IF you cant change the damage for the diamond you can lower the dmg for the rest along with it's requirements in bars. If that is un viable you could add effects to compensate. For example you could give the ruby on fire effect and amber maybe midas effect and keep the damage at the same tier than the saphire/emmerald and if necessary raise the damage of that tier half difference of the two mentioned tiers.
BTW now that I notice why do you not allow both ore to craft the spear of the same tier why is it one color associated with cooper for example an d the other with tin why could not be both crafted with copper or tin?
Also sturdy fossils for the amber spear can be only mined with a Deathbringer Pickaxe or a Nightmare Pickaxe which makes it available only post EoC/EoW/BoC it shouldn't require that if it's the same tier as ruby which requieres only silver.
BTW now that I notice why do you not allow both ore to craft the spear of the same tier why is it one color associated with cooper for example an d the other with tin why could not be both crafted with copper or tin?
Also sturdy fossils for the amber spear can be only mined with a Deathbringer Pickaxe or a Nightmare Pickaxe which makes it available only post EoC/EoW/BoC it shouldn't require that if it's the same tier as ruby which requieres only silver.