content particularly in the case of main progression
kinda get it but, I always felt that-
that was the idea, optional content
depending on which Class you were playing is exactly why each playthrough should feel different. If an event doesn't have something you want, skip-it. Each Classes adventure should take certain detours, why homogenize them by making everything
Interesting perspective in this context I definitely have a strong case of progression bias as a bit of a collector. I generally don't dislike fishing so its not been ignored by me at least once I get a halfway decent rod (The Evil fishing rods being my bare minimum because wood and metal just plain suck lol) I do hate the angler quest system as a source of certain informational accessories but that is another issue.
Well, I do know that his gift giving mechanic is getting buffed, but I don't know if "reward item rarity" was ever mentioned.
The game has certainly added a number of interesting ways to progression most of them aside from fishing are quite limited aside from profit making it all is part of the series charm making it my favorite game. As I had mentioned though I am somewhat bothered by certain inequalities in the game in terms of weapon archetypes since there are a number of weapons that feel more fun or enjoyable to use but don't get a subsequent appropriate upgrade.
Fair enough, but I wouldn't go as-far-as suggesting that Base Building is "limited", that's actually a part of Terraria that's deeper than most of it's other features, even if 3000 newer items and features were added in the new update.
Sky Fracture and the Onyx Blaster are good examples the prior being a high crit magic weapon that carries for a while but definitely Outclassed Post Plantera and even post Mechs the lack of fun to use magic weapons around the post mech point of progression is a big part of why I don't really use magic much It does get better post Plantera but frankly most of those weapons are just spam and clicks without the high reward positioning of weapons like the Sky Fracture.
Though I don't quite agree with this take [because Apprentice Set w/ Sentries, Forbidden Set w/ Nimbus Rod,
Clinger Staff], I've seen why it comes up enough to acknowledge as a
potential issue. Also, I still don't see many Players discussing
Blood Thorn, especially if they want to "spice things up" when it comes to point-and-click tactics, LoL!
Onyx blaster is another example in that it is by far the single most satisfying bullet based weapon to use in the game that dark blast has such a satisfying animation and sound that it feels powerful in a way that objectively better but mechanically boring weapons like the Megashark or SDMG can never match...Did I mention I hate the SDMG as an overhyped boring weapon? Raw stats are so uninteresting that even basic wooden bows are more fun to use because you need to account for trajectories.
Tactical Shotgun is nothing to sneeze at [especially when used with custom Bullets]!
Now that I think about it that is probably my biggest gripe about many of the late game particularly Lunar weapons You just kind of spam them without accounting for interesting mechanics or effects to make them actually feel powerful.
I suspect
this is why Empress has the more "interesting" Weapons. You don't
have to use Lunar Items [I think], but you can if you need to; as I said much earlier, I think the game can be beaten
pretty reliably with just Tier 3 DD2 gear [which is pretty endgame IMHO].