Greetings from self-quarantine, Terrarians!
We hope that you are all doing as well as can be expected in these trying times and that everyone is doing their part to keep themselves - and your fellow humans - as healthy as possible! Please, please stay safe out there!
Across the Terraria development teams, everyone has been moving to remote working over the past week or so. For some of us, this is second nature... but for others, it is quite a transition. That said, we are doing all that we can to keep the development trains moving unabated towards the latest and greatest for everyone out there to enjoy. So, relax, kick back, and let's dive into the latest Terraria news!
PlayStation 4, XBOX ONE, Nintendo Switch - PIPEWORKS
What better way to take the edge off of everything going on outside than with some news that we know everyone will be interested in: launch dates for upcoming updates!
That's right, we are ready to reveal some more specific launch timing for the content updates that will at long last bring parity-to-PC for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch!
- Terraria 1.3.5 is already in for review at Microsoft and Sony
- Xbox One is expected to launch on April 2nd
- PlayStation 4 is expected to launch on April 2nd
- NOTE: These dates assume approval by Microsoft/Sony. If there are delays, we will let you know as soon as we know!
- Switch is a bit longer process due to having more to add/review as well as the complications of touch controls, etc.
- All of the 1.3.2 - 1.3.5 content is in the game
- Work over the past few weeks has been focused on performance and stability, especially in high-particle situations
- Review builds have been sent to Re-Logic and 505 for review/internal approvals
- If these pass internal checks, we will then send the update to Nintendo for their review.
- Our current plan is to have Terraria 1.3.5 out for Nintendo Switch sometime in late April - we will let you know if this changes.
Here are some fun UI-Scaling pics....
What then? Well, we are sure there will be some bugs to fix, etc... but beyond that, we are planning to implement some QoL ideas that we have had in mind for a while on XB1/PS4. For Switch, the focus will be on SplitScreen and Local Wireless Multiplayer - which we know Switch players have been dying to have for a long time.
So, next time we see you here in the State of the Game, you should either be enjoying the full Terraria experience on consoles - or darned close to it, for the Switch players. Enjoy!
- We have opened up a lot of options for your customization - including some things that have not yet been seen on gamepad on other platforms. We look forward to seeing what schemes you will create with this!
- We plan to ship with 3 defaults (plus one custom)
- Simplified: this mode is intended for newer players and the younger set. Will likely feel a bit odd to experienced Terraria gamepad players!
- Advanced: this default should feel familiar to experienced Terrarians, albeit with some new bells and whistles. Want an example? Check out the ability to boon-review-and-cancel below!
- As a reminder, because of a lack of R3/L3 support on iOS, you will not find those currently available to be mapped on iOS platforms (nor will you find them in the default schemes as a result). However, with the addition of dpad and combo commands (Y vs RB+Y vs LB+Y, etc), you will have more than enough buttons to map to your wildest dreams.
- Of course, should iOS add that support in the future, we will be sure to revisit this!
- Players will have the ability to add, delete, and remap buttons and sticks to their heart's content - the only limit is that you need to stay within the predefined "controls" space.
- Outside of this, everything is moveable, swappable, and comes with a handful of sizing options - we cannot wait to see what people will come up with! (be sure to share your best!)
- Adding to this, we have included up to four customizable control profiles that you can use to create different setups.
- Want one for building, one for bosses, and one for general exploration? Go for it!
- These are able to be hot-swapped in-game by mapping and placing the control profile button (the little gamepad-looking one) on each profile. Then just tap the button to cycle through at your heart's content!
- Cursor Sensitivity sliders
- Pinch Zoom Enable/Disable
- Global Use/Aim & Use settings (Always On, Always Off, Default/by item)
- Etc.
So, we know that everyone is anxiously anticipating the key question... WHEN will we get all of this goodness?! We are happy to share that - barring any last-minute issues cropping up - we expect this update to roll out to everyone within the next few weeks - and we will narrow that down just as soon as we take care of a couple of additional items. In the meantime, we will leave you with some fun "pressure testing" that the internal testing team at Re-Logic have been putting on the current beta build.
Hanging Out with the Moon Lord
Pumpkin Moon fun (yes the event progress bar is a bit bugged, that will be fixed for release)
Until next time!
The PC team remains hard at work, plowing ahead on our internal roadmap on the path to finishing Journey's End. We know that everyone would love a new handful of massive spoilers and the like (well, outside of the small ones we try to hide within the SOTG from time to time
We are sure that is plenty nebulous for most folks, but hopefully in the not-so-distant future, we will have some more definitive things to share.
Then again, our resident Wizard, Yoraiz0r just shared this interesting image the other day on Twitter....
Journey's End is coming ever-closer...
Greetings Terrarians!
We thought we would start out the Community section by giving a shout-out to our State of the Game Banner contest winners for this month. Featured in the amazing March banner above are the characters submitted by:
There we so many great entries once again - tough choices had to be made! We are skipping over having a SOTG theme event for April, in deference to the Journey's End Vanity Contest - in case you missed the details there, check out the link below!
Be sure to read over all of the contest details and guidelines for submission - and good luck to everyone! With over 4,000 entries as of this writing, it is going to be a tall order indeed to even pick the finalists!
Check out the Terraria Yearly Community Calendar right HERE!
Within the calendar you will find that some of the events have links. Simply click on those links to be taken to their corresponding platforms. The treetop indicates reoccurring events you will find color coded on the calendar blocks. It has the time and day each event takes place. You will also find four Celestial Sigils representing the four Terraria Fraternities and pledge seasons that exist within the Terraria Community Team. At the base of the calendar are Activity Descriptions. If you do not know what an event is this key will explain it to you in detail.
Massive shoutout to Vamp#2201 and AllegroSky#7383 for their contributions to the Terraria Yearly Community Calendar. If you have any questions regarding the community calendar then please join the official Terraria Discord server at Join the Terraria Discord Server! and send a message to Mod Mail.
Our hearts are with Terrarians around the world during this challenging time. Know that we consider you all members of our family and we cherish your safety above all else. It has been a long road to Journey’s End and we are so thankful for each and every one of you that we have met along this adventure. We ask that you all try to remain safe and stay positive while we face this global struggle together. Things will improve so don’t lose hope.
Best wishes to you and your families.
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Exciting news all round! Stay safe in these difficult times everyone.
The Storm
I was starting to think you'd skip this months SotG 
Well I know next month will be interesting with the contest.

Well I know next month will be interesting with the contest.
Finally ! Thank you ! Amazing as usual 
Just how big of a mistake did you make when you announced Journey's End for December? It's 3 months later and we don't even have a release date yet. It really feels like the month in the previous announcement was correct but the year was wrong, it should have been 2020.
Kind of set us up with the previous SotG by saying we got something really secret and mysterious coming up, then next month say we are going to try and stop showing things.
I mean, keep up the good work, it's appreciated, but I think it's better I kind of stop tracking all of this and just stop following, that way I can kind of forget about Terraria until it is ready some day as it seems like we're not close.
Best regards nevertheless.
I mean, keep up the good work, it's appreciated, but I think it's better I kind of stop tracking all of this and just stop following, that way I can kind of forget about Terraria until it is ready some day as it seems like we're not close.
Best regards nevertheless.
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❤Inspector de chichis❤
Can we have a mouth cover accesory for 1.4?
or even a full protection suit...
or even a full protection suit...
Exciting stuff!
Oh my god, I can't believe how amazingly Pipeworks is doing at updating console versions! As a Switch player, the fact that I not only will be playing the same version of my favorite game as Xbox and PlayStation players but that it will be the latest version as well is absolutely mind-boggling to me.
Thank you so much to everyone at Re-Logic, 505, and especially Pipeworks for making this a reality, and good luck to all of the console players that will be relentlessly murdering their Clothiers until they get a James! 

Old Man
I don't play Mobile like I used to, but I gotta say, the Mobile stuff looks awesome right now. It used to be the version that kinda got the short end of the stick in terms of features(and I don't mean the long wait for 1.3, even before we had 1.3 on any version, Mobile often was missing a lot of features and had very limited control options), but now we can see it's getting all the love that it needs! And that's great to see, as someone who started on Mobile.
The Milkmann
So excited for 1.3.5 on switch! Been looking forward to it for ages!
Can't wait to play Terraria in 2056! But seriously: where is the release date, did I miss something?
Wow, these updates are coming out fast. Good job to all the development teams. And everyone stay safe in these difficult times
Official Terrarian
As a designer, the fact that the calendar is using Comic Sans is ruffling my feathers quite a bit. 
Yep. It seems like you've completly abandonned Local multiplayer on Switch. Thanks for the false advertisement.
Split Screen is there and it works to a degree, but it's still having performance issues that aren't worth sharing yet.Yep. It seems like you've completly abandonned Local multiplayer on Switch. Thanks for the false advertisement.
Loki said:As I've shared before, SS EXISTS on Switch Terraria (I have played it myself) - the performance is just subpar in terms of FPS, input lag, etc. Perhaps we should have just rolled that out to show "progress" and then weather the complaints about said performance (I'm being at least half sarcastic there... but the other half? Who knows?)

Terraria State of the Game: February 2020
Please, add a option for chance the see or not see the armor and accessories Visibility of accessories can be toggled individually, there's a little '+' next to each slot. You can equip the Familiar Set as vanity to hide the armor. It will show the original character view.
With all those bunnies Yoraiz0r shared, could it be an Easter release for Journey's End. Well that would be quite awesome if so!!!
Skeletron Prime
Best Luck to the world.
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