Hot Topic Terrarians, show us your "I must screenshot this" moment

This just says for SCREENSHOTS, not specifically TERRARIA screenshots.

Your first Moon Lord battle always calls for a screenshot. I have Moon Lord gear cuz my friend gave me it. ...I had still died xD


Being the UnderTale fan that I am, when I found the Strange Skull item after venturing into mods, I knew I had to make a Sans character.

...Kinda tempted to put in a FNaF screenshot that I took cuz this is just a "Screenshot moment" thread, not specifically a TERRARIA screenshot moment thread, but I won't until I get the signal that it's okay.
I found this in Terramap on a new Large world I made to get all the new map goodies. I sorta use my older character to help the newer one out a bit...heh. Usually money.


So apparently, worldgen cares not if minecart tracks run THROUGH solid ground...

Pumpkin Moon bugged out and raised the spawn cap to over 40, infinitely being spawn camped by flying orange projectiles.
Once I had same situation in Normal mode, I played with my friend. It was insane farm. I hooked the floor and tanked them all, I had solar armor and solar eruption. Trees always were in one point (in me), and pumpkins always were in another one point (upper than me). My friend had armor to heal me. So i couldn't die because i had heal from my friend and from boss deaths. It was insane. In one night we have farmed about 60 trophies. Unfortunatly i haven't screenshot of that madness.
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