(are you talking about the recording deck put there? Silver is on the hotland side of the boulder.)
(deck is at new home, silver just entered the room that most of the hotland group is at)(im confused)
Silver would realize that his eyes are still red, so he shapeshifted into Burgerpants and back at a speed that only gods could see the difference.(uh, ok i guess, forget that other post then)
"Looks like we have a newcomer."
(I typically do <thought>)(don't know how to put thoughts)
"No, my name is Silver. I did that to reset my eye color."
Silver didn't see anything to lift, so his eyes turned red as he started to float.
(before you guys say anything, Silver doesn't know how to fly, only floating)
"Most definetly.Silver knows his limits pretty well, so he asked:
"Is that boulder heavier than a car?"
( I suppose that's fine)(okay i know i said i had to go, but i have one question. In his home universe, silver had a friend named Gold. He got trapped in a necklace that Silver kept on his neck at all times, but when he went into this dimension, he either left it or kept it. Can I have it on silver?(Full extents of the necklace will be revealed later.))
(tysm( I suppose that's fine)
(Silver headed over to Nexus, Nuro, and the Werewerewerewire.(Hey, what's happening)
(I'm not sure.(so what's the plan?)