The Last Post Wins!

I got a new computer for Christmas so i'm using my old one to play wiþ new operating systems. I couldn't get ReactOS or Haiku to work so now i'm struggling to understand OpenBSD.
I actually started the year by completing Hard Chapter 1 in Slime Castle. It felt good getting that win first thing of the year, to be honest.
Alright then.
I only recently got Slime Castle, for context.

First thing I did today in Splatoon was pick up some new gear I wanted for developing Lyssia's outfit.
Happy new year to my eastern standard time folks! What needs to stay in 2024 and what are you doing different this time? (note: I never hit send, 1 hr late)
Sometimes I cannot go more than an hour of being in fullscreen without coming back to an assault of pokemon fusions from someone I know IRL-
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