The Last Post Wins!

btw here are the (practically useless) results of several hours of me playing starbound before giving up, using some spawnitem commands, and then bailing out

I don't really plan on keeping much from this concept for Sago
before I go here's Sago's notes so far
-Is from Abronia
-May have connections to the snow beacon, and is at least from a town in the snow biome
-Considers Deerclops to be her arch-nemesis because of her childhood
--("When I was little I had a tendency to get lost during blizzards. I didn't have much to fight with back then (Especially the first time), so those encounters often lasted the rest of the night. Eventually my family stopped being super worried every time it happened, because I'd always make it home safely or with injuries I'd recover from pretty quickly."
"Really, the only thing I'd *always* be once I got home was TIRED... And maaaybe I was kinda panicking the first few times, but uhh, please don't tell anyone I said that..."
-Design Notes:
--Fluffy winter boots
--Usually wears a winter coat
--Has her hair in a loose ponytail most of the time
-Uses a bladed boomerang for most battles, but is pretty good with bows too
-Text Color: #b9d9ee
Guys, what's ðe Latin grammatical mood for someþing ðat should happen continually in ðe future but might not definitely happen?

Edit: Nevermind, ðe verb "ago" already indicates continual action. I was worried it might be more like "facio", which doesn't.
Ok so tell me how

Thorns potion: Potentially dirty water, Cactus (thorns and all), and deathweed (cmon that cant smell or taste good) doesn't make the terrarian sick

Lesser healing potion: Empty bottle, Gel (stated to be tasty in the tooltip), and a mushroom (heals you) makes the terrarian sick for a whole minute
Ok so tell me how

Thorns potion: Potentially dirty water, Cactus (thorns and all), and deathweed (cmon that cant smell or taste good) doesn't make the terrarian sick

Lesser healing potion: Empty bottle, Gel (stated to be tasty in the tooltip), and a mushroom (heals you) makes the terrarian sick for a whole minute
Well to be fair the mushroom that one is made with does make you sick as well.
Well to be fair the mushroom that one is made with does make you sick as well.
Nowhere near as long as slapping some gel onto it makes you sick for, the point is, some of those potions would taste awful and probably be harmful based on their ingredients, but seemingly no downside to lesser and normal healing potions. And how does a restoration potion make you sick less despite both ingredients making you sick?
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