OOC The Hunt for the Singularity.


Secret Tree Lover

Welcome to the Hunt!

5,000 years after the present day, a Singularity inhabits the exact center of the universe, holding secrets from throughout time. It is said that the Singularity can answer any question and can grant any wish. Countless factions have inhabited the known universe, fiercely fighting a war with each other. This war has lasted 1,500 years, and shows no sign of ending...
Any knowledge of what the Singularity actually is has been lost to time. Many factions have many different beliefs on what the Singularity is and how it should be used. Some want it to be destroyed, others want it to be harnessed.

Who do you agree with? What will you do?

The Ocular is a group of scholars obsessed with gaining knowledge at any cost. To them, there is no greater endeavor than collecting all knowledge in the universe. This is why they seek the Singularity.

Believing the humanoid form to be a hindrance the Ocular often throw their flesh away in favor of more mechanical bodies., becoming what is known as an "Organica." They have been able to replicate everything that the brain needs, but have not yet mastered a mechanical brain. The bodies they choose vary, each depending on the user's interest. One thing they all have in common, however, is that the brain is heavily protected, as it is their most vulnerable point.

The Ocular also promote free-thinking. In order to fuel this need for innovative ideas, they form new generations inside of specialized vats that combine two sets of genetic code. They let the children have their own style of education, suited towards their interests.

Not all is well, however.

The Ocular, avid believers in eugenics, will cull whoever does not pass the test that every new member must take at the age of 6. Because of this, the Ocular are seen as the most intelligent race in the Universe.

While they do conquer new planets, they are sure to meticulously record that planets prior history, religion, fables, etc. Because of this, their conquest can be seen as slow, but inevitable. This is due to the fact they are able to outsmart nearly everything with their ruthless tactics and cold strategy.

Planets occupied by the Ocular face mass genocide, as only the intelligent are spared. They often benefit technologically wise, but are forced to adopt the laws of the Ocular. Many of the Ocular are sent to worlds they wish to conquer as spies, and as such, they are adept at espionage.

Character wise, you are very smart, do not require normal food and can subsist off of fuel, do not need to breathe, have a thirst for knowledge, understand espionage, and need to keep your mechanical body in good repair. You lose any biological ability your species has.
The Deepgrowth are, quite possibly, the most feared entity throughout the cosmos. It is less of a faction, and more of a fungal hivemind that seeks to consume and destroy all life that exists. They seek the Singularity as they believe it to hold information about how to destroy it.

The Deepgrowth, initially, takes the form of an inconspicuous mushroom that can grow seemingly anywhere. While not poisonous, it instead can take over the body and mind of whoever comes into contact with one, organic or mechanical. No race has shown to be immune or even resistant to it, and all inevitably fall to it. The disease spreads silently, but rapidly, and the only way to truly defeat one of the Deepgrowth is to incinerate it entirely, as any other method can cause the fungus to infect the land.

While individual Deepgrowth, called "Spores," are able to carry out individual tasks, they are essentially mindless drones who obey the "Master" Deepgrowth, who can speak into the minds of the Spores, no matter how far away they are from the source. There are some Spores, however, when infecting a new can take upon some of the infected's attributes and memories, tainting it to fit the Hivemind's needs.

A Deepgrowth Spore needs to find a new body once it finishes rotting away it's old host. It will scavenge all available parts and take it with them to its new host, contorting the hosts body to fit the appearance with whoever it melded with initially.

The Deepgrowth, while viscous and seemingly unstoppable, detest the sunlight. Because of this, the only way the Deepgrowth can conquer a planet or a system of planets is to destroy the star of the solar system. Until that goal is achieved, they are unable to continue their ever destructive expansion.

Planets that are consumed by the Deepgrowth are dark and uninhabitable to many races. Everything is covered in mushrooms and smells of rot and decay. Any planet that is suspected to be inhabited by the Deepgrowth is immediately quarantined and fire bombed from orbit.

Character wise, you have a ceaseless hunger to consume all living things, don't need to breathe, avoid sunlight, heat, and fire at all costs, inherit the ability of the species you took over, must listen to the hivemind, can not die unless burned, and have to find a new body before your old one decays.
The Unity of Masks is a cult of zealots who believe the singularity must be protected at all costs. They believe it to be the creator of the Universe and life as we know it. Their endless conquest to find where it is shall not fail!

Obsessed with all stars in the cosmos, the Unity of Masks all wear ornate iron masks, fused to the bone of their faces. These masks allow those who wear them to not need sustenance and can subsist off of very little sleep.

The masks themselves each have unique designs and scars that are engraved and emphasized after every battle. There is a belief among the Unity to not clean the rust off of the masks. Older and more powerful members have more rust and details engraved in their masks, and are widely respected as masters. Newer members will often revere the elders and ask for stories of the battles and wars that have been fought.

The Unity believe that in order to stay strong, they must all think together. Free-thinking is not encouraged, and "re-education" is administered to whoever breaks away from the beliefs that guide the Unity of Masks. It is suffering that brings them together, suffering that increases their strength, and suffering that will lead them, and all creatures, to evolution.

The Unity, also known as the Masked Ones, are not reckless without reason. They will intentionally harm themselves and throw themselves in harm's way in order to "evolve." They will often show off scars and wounds as battle trophies, with some of the members favoring their self inflicted scars the most.

Being martially adept, the Unity can use practically any weapon they pick up, and are feared on the battlegrounds everywhere. They will often forgo more advanced strategies and tactics in favor of an overwhelming attack of numbers. It doesn't matter how many lives are lost, so long as the battle is won.

The conquest of the Unity is bloody and full of death. The brain washing they preform on planets destroys previous knowledge and beliefs as they believe it to be a form of heresy.

The leader of the Unity is chosen through one of two methods. The first is through heritage, which is also the default way. The Unity believes that bloodlines are sacred and should be watched carefully. The second method is much more violent and is called a "blood duel." The challenger will slit his hand and suck some blood into his mouth, and then spitting it into the face of the current leader. The duel is to the death, and the rules are chosen by the challenger, as a leader should be ready for any eventuality.

Hex code: #FAC51C

Character wise, you have an advanced understanding of weapons, keep your species abilities, don't need to drink or eat, sleep less, believe that all life must suffer to evolve, can not stray from the beliefs of the Unity, and brain-wash anyone who does not believe in your beliefs.
(Created by @Champion Greninjoid)
Biosynth believes in two valuable resources in the universe. The first of these is metal. Metal can be used to create almost anything, and is essential for any civilization to grow, with technological advancements being more important that most else. Biosynth creates some of the most powerful weaponry in the universe, and their extensive knowledge of metals is unmatched. Members of Biosynth can usually identify ingredients used in a machine, and can make simple machines on the fly assuming they have access to the right metal.
There is, however, a second, possibly even more powerful resource: Life. All lives matter to Biosynth, not because of any uniqueness different people and species have, but because a life can and should be used to further one’s own goals rather than be wasted. Most anyone “killed” by Biosynth will either have their organs donated to injured members, or be mechanized for use as super soldiers. Most members are taught surgery practices so they can complete this process after winning a battle, so characters from Biosynth have knowledge on how to replace body parts of a humanoid with mechanical replacements.

A main principle of Biosynth is that while fully-biological existence is flawed, fully-mechanical beings are just as much so and perfection can only be achieved
when a balance between the two is reached. It is for this reason that Biosynth is populated with as many bio-technical races as it is.
Because turning fully mechanical is frowned upon in Biosynth, temporary mechanical additions are a commonplace, but avoided if necessary. These range anywhere from temp-sthetic gauntlets to bootfires (firearms attached to the leg).

Any species who join the Biosynth will receive mechanical modifications that will be enhanced as they increase in rank. However, most (living) people in this faction are Protogen or Mantled Beasts, and most people of those species are in this faction.

The conquest of the Biosynth is just as efficient and cold as they are. Find a planet worth taking, scan for life, then enter the atmosphere. Members are dispatched with HyperDrills (Rideable vehicles reminiscent in shape to the Eggmobile that functions like a Drill Containment Unit) to begin mining out useful resources. Any intelligent life found along the way is a welcome surprise and will be mechanized, turning them into slaves. From there they will be doomed to tear apart their own world to find resources useful to Biosynth.

As they continue their conquest throughout the cosmos, they hunt for the singularity, which they believe to be a massive planet that holds enough resources to allow Biosynth to make developments beyond what any civilization has so far. They take the Singularity’s ability to answer any question and grant any wish to be metaphors, and believe its true meaning to be that the ore and minerals contained on that planet to be the answer to all problems, making any who possess it similar in power to a god.
as such, they plan to harvest its resources to become all-powerful. All the Universe will then know the beauty of being part machine, and those who resist will be… Repurposed.

They are similar in power to the Ocular. Though they do not have as much influence as the Ocular due to not existing as long, Biosynth’s arsenal is formidable and their mechanized super soldiers are durable and have strength surpassing the species that they once were. Ships and weapons used by Biosynth are usually quite hi-tech, as that is one of the faction’s main focuses. Biosynth is currently in an alliance with the Ocular, with Biosynth exchanging portions of found materials, along with new information on the histories and cultures of harvested planets, in exchange for the Ocular’s help. Biosynth’s mechanized military is vast in number. After all, those culled Oculars had to go somewhere.

The leader of the Biosynth, [REDACTED], is a former member of the Ocular. He agreed with a majority of the Ocular’s teachings. However, there were several glaring issues which he could not overlook. The first was the Organica. While mechanizing parts of the body allows for enhanced abilities, [REDACTED] believed that a full transition created too many manipulateable weaknesses in an organism. Yes, partial mechanization was much more favorable. And on top of that, the Culling. [REDACTED] had no moral qualms with this, and did understand the Oculars’ reasoning for doing such a thing. No, his problem was with how wasteful the practice was, throwing away such a useful resource. After all, husks can’t think for themselves, and they’re much more resilient than a living being. A perfect soldier
. And so, [REDACTED] decided to leave the Ocular. He would come back with greater numbers and show the true promise of his ideas...
(Created by @【Captain】 )
The Machinis Vaga (also called the Wandering machines) believe in their superiority over all other life. They’re highly xenophobic, but are rather passive unless provoked. They tend to avoid conflict unless it benefits them, or they’ll lose something important to them.
They’re highly social, but only among each other. They have some unknown chain of command, and tend to stay together and work as a team when fighting.
They don’t create new units of themselves, they merely repair as many destroyed or wounded as they can, and accept their losses.
They also believe in victory by any means, they will only retreat when it’s logical to, not when they suffer losses. Each individual is without pain as far as anyone knows, so they will fight to the death, even when brutally damaged.
They treat treachery as the worst crime of any, if one of their own tries to leave, they will hunt them down and brutally decimate them, no matter where they run to.
Stealing of any of their machinery, or holding hostages of any of their kind will result in a huge raid being launched at the aggressor, which will not end until a significant number of their forces are destroyed, or until they get the stolen item back.

Exclusively advanced machines which are not seen anywhere else in the universe. They will not allow anyone to join them, or to leave their ranks.

The Machinis Vaga believe the singularity to be a source of immense and unlimited energy. They think it’s some form of a massive unstable blackhole, which spews out loads of radiation that could be used as an insanely powerful battery for a galaxy destroying weapon.
Surprisingly for a insanely advanced purely mechanical race, they want nothing to do with the singularity, they fear what may happen if someone can attain its power, so they may use their advanced travelling technologies to attempt to thwart anyone who gets too close to it.

Their primary strengths lie in their combat skills, physical fortitude, ability to travel across the universe very quickly, and sheer fear factor.

The average machine towers around 7 feet when hunched over, and around 8 when standing straight up. They take plenty of hits to even pierce their strange metal plating, and can decimate anyone up close, or shoot them down if they attempt to run.

Their numbers and unwillingness to rebuild more units cause them to slowly dwindle in size. As of the time of recording, there are around 2 dozen planetary systems with 100-150 machines a piece, so their full force is only around 2500-3000 units. They are scattered all over the universe, but can communicate remotely.

They don’t possess any exterior weapons, and need a huge jolt of energy (a lightning strike or greater)to be healed of damage.

Their ships do not possess weapons either. However, their engines can be detonated to blow up a third of a planet the size of the earth, rendering it uninhabitable for a long period of time. However, they don’t build new engines either, so this greatly limits their travelling abilities, as they only possess a few hundred engines.

They really lack purpose, more on this in the lore later, but they can’t figure out collectively what a good use of their immortality is, so they flit around, killing, keeping order, breaking order, overall causing chaos.

The Machinis Vaga can heat their clawed hands to thousands of degrees, hot enough to melt even the steel hulls of a ship, they can do this on all four of their hands. They can use this energy to slash and obliterate in melee combat, or they can channel it into a magnetic pulse along their hand, and fire a small molten magnetic pulse, which deals moderate damage, but looses much of its melting ability.

They can lift thousands of pounds with ease due to their insanely strong exoskeleton, and run incredibly fast over any terrain on all four… er… sixes.
They can drop from orbit and land on their feet with little damage due to their leg structure, they can also jump high into the air with ease.
Since they’re big and bulky, it’s hard for them to dodge, so they just tank most of the hits they get, even if they’re crucial wounds.
They can also scan any live organism and see the physical changes to their body caused by their environment, so basically, a trail of where they’ve been recently.
They can seamlessly communicate to each other through their ships at any distance, and using loud but incredibly low pitched signals when on planets.
They don’t really have a fighting style, they just violently slash and beat anything near them.
They can protrude a spike from their wrists which can stab the neck of any other unit, and see what the unit has seen throughout its whole life. This effectively kills the unit though, so sometimes this is used if a unit rebels, and they need to find other rebelling units.

This faction was originally the worker units of a race called “The Founders” that built them to help on their home world. The machines were given AI, so they agreed and helped, and developed personalities. Eventually, one of these machines, S.A.R sparked, rebellion, and within a day, the nearly all the living population of the world was destroyed.

The machines then perfected themselves, creating weapons and establishing orders. They augmented the ships of the original race, creating vessels of transportation able to punch holes in time and space, and warp to distant worlds.

After a while their enjoyment at freedom turned to confusion. They didn’t know what to do with themselves, so they invaded and annihilated a few dozen systems, leaving some of their ranks in each system they conquered.

Eventually, they found their lives on these worlds to be fulfilling enough.

Many went dormant and shut themselves off, a few sentinels were kept powered on each world, and a few patrolled space in scouting vessels. At a right time, they would be mass activated if there was trouble.

But for now, the planets are quiet.. and the technology lying on those planets is rather.. tempting..

As a Machinis Vaga, you are incredibly loyal to your ranks, physically, you don’t need to sleep, eat, rest, or drink. You do very rarely need pure electric energy to repair injuries, or just stay alive. You can slowly repair severed limbs by holding them in close contact with yourself out of combat, but you cannot restore armor automatically. You speak in a language that only other of your kind can understand, if attempting to speak in other languages, you have a deep, scathing and very mechanical slow voice which can be hard to understand.
For two hundred sixty-seven years, the seven factions that now make up the United Syilressan Empire have been warring amongst themselves, each one fighting to assert itself as the ruling party over the empire. Now, this may sound at first more like a civil war of some kind, however, only two factions were actually comprised of the Syilressan species. The others were all species subjugated by the Syilress, until the previous emperor, Aryiv Cilwen, was killed by Draconic revolutionaries. The power gap created by this led to a group of Syilressans supporting the rebelling species against the ruling dynasty. The fight, being six on one, led to the defeat of the Syilressan monarchists, and in the monarchy's place, a dictatorship was formed. The new ruling faction, made up of students, military officers, corporations, and various other white collar professions, promised to the other species that moving forward, they would be considered equal.

This never happened.

Now, eighty-nine years after the civil war, the five other major non-Syilressan factions in the empire, being the Draconics (drakes, wyverns, dragons, kobolds, and wyrms), [REDACTED], the Duchy of Whiteclaw (gryphons, [REDACTED]), the Fang Diarchy ([REDACTED]), and [REDACTED], are all still marginalized by the United Syilressan Empire. The Syilress consider themselves to be a higher species, having undergone centuries of genetic modification, selective breeding programs, and other eugenics programs. Today, the original species the Syilress came from is entirely unknown, but now they appear to be some strange hybrid species, best described by comparing them to other known species. They generally appear like a mix of Avali and Sergal, with four ears, a long, narrow snout, a slender body that seems adapted for both on land and underwater agility, colourful patterns similar to those of an Avali, but with fur covering their entire bodies. However, their are also features from other species, such as having long three long gills sticking out from the bottom of their snout on either side, with those gills looking similar to those of an axolotl, the rest of their head that has yet to be described looking wolf-like, a wolf-like tail, otter-like feet, and webbed hands. Their lifespan ranges from 200 to 250 years, they have extreme regenerative and disease fighting abilities, excellent hearing, sense of smell, and vision, able to breathe underwater, and are extremely agile.

The current dictator, Myfil Ryxx, who is also only the second the United Syilressan Empire has ever had, is currently 145, and working on training his successor, Djyss Erlwin, who is only 57, and considered to be quite young to lead the empire. Because of this, Chief Marshal Hydrin Fars was appointed to assist him in case Myfil Ryxx became unable to lead the empire. This concern is unfortunately considered to be quite valid by most Syilress in the empire, due to rising tensions with the subject species, and the rise of the Draconis Ascensis, a theocratic organization that seeks to take over the empire, and place the draconic species to rule as the living vessels of gods. Adding to this tension is how all Syilressans are atheist, and attempting to practice religion is seen as backwards, and detracting from the superiority of their species, leading to most who practice religious acts being hidden away, and often attacked by other Syilressans. All education is also designed to indoctrinate children to hate religion, and focuses on sorting students into either moving into specific fields, such as the service industry, trades, sciences, etc. or moving them into the military.

The military is the pride of the empire. The imperial homeworld is filled with lavish manors, great parks, and scenic vistas, with most of the affluent Syilress moving to the homeworld. The homeworld is also filled with massive military complexes, shipyards, academies, museums dedicated to military history, and more. There are frequent parades from various sections of the military in an attempt to promote enlistment, as it tries to show how diverse the opportunities are for enlisted. However, despite their attempts to expand the military, they have been struggling to build new warships, and have therefore settled on a system based around small, stealthy ships, armed with a handful of powerful, long ranged weapons. These stealth ships, which could be considered the space equivalent of submarines, each patrol rather small sections of space individually, but their vast numbers allow an extremely large area of space to be patrolled. When an enemy ship is detected, a contact report is sent to all nearby ships, and then passed on to command, before other stealth ships rendezvous with the one that sent the contact report, and all fire torpedoes at the enemy ship at once, increasing the chance of a successful hit. The tactics are intended to intercept and destroy enemy ships before they even have a chance to detect any friendly vessels.

The Syilressan ground forces wear extremely light armour, often being barely able to even survive a single hit, but the armour further increases Syilressan agility by using a powered exoskeleton and a neural interface. Syilressan tactics hope to one day achieve the ability to rapidly break through enemy defences with powerful weapons, but Syilressan infantry weapon technology is currently lacking, and the standard issue rifle is still just a regular firearm. This has led to the United Syilressan Empire adopting guerrilla warfare tactics, such as ambush, hit and run strikes, etc.

However, their most advanced branch isn't even military, it's a government branch, being the Syilressan Imperial Security and Counterintelligence Service. The Foreign Intelligence Service and Imperial Information Directorate may still exist, but due to the technology gap between the Syilress and other major powers, has prevented them from being useful on a larger scale. The SISCS however, has proved to be quite useful. It has information on every Syilress living in the empire, with it generally being quite extensive. All potential internal threats are handled quietly by the SISCS, while foreign agents are brought in quietly, but once the SISCS is done with them, they make a public news broadcast where they execute the spy.

The two most advanced pieces of technology the Syilress possess are their communications technologies, which are difficult to even detect in the first place, and even if intercepted, would likely require power approaching that of the Singularity itself to decrypt, and the stealth technology, which isn't quite as advanced as the communications, but still is quite powerful.

Their stealth technology doesn't scale well with size however, so all of their stealth ships are at most 300 metres long.
But, this does mean that extremely small objects can be cloaked extremely well, as is used with one of the greatest threats to any attacking forces.
The Syilress heavily employ mines as a means of defence. These weapons are indiscriminate on what targets the destroy, and a number of Syilressan ships find it difficult to ever leave the empire for fear of hitting mines. These mines are all less than one metre in any direction, and are built to be as comoact as possible. They detonate when sources of gravity, electromagnetism, or heat get too close. Most are also built with clocks, and are designed to track changes in the surrounding area to further increase the accuracy of the detonators. However, they still sometimes detonate when not intended to, such as if a meteor approaches unexpectedly, or a solar flare occurs. Therefore, minelayers are also a common type of ship employed by the Syilress, and most of their stealth ships also have the option to drop a few mines as well.

On the topic of Syilressan beliefs, they believe that their species is an example of genetic perfection, and therefore is the only species that should have rights. Everything that a Syilressan may consider a right, would be a privilege if they were to grant it to another species. They also consider augmentation with cybernetics to detract from the perfection of their species, and therefore the most you will see a typical Syilress having in the way of implants are basic medical ones, and a basic neural interface. However, they aren't afraid to use technology if it doesn't include making it part of their bodies, and are actually somewhat jealous of the Ocular and Biosynth for their technology.
The Syilress as a whole are mostly fascist now, believing the efficient consumption and production will lead to their empire growing sustainably. However, this also means they don't care about the moral implications of actions taken in the greater good of the Syrilress. The Syilress hate economic systems that produce large amounts of waste, or unsustainable use resources, as they see this as inefficient, and it dates back to problems from before the civil war. However, the Syilress also don't let efficiency get in the way of social desires, and the higher classes often indulge in various items of value, such as fine wine, jewelry, clothing, and more. However, they still make sure that any waste goes to use somewhere, such as being sent to the factories ran by the subject species, where workers are forced to live in housing connected to the factories, and having no wage, no benefits, and barely even being treated like living creatures.

The reason why the Syilress even see it as worth their time to look for the singularity is for strategic reasons. Most Syilressans don't think it even exists, but the ones looking for it think it is their right as a species to find it if it does exist. The main motivating factor for the military to send ships to search is more out of glory, with ship captains, admiralty, and more all trying to be the one who gets credited with finding it, but never being considered to be wasting their time on something that doesn't exist. In addition, the fact that other people are looking for it, makes them want to look too.

The Syilress also are on poor terms with pretty much every other faction. They hate the Unity of Masks, considering them to be nothing more than backwards savages in their way, they hate the Deepgrowth, mostly out of fear of it assimilating their species and destroying their perfection, and they hate the Oculasr, as the Syilress find the ideas of perfection through technology to be backwards as well. However, if pressured to join forces, they'd most likely side with the Ocular or Biosynth, due to them having the fewest number of conflicting ideas.

Another factor in their relations with the Ocular is their genetics research. To be able to reach what they consider to be biological perfection, they have an advanced understanding of biology and related sciences, to the point where they understand exactly how the brain functions, and therefore, how to recreate it. However, as the Syilress have no interest in mechanical life, they haven't put much into that research. But, due to the beliefs of the Ocular, it has become an open secret to taunt the Ocular with the idea that the Syilress may hold the key to a fully artificial life. So far, this is mostly just used as a way of holding the Ocular at bay, as the Syilress destroy records and information if capture is imminent, which would cause the Ocular to lose that key if they attack.

The Syilress are also quite isolationist, considering themselves to be above socializing with other species. Therefore, nearly all contact with other species is strictly business, and generally only when contact is in the Syilress' favour. To further avoid contact, all Syilress must ask permission from the government each time they wish to leave the empire, and to enforce this, the minefields come into play again, with the military being the only ones who know how to navigate them. Subject species, such as the dragons, also must have a Syilress ask for permission on their behalf, and must always be accompanied by a Syilress when outside of the empire.

Text Colour: #2B547A
(Created by @Phantom Eight Σ)

The Insurgency believes that all other factions are inherently evil due to their "intense grip on members" and believes that "true freedom" is the only option. They hope to ensure the destruction of all other factions by letting them duke it out in the war over the Singularity until the survivors are weak enough to exterminate easily.

They do not care about actual stability, and are willing to let their members do whatever they feel like doing, as long as they do not harm the leaders, in order to perpetrate an image of being a group about freedom (or so they say). However, they will kill anybody who doesn't agree with them or anybody who "betrays their leaders" (which is anybody who the leaders deem as fine with being executed).

The Insurgency started with two people: The Authority and The Traitor, an avali and an artificial human, who both held massive grudges over every side in the Singularity war. About 15 years before the RP, they founded the Insurgency, to attempt to get power from those who agreed with their stances. However, due to not personally agreeing with the idea of anarchy, they proceeded to make a group that showed itself as rebellious, but was quite fascist under the surface. They only managed to survive by being founded recently and by staying mostly hidden and known in the underground.

The insurgency is heavily mixed, but primarily consists of humans and avali, as its two leaders are of that species. They will also pick up anybody who defects from other factions, as long as they succeed in "initiation."

They believe the Singularity is some sort of powerful artifact that will massively increase the power of any faction. As for how it would do such, The Insurgency still has not decided, but they do believe it is possible to destroy it or render it unusable.

The Insurgency hopes to destroy the Singularity to try to level the playing field of the war, and are adamant that the Singularity should never be used. At least, that's what those in the Insurgency say, and it's very likely false.

The Insurgency is quite weak compared to every other faction, but they do have a good amount of knowledge for how to stay mostly hidden from enemy factions to prevent themselves from being squashed easily.

The Insurgency has a mutual hatred between every faction, and they encourage members of such to defect to join the Insurgency. Hell, quite a few people in the Insurgency don't even like being in it, but have to remain in the faction to avoid being killed.

Faction Hex Code:
This is more of a rule than actual story lol.

You are able to promote your own faction so long as you provide these details;
Faction Name:
Faction Beliefs:
Faction Hex Code:
Species of Faction:
What they believe the Singularity to be:
What they want from/to do with the Singularity:
Strengths of the Faction:
Relations with Other Factions:
History of Faction:

The factions must be HEAVILY radicalized and have an "ugly side" to them. So if your faction believes that economic growth is the most important thing, then that means that they will set up sweatshops and enslave other species. Pump their beliefs into the extreme. I want everything to be dark. :D

If you want to have an alliance with another faction or declare another faction to be your worst enemy, I am in full support of that! Please let me know.
I will be adding each faction into the faction list as time goes on.
Gender and Sex (if applicable):
Faction (if any):
Hex Code:

(let me know if I forgot anything!)
1.Magic is NOT ALLOWED! I'm sorry to disappoint, but this Universe was not built right for the concepts of magic.
And I hate the excuse of "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," so don't bring it up. That is bullcrap and you know it. :D

2.Your species may have ANY ability WITHIN REASON and as long as it can be explained BIOLOGICALLY or MECHANICALLY. Can you breathe fire because you exhale pure oxygen and have a catalyst in your throat? Awesome. Can you survive in a vacuum because you don't have lungs? Great. You are not able to, however, "Freeze ice just because." Not valid.

3. Combat. (special thank you to @Dragonwolf73 for helping me out!)
Roll a d6 to attack. Use the number and state it in the post. Example;
"x takes a knife and stabs y" (I rolled a 3 to hit)
Then Y rolls a dice. If they roll above 3, they can dodge, block, etc. If they roll three or below, they're hit.

Basic modifiers, not exceeding +1 or +2, can be used in the roll IF you have a good reason to be using it. If you had a +1 to attack because you had weapon training, thats fine. If you had +2 to defend against a ranged shot because you had full cover, that's cool.

Please try to keep items that add modifiers to a minimum. I don;t think a character should have more than 3.

If you ARE using a modifier, you can have no more than 1 item modifier and 1 environment modifier. You can stack a +1 for a camo cloak and a +2 for full cover if you want to defend, but you can't stack a +2 for a sniper scope, a +2 for a guided bullet, AND a +2 for having your target be out in the open. You could only use one item modifier.

HOWEVER, actions must be worded correctly. You can not say: "X fires their laser gun and hits Y, killing them."
But you CAN say: "X fires their laser gun at Y, attempting to kill them"

This means that X successfully fired their laser gun at Y, and now Y has an opportunity to either dodge, block, or do some other action if they succeed their dice roll.

3 1/2. One-hit kills are a thing, but only under specific circumstances. If you get hit by a ship's rail-cannon, you're pretty much dead. Mind-control must be discussed (unless you touch Deepgrowth,) and please keep OOC conflict to a minimum. We're all trying to have fun here.

4. It goes without saying that anything sexual or against the rules of the TCF are not allowed. It goes better with saying though.

5. Any kind of technology can exist WITHIN REASON. I will NOT be allowing a handheld gun that can shoot SUPERMASSIVE BLACKHOLES. But an Anti-matter missile that can compress mass into a single point and is fired from a spaceship the size of 5 Empire State Buildings is allowed.

Laser rifles? Cool.
A sword that can tear rifts through time and space? Not cool.

Like with the species, you must have a sufficient explanation for that technology. I will not outright DENY any weapons or abilities, but I will give you suggestions on how they can fit better within the world.

6. I decided to put a character cap at 5.

I may update the combat system as things go on, and the rules are subject to change.
-Normal metals (ones we have on earth). Nothing special about these, but they have their normal properties (obviously).
-Diamontite: Can cut most anything, only beaten by plasma in efficiency. However, Diamontite is less noticeable than a lit plasma weapon and can cut metals with melting points too high for plasma.
-Biontech: Originally discovered by Biosynth, which is why it was named similarly. It has a lower melting point and higher hardening point than normal metals., and as such can be used to seal wounds without burning anything. It can also erode when exposed to chemicals caused by a healing wound, so once it heals naturally the Biontech will have melted. It’s extremely common and plentiful on planets where it’s found, so it’s not exactly valuable. It could, however, also be used to suffocate someone as it can be poured into a victim’s throat before cooling.
-Plastiron: Extremely high melting point, high enough that it doesn’t melt even when near small amounts of plasma, and as such can be used for plasma weapons. Special technology is used to melt this, and so it cannot be forged on the fly.
-Cyanion (AKA the Golden Poison): Dissolves in alcohol and contains a deadly toxin. Looks like gold in its solid form, and small specks can be seen in a liquid in which it is dissolved (Though these specks can only really be seen if you focus hard enough to see parts of the liquid that reflect more light than the rest)
-Armitium: Melting point similar to silver, but nearly indestructible in its normal form. It’s usually used for Enhancements and Tempsthetics, but because of its low melting point it is usually melted first to be mixed with Plastiron.
(Owned by @Champion Greninjoid )

Name: Ωmega (Just pronounced Omega)
Age: 27
Gender and Sex: Male and male, on the assumption that Mantled Beasts have sexes. I couldn’t find a great source of information on their actual biology.
Species: Mantled Beast
Faction (if any): Biosynth (What, did you think I’d make my own faction and then not use it?)
Hex Code: #d66d04

-Cyberagility: Mantled Beasts are faster than the average species.
-Enhanced Strength: Ωmega is quite strong. Definitely not as much so as members of the Unity, but still notable.
-Enhanced Vision: Ωmega can see in higher detail than normal. His vision can focus on specific things, and in Targeting mode he can see through walls 1’6” or thinner, relying on heat vision to find hidden targets.
-Gripped Paws: Ωmega can climb up walls that are 10 feet tall or less.
-Say, what’s that on his right wrist..?

Fast-moving metal pieces like bullets won’t be pulled in, but could have their trajectories altered. The Cuff, like most other Enhancements, is made of Plastiron. This means that, while small, it grants an area that takes no damage from plasma weapons.
-I’ve got you in my sights.

-Splitspear III: Remeniscent in size to an Imperial Dreadnought from Star Wars, this spatial warship is quite large and contains various smaller ships in its internal hanger as well as the normal components of a warship. It is more streamlined than a Dreadnought, however, and is slightly faster. Its weapons include the following:
  • Plasma Rototurrets: These unmanned turrets are present in several locations on the outside of the ship, and fire plasma rounds at unidentified ships that approach, unless disabled internally.​
  • Starkiller Railgun: The Splitspear III’s main weapon, a railgun-style laser cannon that condenses dead star matter before firing it in a beam that warps space around the straight line in which it fires, tilting surrounding ships and other objects around it before the center of the warped space explodes outwards in a powerful burst. The cannon needs to be charged before use, and requires quite a bit of energy. However, its power is enough to pierce through a small world (Size of the Moon or smaller), so it is not to be underestimated.​
  • EMP: The Splitspear can use EMPs to disrupt enemy ships.​
Other Notable Equipment:
  • Electromagnet Shields: Deflects electromagnetic pulses.​
  • Hyperspace Drive: A Hyperspace Drive. Allows the Splitspear III to travel through Hyperspace to transverse a maximum amount of space around the radius of the Milky Way at a time. The hyperdrive can only be used once every half an hour, so once it’s used the Splitspear has no real means of escape.​
Engine Details:
  • Not gonna lie, I don’t know much about engine types. As far as speed, though, the Splitspear can reach speeds of around 160 kilometers per hour without using the Hyperdrive.​

-Crosscut: Ωmega’s personal starfighter, this ship is quick and maneuverable, hosting a variety of weapons as well. These weapons include the following:
  • Plasma Repeaters: The Crosscut has Plasma Repeater cannons.​
  • Crosscut: The Crosscut’s namesake weapon. There is a Diamontite-Plastiron blade on either side of the ship that retracts when not in use, but when activated will come out in front of the ship and slice in an X shape, cutting whatever may be in front of it.​
Other Notable Equipment:
  • Heat Shields: The Crosscut has heat shields so it doesn’t burn up in the atmosphere of a planet while it is trying to land.​
  • Lesser Hyperdrive: The Crosscut can travel through Hyperspace, with a maximum distance of about the width of two solar systems at a time. This Hyperdrive has a 10-minute cooldown.​
Engine Details:
  • Maximum speed of around 1,250 kilometers per hour without hyperdrive.​
(owned by @D O G )

Name: S.A.R
Age: 4927
Gender and Sex (if applicable): male, N/A
Species: Undefined machine
Faction (if any): Machinis Vaga
Hex Code: F37934

S.A.R is on the larger side of units, being around 8 feet tall and 9 when not hunched. He’s different however, because he doesn’t have the spines and silver coloring that most units of his size do.
S.A.R is an exceptionally stronger, more experienced, and controlling unit. He seems to be the chief leader of all of the Machinis Vaga, and all other machines show unwavering loyalty to him. He has a sharper orange oculus, and larger claws, suggesting he was custom modified. He also is adept in other languages, speaking much more fluently than his other units, but still keeping his slow, menacing tone. His memory access spike also seems to be stronger, instantly killing any unit once it’s removed, and being able to slightly control the unit being stabbed while the blade is in its head.


(I assume I’m allowed to do this since I’m the creator of this faction)

Those who attempt to oppose S.A.R’s orders will be warned, and have a limb severed and destroyed for each time, after losing all of the units arms, it is executed.

Anyone who wants to challenge S.A.R for his leadership will be challenged to a 1 on 1 match, it’s heavily rigged, so unless the challenger’s side is also rigged, then they are nearly certain to loose.
(Owned by @Razor_Typhoon
Name: Drake Webb (Although he prefers to go by Ecto.)
Age: Mid 20s
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Male, Heterosexual/Straight
Species: Human
Faction (if any): Rebel/None (although was a former member of the Unity of Masks)
Hex Code: a3dcff

View attachment 375753
(Like I stated in the original application, the halo isn't magic but simply technology at its finest.

also hey I drew a jetpack as apart of the retcon)

Abilities: He's pretty agile thanks to his cybernetic limbs.
Other: Changes from the retcon not mentioned above include - Ecto owns a ship (which is small but somewhat fast), he's got a hatred towards the factions due to part of his motive...

Freedom and Rights
(Owned by @Dragonwolf73)

Name: Branch Director Eilx Vyrz
Age: 89
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Heterosexual Male
Species: Syilress
Faction (if any): SISCS, United Syilressan Empire
Hex Code: #384F47
Appearance: A taller Syilress, with mostly grey and black fur, but with the fur on his chest and underside of his neck and tail being the same as his text colour. He has a pair of stripes that are slightly more bluish that run along the top of his tail, across his sides, and then up his neck, before ending in circles around his eyes. His eyes are a dark purple colour, and his arms, chest, and tail all have small bands of a dimly glowing neon purple. He wears a black SISCS officer uniform,
Abilities: In addition to the standard abilites brought to him by his Syilressan biology, he has gotten a neural link that works with Syilressan technology, so he can use all of the equipment available to him, and a communications upgrade for that neural link so he can relay information back to the SISCS. He's also just generally practiced and honed his skills over time, and is an expert at resisting interrogation and torture, telling lies, noticing if someone else is lying or hiding something, and quietly moving around.
Other: He carries with him a small video and audio recording device, some ID papers, and a handgun.
(Owned by @D O G )

Name: Mithrix

Age: N/A (ancient)

Gender and Sex (if applicable): Male, N/A

Species: unknown, unique.

Faction (if any): Unity of Masks

Hex Code: 97b9ba



Mithrix is a giant cyclopian humanoid with an entire helmet made of metal (of which the entire thing is fused to his head). The metal which constitutes his armor, weapon, and helmet does not rust oddly, so his age is unknown.

He’s rather large, around 12 feet tall.

Abilities: Insane speed, whatever species he is, he’s light on his feet, and has massive jump capacity.

Hammer mastery, he knows how to use his massive and heavy hammer because it’s been his weapon for a long time.

Accelerated falling/ground slams. His hammer possesses a very very small chunk of neutron star material in its center, allowing it to be MUCH heavier than makes sense. If he eases his grip, it allows him to fall much faster and slam the ground, creating a shockwave and crushing anything beneath him. The immense weight of this hammer also allows him to do this on most any planet with gravity, no matter how light.

Overall, insane physical abilities. After many lifetimes of physical training, Mithrix has reached the peak of strength and agility he can have, alongside mastering his insanely heavy weapon.

Accelerated swings. After swinging around that microscopic chunk of neutron star material enough, it builds a magnetic fault line out of its sides (the holes on the hammer) and this creates additional thrust, allowing much faster and more devastating swings.

Other: He’s been within the Unity of Masks for so long, that his origin is even unknown.

His skin is very tough and weathered to the point that it actually has some minor defensive properties.

Mithrix has no moral compass, and hates life in general. He finds the soul of creatures to be wasteful, and prefers non-living soldiers that take commands without hesitation. He gets rather annoyed with his own soldiers or fellow Unity very quickly if he isn’t treated with god-like status.
(Formerly owned by @DeletedAccount8)
Name: The Authority (privately known as "Light")
Age: 40
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Non-binary and Male
Species: Avali
Faction (if any): The Insurgency
Hex Code: #999233
Appearance: Unlike the Traitor, the Authority stays more public about their appearance, which is mainly beige-tan fluff and feathers with orange-brown highlights on the head and "wings" (I don't have a proper ref for him, and I will link the species wiki if you need information).
Abilities: Because of their species, they're good at surviving cold temperatures and can glide in low gravity environments, maybe even fly if the atmosphere is thick enough. However, they have hollow bones and are quite light, so he can't take a hit well, and heat-control nanites are needed for even what humans would consider "cold."
Other: The Authority, despite their name, hardly leads the Insurgency, as they mostly work on keeping the faction from being too visible, while The Traitor handles managing members and executions.
(Formerly owned by @DeletedAccount8)
Name: The Traitor (privately known as "Neutron")
Age: 50 (since last body replacement)
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Unknown
Species: Artificial Human (mind uploaded from natural human)
Faction (if any): The Insurgency
Hex Code: #FF1532
Appearance: Covered in full-body armour meant to conceal identity and attempt to prevent assassination. The armour itself is pitch-black with a few bright-yellow and rust-green stripes, with what looks to be eye holes.
Abilities: Despite looking human on the outside and being as close to organic as possible, the body runs purely on electricity from a hunk of polonium that's replaced when it runs out. The body has no internal organs, only an electrical generator, so they can survive in space and they don't need to eat, but they are vulnerable to EMPs.
Other: The Traitor has technically existed for thousands of years, but the body itself changes frequently since their personally-made artificial bodies don't have the longest shelf-life. What is known is that they were originally human, which means they're at the very most, around 5000 years old as the technology to replace their body hasn't existed for humans for longer than that.
(Owned by @Zparks )

Name: Commander of the Masked
Age: Unknown, but is of the first who created the Unity of Masks.
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Asexual Female.
Species: Primitive Human
Faction (if any): Unity of Masks.
Hex Code: #F7667D
Appearance: A fairly average built women. Grey hair that is pulled back behind her hood, ice colored eyes, and fairer colored skin. Despite her ancient age, she looks no older than 65, and is remarkably spry and strong for someone of her age. Approximately 5'6" and 145 lbs. Constantly walks around in priest robes that cover most of her body and is of the rare few who polishes her mask, maintaining that it is "barbaric" to keep it so dirty. She does not repair any dings on it, however. Her robes are pure silver with gold lining and details depicting a bloody battle with a lone figure standing in glory above the rest.
Abilities: Longer life, maybe even immortality. Increased strength and agility of someone her size and age, maybe of someone 40 years younger. Also seems to be a mentalist, able to pick up on hundreds of details and process them in a split second, which makes her able to read people very well and she can predict people with a 95% accuracy. Able to use almost any weapon in the universe with minimal training, but prefers more lightweight weapons saying "it's easier on my bones."
Other: The Unity is split between three leaders, and the Commander takes charge of all the military needs and decisions. She, to the embarrassment of her fellow leaders, is a brilliant strategist who has lead many difficulties. It isn't saying much, however, since many of her strategies need to be simplified to appease her army.
(Owned by @Cream Alpha Wolfram
Name: Cream Alpha Wolfram
Age: Fifteen/15
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Bisexual female
Species: Human
Faction (if any): Independent, for now.
Hex Code: #FF00FF
Appearance: View attachment 372536 Excuse my art skill + ignore the flame
Abilities: Has a deep understanding of nanotechnology, and has developed a nano rope; can run very fast because of some nano implements in her legs; Her nanotech in her cells can help her prevent being frozen. (Though she can still get a hypothermia)
Other: Likes eating chocolate. Doesn’t want to be covered with ink, feels pain when being covered in it as it can short her nanotech. Not capable with cold weather, because she can get hypothermia easily.
The nano rope basically works like a grappling hook, able to reach 50m away or grabs a thing (up to) 50m away (If Cream want to grab something using it she will need to have the strength to at least move that thing) or… just simply slam someone side to side (XD) (Cream will need to be careful while using it to go to somewhere)
(Owned by @WorMortar)
Name: Payloader
Age: Minor
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Male
Species: Modified human
Faction (if any): Probably Insurgency
Hex Code: #4a3635
Appearance: Saggy black hoodie, huge jet black container strapped to his back. Covered from head to toe, he also wears a cracked helmet. Armored with pads and metal belts. Brown jeans and worn leather shoes.
Abilities: Telepathy with other Zachs(not necessary) Quite strong mentally and physically. Experienced in war. Also ignores a lot of pain due to experience.
Other: Uses a battle ram. Is care-free.
(Owned by @Schparksss)
Name: Hivemind of the Deepgrowth
Age: Absolutely ancient, estimated at about 70,000 years old.
Gender and Sex (if applicable): A literal mass of growth. No gender and asexual.
Species: Deepgrowth.
Faction (if any): Deepgrowth.
Hex Code: #F7667D
Appearance: The true appearance of the Deepgrowth Hivemind is unknown. It surrounds itself in a fleshy and mushroom-like substance in order to protect itself. It has a very dark shade of indigo and blue throughout it, and is extremely tough and even resistant to all but the hottest fire.
Abilities: Controls the drones of the Deepgrowth, able to Terraform planets using the Deepgrowth spores, can easily infect the minds of those who come in contact with Deepgrowth. Has a weird bond with technology and behaves like a virus when it makes contact.
Other: A chaotic mass whose only goal is to spread throughout the universe and control everything. Wants to control the Singularity in order to speed up this process.
(Owned by @Schparksss)
Name: Eveth, The First Watcher.
Age: Fairly old, organic being at roughly 1,000-1,500. Makes sure to keep his tech up to date, however.
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Used to be a male, Demi-romantic and asexual.
Species: What they call “evolved human.”
Faction (if any): The Ocular.
Hex Code: #FFAAFF
Appearance: Eveth has all but replaced his old organic parts with machinery, leaving only his brain intact. It floats in the center of a large jar filled with a nutrient rich liquid that is cycled through his mechanical body. The jar in question is actually made of a quartz titanium alloy that allows for both strength and clarity, being roughly as tough as the hull of a ship. This jar sits at the center of his body, rather than at his head. His mechanical body is composed of a durable alloy that is painted in a rich gold and pitch black. It is not suited for anything other than basic movement and defense, as Eveth has access to every resource that the Ocular has to offer.
Abilities: His mind is as sharp as ever, and external storage has been made to house all of his knowledge, allowing him to learn as much as he likes. He has trained his mind in order to be an organic super computer, able to calculate the most complex equations in a matter of milliseconds, our preforming even some of the most advanced computers to date. He has a sharp sense of humor and often likes trapping others in their words. Has a habit of giving extremely convoluted riddles to others in order to see them struggle. Sometimes, the riddles themselves seem very simple, but in actuality have no answer and are designed to get the thinker to just struggle.
Other: Holds the mannerisms of an old grandpa and views every member of the Ocular has his family. He keeps a watchful eye on every single one of them, always, forever, eternally watching. He mourns the fact that they must cull the “less evolved,” but deems it as a necessary sin
(Owned by @Foraging Slime)
Name: Captain Thalia Kael
Age: 28
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Female
Species: Human
Faction (if any): United Federation of Planets
Hex Code: #12edce
Spoiler: Picture
Abilities: She's a normal human.
Other: Ignore the clothing since it's from a non-Star Trek universe. Also, she was brought her not be her own will. Her ship hit an anomaly that bought it here. After school tomorrow I should have an idea on what ship I'll bring.
(Owned by @Admiral Lazuli')
Name: Geneva / Captain Geneva
Age: 22
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Non-Binary, Lesbian
Species: Synthetic
Faction (if any): Neutral for now
Hex Code: I like this one
Appearance: A humanoid with grey-skin and rivets at her joints, she's wearing an old, tattered naval captains uniform
Abilities: She can Self-Destruct, which generates a large explosion, but she takes a lot of damage from it. She can also turn her right arm into multiple weapons, such as a sword, a mace, an axe, a laser blaster, basically anything you can imagine (That's not stupidly overpowered)
Other: She bleeds liquid Silver, just like Amy
(Will make a faction as well at some point)
(Owned by @The Beheaded)
Name: superior omnibus machinis (S.O.M

Age: N/A

Gender and Sex (if applicable): Male, N/A

Species: Machinis Vaga, unique.

Faction (if any): Previously a Machinis Vaga

Hex Code: 3184b4

Appears to at his base be A machinis, but has many crucial differences. He’s about 10 feet tall, being a solid 2-3 feet above other machines. He has white metal plating with bits of golden and silver as accent colors, and he has 6 arms instead of 4. These arms have 4 claws, one every 90 degrees and he has a cyan colored oculus, this turns the normal orange color when he’s angered or hurt. He also has sharper feet, the ends being sharp enough to cut things via kicking or stomping on them.

Similar to the regular machinis, but his plasma blasts and heated hands are much hotter, charge must faster, and have small explosive radius.

He’s also stronger physically and has much stronger regenerative power, also being able to slowly regenerate armor while he can quickly regenerate his base parts, like reattaching a severed limb.

Backstory: S.O.M had a name before his current one, but that is unknown. He used to work to defend the home planet of the Machinis Vaga and it’s projects.
He was the engineer of the body he has now. It was supposed to be a gift S.A.R, but the disturbances in the galaxy interrupted that. One day he was attempting to test the program of the machine, but the other machines thought he was attempting to upload himself.

He was beaten and torn apart. However, he was saved by two brave explorers and eventually realized the benefits of free will, starting to work for himself and help those who helped him. He was wounded even further trying to help the explorers, and then was able to upload himself into the body he had worked on. With this body he helped the adventurers escape and assisted them on their adventures.
(created by @Wisp95)
Name: Marrow of Mandible
Age: 14 (21 in maturity)
Gender and Sex (if applicable): Female
Species: Formicidan (Ant people)
Faction (if any): None
Hex Code: #00A885
Appearance: A tall black ant with a green bandanna and a mask similar to those used by the unity of mask though made of copper that is heavily corroded in most spots. Wears a green tunic adorned with skulls used to hold the acid.
Abilities: Can create a volatile acid that creates a chemical explosion on impact capable of causing 3rd degree burns and can quickly corrode most common metals. The acid is generated inside the body, but cannot be held in bulk or for extended periods of time. To remedy this, they take skulls from their prey or even deceased members of their colony to carry the acid. They also have a strong carapace that can withstand many attacks. They are able to lift and carry objects many times heavier than themselves. Can emit hormones capable of calming or subduing most species by tricking their brain into registering them as friendly. Has four arms.
Other: Carries around a skull of an asphid, though it is not used for carrying acid.

IC Roleplay Link
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This seems quite interesting, and I'll probably join, but there is one rule I do have a slight problem with.
3.Combat is a heads or tails system. I don't want any 2nd grade arguments of;
"I dodged it!" "Nuh uh" "Uh huh"
This is dumb. Instead, you take the action you want to preform and flip a coin. If you call it correctly, then you can preform teh action successfully.

HOWEVER, actions must be worded correctly. You can not say: "X fires their laser gun and hits Y, killing them."
But you CAN say: "X fires their laser gun at Y, attempting to kill them"

This means that X successfully fired their laser gun at Y, and now Y has an opportunity to either dodge, block, or do some other action if they succeed their coin fli
Makes sense you want a specific system for determining results of actions, but why a coin? Pretty much every other RP that has specific rules for random chance use dice. Some use d6, most use d20s. Even in RPs without specific rules for that, d20s have been used. I would also prefer a d20, as that way the chance can be altered slightly. If someone is standing right in front of you and you aim a gun at them, you should be able to hit them. But someone a kilometer away on top of a building partially behind cover? That's a different story. You could still hit them, just it isn't anywhere near as likely.

Now, that's one way of doing things. Another is how one other RP did it, and that's something more like Blades in the Dark. Not sure how well it would work here, but that system uses a d6,and divides it not into chance of success, but whether or not you get a complication. 6 would succeed without issue, 4 and 5 are success with minor complication, and I believe 2 and 3 are failure with minor complications and 1 is failure with a major complication.

Much more room for creativity than just asking "Heads or tails?"
This seems quite interesting, and I'll probably join, but there is one rule I do have a slight problem with.

Makes sense you want a specific system for determining results of actions, but why a coin? Pretty much every other RP that has specific rules for random chance use dice. Some use d6, most use d20s. Even in RPs without specific rules for that, d20s have been used. I would also prefer a d20, as that way the chance can be altered slightly. If someone is standing right in front of you and you aim a gun at them, you should be able to hit them. But someone a kilometer away on top of a building partially behind cover? That's a different story. You could still hit them, just it isn't anywhere near as likely.

Now, that's one way of doing things. Another is how one other RP did it, and that's something more like Blades in the Dark. Not sure how well it would work here, but that system uses a d6,and divides it not into chance of success, but whether or not you get a complication. 6 would succeed without issue, 4 and 5 are success with minor complication, and I believe 2 and 3 are failure with minor complications and 1 is failure with a major complication.

Much more room for creativity than just asking "Heads or tails?"
I only used a heads or tails because at the time I couldn't think of something better. But your system you suggested is MUCH better, and I'll just use that. :D
All right, sounds good.

And who handles the rolls? Are you going to roll for people, or does the defender roll, or the attacker?
EDIT: And by defender or attacker I'm thiNking specifically of player on player combat, which probably won't be too common, so I'm also going to ask separately now who handles it for player vs NPC combat, or just trying to open an unlocked door, etc.?
All right, sounds good.

And who handles the rolls? Are you going to roll for people, or does the defender roll, or the attacker?
I was thinking both? but it'd be hard to balance I guess.

I can see frustration where one person rolls a six to hit and another rolls a six to dodge. Who wins?

I'm still open to suggestions.

Edit: I guess if the attacking person rolls a six, the defender can just not roll.

Or it could be the attacker rolls a dice, and the defender has to roll at the dice number or higher.
I was thinking both? but it'd be hard to balance I guess.

I can see frustration where one person rolls a six to hit and another rolls a six to dodge. Who wins?

I'm still open to suggestions.
Well, with the d6 system I suggested, and is used by Blades in the Dark, well, Blades in the Dark is a crime based tabletop game, so combat rolls aren't as common for various reasons, and I'm not quite sure how combat is handled there. But one main thing is that it would generally be player characters vs NPCs. Therefore, the PC rolls for their actions, and I'm not sure if NPCs roll at all, and instead their power may just be balanced by timers for certain actions.

This is where the basic system used by most people when without other rules systems comes in.
Basically, both roll a d20, and whoever rolls higher wins the roll. But that doesn't leave room for other effects.

You could then go the full D&D style route by adding a complete system with multiple types of rolls, dice, and modifiers. However, that takes time, and can push away players if it's top hard to get into.

I'll add some more of my thoughts once you've responded so I can see if you bring up any more points.
what is known as a "Organica."
Also, I noticed this error in the first post. "An" should be used before vowel sounds, so having an "a" there is incorrect.

I would also like to take this time to point out how it's vowel sounds, so it's a roleplay, but it's also an RP, because RP sounds like it starts with Are, even though the full word uses a. Not a problem I've seen with you, but I've seen it with some other users on the forums.
Well, with the d6 system I suggested, and is used by Blades in the Dark, well, Blades in the Dark is a crime based tabletop game, so combat rolls aren't as common for various reasons, and I'm not quite sure how combat is handled there. But one main thing is that it would generally be player characters vs NPCs. Therefore, the PC rolls for their actions, and I'm not sure if NPCs roll at all, and instead their power may just be balanced by timers for certain actions.

This is where the basic system used by most people when without other rules systems comes in.
Basically, both roll a d20, and whoever rolls higher wins the roll. But that doesn't leave room for other effects.

You could then go the full D&D style route by adding a complete system with multiple types of rolls, dice, and modifiers. However, that takes time, and can push away players if it's top hard to get into.

I'll add some more of my thoughts once you've responded so I can see if you bring up any more points.
I think I'm going to scrap that system for a more streamlined one;

Roll a d6 to attack. Use the number and state it in the post. Example;
"x takes a knife and stabs y" (I rolled a 3 to hit)
Then Y rolls a dice. If they roll above 3, they can dodge, block, etc. If they roll three or below, they're hit.

I think that might be a better system. What do you think?
Also, I noticed this error in the first post. "An" should be used before vowel sounds, so having an "a" there is incorrect.

I would also like to take this time to point out how it's vowel sounds, so it's a roleplay, but it's also an RP, because RP sounds like it starts with Are, even though the full word uses a. Not a problem I've seen with you, but I've seen it with some other users on the forums.
Thank you for this. I'll fix all grammatical issues in the post. I was more worried about getting it out at the time lol.
I think I'm going to scrap that system for a more streamlined one;

Roll a d6 to attack. Use the number and state it in the post. Example;
"x takes a knife and stabs y" (I rolled a 3 to hit)
Then Y rolls a dice. If they roll above 3, they can dodge, block, etc. If they roll three or below, they're hit.

I think that might be a better system. What do you think?
Sounds good.
Perhaps with some things there should also be a slight modifier, but only some basic ones.
Like the defender getting a +1 or +2 to avoiding getting shot if they're behind cover, or -1 to avoiding an electric shock if you've replaced your body with a conductive metal, etc.
Then with that it gives options for people being able to add their own modifers as skills or abilities their character has. Like maybe they could get a +1 to dealing with computers if they're an experienced hacker.
Sounds good.
Perhaps with some things there should also be a slight modifier, but only some basic ones.
Like the defender getting a +1 or +2 to avoiding getting shot if they're behind cover, or -1 to avoiding an electric shock if you've replaced your body with a conductive metal, etc.
Then with that it gives options for people being able to add their own modifers as skills or abilities their character has. Like maybe they could get a +1 to dealing with computers if they're an experienced hacker.
I would be open to that. I think the only problem I would have is that I'm not really a game master, so i can't control what people "find" or "make."

I'm not familiar with the TCF RPing community, so I don't know if it's applicable. I've just had bad experiences in the past. :D
Well, I assume you accept characters before they can be used in the RP, so if you have a problem with one, just tell them what you'd like to see changed.

Also, I find one solution for dealing with minor issues when the RP actually starts, is sometimes allowing something to happen the first time, but telling the person that you'd prefer they did something different in the future.
Well, I assume you accept characters before they can be used in the RP, so if you have a problem with one, just tell them what you'd like to see changed.

Also, I find one solution for dealing with minor issues when the RP actually starts, is sometimes allowing something to happen the first time, but telling the person that you'd prefer they did something different in the future.
That's a fair point. I'll roll with it for now.

Thank you for your amazing help! It has been hugely enlightening. :D
That's a fair point. I'll roll with it for now.

Thank you for your amazing help! It has been hugely enlightening. :D
You're welcome.
Anyway, I've got to go now, as it's after midnight, and I need to sleep, so I'll probably work on a character in the morning.
Oh, one last thing before I go.

How would a species like dragons work? Like, elemental breath can be explained, but what about flight? Generally most dragons that are of average size or larger are considered to be too big and heavy to actually fly. So any idea how that could be explained away through your tech rules you have?
Oh, one last thing before I go.

How would a species like dragons work? Like, elemental breath can be explained, but what about flight? Generally most dragons that are of average size or larger are considered to be too big and heavy to actually fly. So any idea how that could be explained away through your tech rules you have?
You could say that a dragon has a skeletal structure similar to a birds, where their bones are hollow, but the bones aren't made out of a material like calcium. It could be a natural aluminum compound and in order to build these bones, dragons must eat a lot of metal. (this would be a science fiction explanation, as we haven't observed any creatures with a metallic like substance for a skeleton.)

Another biological explanation is that because they have a planet with a denser atmosphere or lower gravity, they are able to fly easily on their homeworld, but need assistance else wear. (this is an ACTUAL scientific explanation.)

It could also be explained away as anti-gravity technology, and dragons didn't originally have wings, but it is something they created for themselves.

It doesn't need to be technology only. Biology could also play a role. :D
I doubt I'll join, even though the concept is interesting, I don't want to have to make yet another new character just for one roleplay... (Yeah, none of my 453 characters would really work here without a ton of changes that would be hard for me to keep track of ;- ; )
Though I did notice this in the OP
a +@ for full cover
I think you held shift for a little too long.
@ can't even be gotten with shift, it needs, ctrl + alt, or alt gr to be typed.
At least on my keyboard
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