Alright, so it started off as back as 2016, and the first step to making ConfuzzledCobalt was the creation of my Roblox Avatar. It wore a blindfold and a blue hood, which stayed as my main theme up until around 2022. Over time, I named this character, "FlakeCake" who was meant to be some sort of "God of Gods" who lived on a planet with 4 names: Cakia, Shakia, Rainia & Flamia. Three of which went on to become Kiobetya's moons, with Flamia becoming the liquid water that makes up its rings. Eventually, due to Terraria, I changed the hood into the Cobalt hat, and changed his signature weapon from a Scythe to a Cobalt Naginata, as it was an obscure weapon and I changed his name from FlakeCake to CobaltNaginata, because I was a big fan of Wand of Sparking at the time. Eventually, LORE WAS BORN. so it became a fantasy Terraria world, where weapons were people. This lead to the creation of EVERY OTHER CONFUZLI. Then, after finding my new favorite word, Confuzzled, I did a bit of work shopping on the name & outfit. Switching out the hoodie for a shirt, Sweatpants for jeans, boots for ordinary shoes, & Cobalt hat for an ordinary Jingasa. You know, a more casual outfit. Blindfold stays tho. And finally, the name stuck at ConfuzzledCobalt. Then, After Maz had made my pfp, and drew his eye sticking out of the blindfold, this gave me an idea for a new character linked to him. The Outcast/The Canvas, and I looked back on the whole "God of Gods" thing, and decided to write him going across his universe, in search of cobalt & killing gods, for they are against him, and unknowingly, he rules over them as the God of Color, a finaleversal anomaly with near endless creativity and capability, similar to my never resting mind.