The most annoying boss in any video game you've played.

in my opinion, it would be

[/Annihilate(original mix) ]

why? there's so much on screen to keep track of, especially in the first
You have been
part, there's so many worms on screen that it's almost impossible to not take a hit.
Jafar in kh2fm. If you don't kill him by skipping his DM, prepare to never get a real opening to attack again, between 1271671 fireballs and lightning, and him starting his DM again the instant the fire and lightning ends. although, this probably isn't a problem outside of critical level 1.
Not a boss, but absolutely :red: The Perfect Run star from Super Mario Galaxy 2. A huge gauntlet were if you take damage once, you die. And at the end, with all the Hammer and Boomerang Bros, It's absolutely horrible.
The ECLIPSE/EOS fight in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
I had to camp in a tunnel to beat that. Died way too many times.
Edit: And to top it all off, it's a level 35 fight. I was level 50.)
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- Absolute Radiance

Reasons it is a cancer:

1 - cancerous attacks

2 - you need to kill this boss at the end of a boss rush, which has all the 47 bosses of the game. Each of these boss rushes last 30 minutes

3 - its needed to unlock one of the ending of the games

I defeated this boss in some kind of practice mode, but I still didn't kill it in this boss rush to unlock the ending, because of the pressure
new worst boss:
Hades, from Hades by supergiant games.
two phases, each with a massive amount of health, attacks do a lot of damage, they have an attack that lets them double damage on you, and they can summon the hardest variants of every enemy. enough said.
I enjoy the fight too, but it's incredibly difficult unless you have that one meme build for over 1.9K damage on your sword
Broken Vessel from Hollow Knight. I don’t know why, but for three hours I would just attempt it over and over again and kept making dumb mistakes and dying. The fight was a really neat one, but it kinda gets to you when you barely get anywhere for hours.
felt amazing absolutely destroying Lost Kin with better gear though lmao
I take this back, I’d have to say the most annoying boss I’ve fought is Grey Prince Zote from Hollow Knight. The first time you find it it’s pretty funny and its a fun little challenge. But once he’s in the pantheons he feels like a total crapshoot thewhole time. Even though it’s the same as the first fight, you have to re-fight him every time you want to try to beat the pantheon and that’s when I usually die to him. The attack patterns are so random and all the minions are annoying as well, and he fakes you out a bunch too. In short, just leave him to die at the beginning of the game.
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