TF2 huge giveaway! (Finally...)

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The Ice Cube

Eater of Worlds
Hello. As some of you may know, I've decided to quit TF2 some time ago.
Now, I sold some items on the market, got like $11 for it, and it's great and everything, but I have a lot of other items that I can't sell on the market.
So instead of just keeping them in my inventory, I've decided to give them away.
The reason I chose to post this here is because I know there are a lot of people here (?) that play TF2, and they would probably like to get some free items.

So, stuff you need to know before doing anything (Just sit on your chair and don't do anything, don't even breath.):
1. This is a giveaway, means you don't have to pay anything at all to enter. Just choose a number between 1 and 15, and you are in :D
2. You won't be able to enter after August 25th, 11:00 AM (Israel time, just go to Google and figure out what time is it in your country after reading this).
3. The winner gets EVERYTHING in my inventory (excluding my pets, I don't want you all to hold them in your filthy hands).
4. You have to read the 3 things I wrote above this sentence because otherwise you will choose 900 as your number and try to report me for not letting you get the pets.

That's all for now. You will be able to see a full list of the entries below this post very soon!

treat my items like they are your BABIES.
I'll tote go for a random number (aka 9, which I choose randomly btw) as long as I don't get unique weapons thrown at me.

Also +1 for deadline on my birthday.
*Looks at inventory, 90% crates, 0% unusuals*
Well, you've got the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker and a few cool hats...

...I'll take number 2.
I'll take 10. I won't be quitting TF2 till the moment when I am fed up with trolls/elitists, so why not :p
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