<–——= Lunar Approach =——–>
(9, 4, 12, 11 -1 = 10, 4, 15 - 1 = 14)
Xylith is struck by the first missile, boosting to the side out of reflex and dodging the next three, only to be hit in the shoulder by the fourth, counter-firing his thrusters to remain stationary as he swats the final missile off course with his axe.
Glancing briefly over his shoulder, he extends his axe, boosting towards the other defense weapon at full speed, aiming to cleave this one apart, trying to catch it off guard. (11) Regardless of success, he would flare his thrusters after, halting behind his target before opening his shoulder missile salvos, firing a cluster of micro-missiles in a condensed shotgun-like blast at the thing. (17, 7, 3)
(D20: 4, 8, 4, 7)
Xylith's initial rush peels off a large section of plating from the machine he targeted, and as it manoeuvres around to aim at Xylith, the salvo of missiles would slam right into the exposed plating, setting off a chain reaction as Coral ignites within the machine, explosions quickly ripping it apart.
The remaining machine meanwhile would ignore Xylith, rocketing onwards towards the Splitspear.
<–——= ODP-10 "Rapier" =——–>
(5) The light unit, still very much stunned, barely manages to move itself, the thrust tearing a good chunk out of its torso as it staggers to the side, slowly gaining its footing.
Seeing an opening, Unit A would proceed to charge forwards, blade raised into the air as it proceeds to slam downwards on top of the light unit. (D20: 12)
(8) And that it does, lights flickering at the blade cleaves through its torso.
Now at point blank, it tries in desperation to unload its coral rifle into the enemy unit while also frantically slashing at and towards it. (7, 19)
(D20: 3, 3)
That absolutely tears apart Unit B, however, understanding its coming destruction, it would suddenly begin to whir, a deep red glow beginning to emanate from within it as it grabs onto the light unit and does its best to shove the two of them towards the other light units. (D20: Nat 20.)
The first unit, (I should probably name them), sees the other two approaching, drawing its own coral-tipped blade and igniting it, wobbling slightly as coral drips from the huge wound in its torso.
And Units C & D, upon seeing what B is doing, come to a stop, before quickly taking cover from the coming blast.
<–——= ODP-12 "Valiant" =——–>
Ducking down, the heavy unit manages to only be grazed by the beam, some of the armor on its head melting and deforming, but no major damage is dealt. (10)
It then attempts to bash the turret into submission with its rifle a few more times (7), before attempting to continue its machine-gun spray of coral pulses, hoping to take the thing offline. (14)
(D20: 8, 20)
The turret raises its remaining shield, getting worn down by the slamming of the rifle, before somehow the Coral pulses would seem to somehow... resonate, with the Coral of the defense turret, its shield holding before flickering out as it fires off an overcharged beam right back at the heavy unit. (D20: 16)
<–——= Access Violation =——–>
Jack sighs.
"Eenie.. Meenie.. Miney-“
He slowly turns his head, looking behind him into the darkness.
“Entity probably following me, 29 or 30?”
He says this with a joking tone, turning back and continuing to think..
The darkness... is silent, the heavy odor and fumes of the contaminated water and the stifling heat lingering within the tunnel would be oppressive.
The silence would only be broken by a faint and steady dripping sound...
<–——= A Walk Gone Awry =——–>
For now, Luis just follows in silence, looking around warily.
And Sirale would continue as well,
Ayita meanwhile would not be looking at much in particular, her ears instead visibly moving.
<–——= EXECUTION =——–>
<<…He made a conscious effort to stop it.>>
<<And I think I saw him purposefully defending against that gunshot and boomerang throw. So maybe we have some hope…>>
Sarah takes another shot at Xee (D20: 9) before loading a Liht canister in her laser cannon.
<"Well... I suppose-">
Xee gets shot in the face, which weirdly reflects it up into space. His head recoils from the impact, before moving back into place as he stares down Seraph.
"If you insist~"
He snaps his fingers, three energy orbs forming to swirl around him. He takes a second to decide which one to throw.... before shrugging and throwing all of them at Sarah. (16)
<"...You were saying?">
Lightning would quickly twist around, trying to bat the orbs away from herself and Sarah... (D20: 2...) and instead seems to just throw herself directly into them instead...
Evi meanwhile would look at Mae, before looking around for Draucon.