Story Terraria: The thanksgiving tale.


Official Terrarian
It's a special day, you're purchasing some bullets from your local Arms Dealer to play a game... A special game that happens on a special day, as you gather with your friends at 9 in the morning; Shoot the slime... After many bangs and booms, you run out of bullets, 6/9 slimes were shot, as your friends draw down their muskets. You all begin to clean up the field, and then head to a water fountain near a barn house; washing away the greasy slime residues. You and your friends turn towards a house in the distance, and head towards it; with the smell of roasted turkey and chicken nuggets. It's thanksgiving time; everyone is thankful for what the year has given... But, just how did thanksgiving start?

There was once a time, where two races existed that reigned superior across their nation... Humans and Lihzahrds; both are intelligent races of species. The Humans, masters of skill and intelligence. They are able to adapt to the environment in strange ways that normal creatures won't do... Lihzahrds, rumored to be the intelligent race predecessing the humans, are certainly masters in technology. They say that intelligence is dangerous, so it would be quite unnerving if these two races were to cross paths with one another... But they did. The Lihzahrds lived in a continent different from the humans, a land named 'the mystery world'. At first, it was unknown to mankind of what lies there in the land of mystery, but that changed when a man named Cthulumbir Polimbus decided it was time to arrive there. He and his crew decided to take a trip across the Abyssic ocean. After a wild and chaotic voyage across the ocean, Polimbus arrived at 'the mystery world'. He and his crew explored the land, taking a look at exotic species that roamed across their native habitat... The jungle. As they were about to settle down, they met the Lihzahrds; these two races didn't trust each other, and had a bloody battle... Many corpses ended up being a mighty feast to the other creatures that roamed across the jungle.

You'd expect them to have many wars with each other... I won't deny it; many wars happened, and many lives were lost. But it all ended with the arrival the pilgrims; a religious group of Terrarians that believed in the god of the sun. Coincidentally, they met a religious tribe of Lihzahrds, who also believed in a god of the sun. And so, they often interacted with each other; sharing religious beliefs and natural resources. The leader of the tribe often wandered around the land that the pilgrims had claimed, and helped in teaching the curious settlers about the native crops that are planted there. So it would be no wonder why once a field of crops grew successfully, had they held a party. They partied around a tiki totem, raising their spears and swords up high, thanking the sun god for growth and warmth. They sat around a campfire, and sung songs about the land that their god has blessed, as well as feasting on turkeys and peas. After all of that, they all went back to the tiki totem, and sat around them; praising the holy sun god for blessing their land with gifts. The party was so eventful, that every fourth Thursday of nonomber, shall they do the same thing; to thank the years of blessing and freedom. And that brings us to today...


Thanksgiving is a very special holiday that happens on the fourth Thursday of November, it was held by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag after a successful season of growth. Life may seem long, but in reality... It's rather short, but it can be sweet too. Be thankful for your family, be thankful for your childhood, be thankful for the memories you've had, be thankful for the all the food you've got, and be thankful for the life you've had. For you only live once, and you can enjoy your time in the world, so be glad, make memories, and have a thankful thanksgiving!
- Simple​
Have a thankful thanksgiving!
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