Empress of Light
Nah, Aquaias' bubbles are NPCs while the devestators are projectiles. I've for sure fixed the Devestaors attack animation and I'm gonna ask around the tModLoader forums to see if anyone has any idea what the giant bubbles are for. Btw, don't feel bad about nit picky complaints; I want my work to be as clean as possible!Wonder if it happens with Aquaius too, his mid-form (the bubbles and bubble primes) look pretty similar to the Devastator's new projectiles.

Empress of Light
So uhh Do you know that whenever you fight the lich he horribly destroys the server connection and makes it unresponsive and close?
Cause that hahppened to me and my friend many times and we have very strong connection so i dont think it would be an issue with our sside. But whenevr we foguth the lich the server would get super unresponsive and crash. If this is just a our side problem sorry but if its not halp
Cause that hahppened to me and my friend many times and we have very strong connection so i dont think it would be an issue with our sside. But whenevr we foguth the lich the server would get super unresponsive and crash. If this is just a our side problem sorry but if its not halp
Empress of Light
The Lich and the Ragnarok do not function in Multiplayer at the moment. I've stated that a couple times, but I'm actively rewriting their code to allow multiplayer support.So uhh Do you know that whenever you fight the lich he horribly destroys the server connection and makes it unresponsive and close?
Cause that hahppened to me and my friend many times and we have very strong connection so i dont think it would be an issue with our sside. But whenevr we foguth the lich the server would get super unresponsive and crash. If this is just a our side problem sorry but if its not halp
Empress of Light
\The Lich and the Ragnarok do not function in Multiplayer at the moment. I've stated that a couple times, but I'm actively rewriting their code to allow multiplayer support.
Oh believe me i know they dont work completely or at all.
But imj ust telling you one of the issues just incase it could help. Plz dont murder me diverman
Official Terrarian
Nah, Aquaias' bubbles are NPCs while the devestators are projectiles. I've for sure fixed the Devestaors attack animation and I'm gonna ask around the tModLoader forums to see if anyone has any idea what the giant bubbles are for. Btw, don't feel bad about nit picky complaints; I want my work to be as clean as possible!![]()
I'm guessing it could have something to do with the fact that the bubbles are different sizes every time, but i'm probably wrong, since I know nothing about coding.
EDIT: While i'm nitpicking, how about that terrarium pick/drill and their 205% power, even though they are post-golem? (unless it's something about mining speed balancing)
Empress of Light
But imj ust telling you one of the issues just incase it could help. Plz dont murder me diverman
I figured out the issue I believe... I'll update the modBrowser and you tell me if any issues still persist.Wonder if it happens with Aquaius too, his mid-form (the bubbles and bubble primes) look pretty similar to the Devastator's new projectiles.
Empress of Light
I'm so mad right now... Nah dude, everything is cool, lol. I was just letting you know, I'm not too fond of boss ai coding...
Boss AI coding is a pain.
Official Terrarian
Well I've bashed the guide's door a bunch, no "Giga Bubblies". The Devastator also now has an animation
. But in this screenshot, if you look where the cursor is, there's something that looks like the chain part of the grappling hook. I found this in the earlier updates too. Should probably test the Giga Shrooms too, but i have to go for the night.
Giga Shrooms, sounds fun
Giga Shrooms, sounds fun

Empress of Light
Ugh, dont bother... The giga projectiles haven't truly been fixed; Just got a giga shroomy. I'll have to really investigate this junk.Should probably test the Giga Shrooms too, but i have to go for the night.
The Destroyer
I decided to point out some things that haven't been updated on the main page.
The Demon bloods set bonus is out dated.
Some of the new donators items dont have any recipes yet.
Some random items like The blackhole canon, Mjölnir and others i havnt noticed aren't even listed yet
And some of the ncps item pictures are outdated, showing eiter uncompleate lists of what thye sell or they use outdated sprites.
And while this is slighty anoying it still hasn't ruined my enjoyment of this mod
The Demon bloods set bonus is out dated.
Some of the new donators items dont have any recipes yet.
Some random items like The blackhole canon, Mjölnir and others i havnt noticed aren't even listed yet
And some of the ncps item pictures are outdated, showing eiter uncompleate lists of what thye sell or they use outdated sprites.
And while this is slighty anoying it still hasn't ruined my enjoyment of this mod
Gratuitous Lurking
Doing some further thinking on this idea, replying to the post so it's dragged along. I got a question, mostly on how the game treats the placed turret things like the snowball cannon or the bunny cannon? Are those treated like any other trap item where the player stats influence them, or perhaps could those be twisted about with the utter insanity of the turret ideas, turning the tinker into more of a planner and working with the existing turret placables? :SEh, either way, I'm just doing a bit of random thinking and bleh for shenanigans and fun times, and because I'm kinda having some fun time imagining mecha combat and making turret minions utterly insane
Still, I'm sorry/not sorry for the infodump of ideas in the spoilers X3 I'll stop after this, I promise!
Walker Mounts - I kinda went a bit cheesy and borrowed the same theme as Kingdom Heart's magic Heartless with the naming... Still, general thoughts apply through em all. Earlier mecha would have a limited weapon option, whereas later ones would be duel-wielding mecha weapons that compliment each other.
Steel Overture - Walker (Biped), 5 Blocks High. Fires cannonballs.
Thorium Caprice - Walker (Biped), 5 Blocks High. Uses twin Thorium Revolvers.
Meteor Sonata - Walker (Biped), 5 Blocks High. Jetpack (50% Power), 2% Damage Mitigation. Fires Meteor Shot at pistol speed, as well as having a Starcannon special attack with a long cooldown.
Cobalt Concerto - Walker (Biped), 6 Blocks High. Wings (100% Power), 6% Damage Mitigation. Fires
Palladium Beat - Walker (Quadraped), 6 Blocks High. Wings (100% Power), 8% Damage Mitigation. Features sword slashes and a 1-tier power shield similar to Solar armor for dashing.
Mechanized Duet - Walker (Biped), 6 Blocks High. Wings (150% Power), 12% Damage Mitigation. Twin's laser and chainsaw arm.
Plantara's Elegy - Walker (Quadraped), 7 Blocks High. Wings (150% Power, 14% Damage Mitigation, attacks with Spore shower fired from above and left to drift, and launching Plant Vines like Golem Fists.
Interstellar Seranade - Walker (Quadraped), 12 Blocks High. 18% Damage Mitigation, Laser Beam from below and laser gatlings for directed combat.
Lunarian Solo - Walker (Jet Propelled), 10 Blocks High. Full Flight Capability, 20% Damage Mitigation, Focus Blade (Melee attack similar to the Arkhalis, Homing missiles and vulcan minigun shots for ranged attack. Defaulting uses Master Ninja Gear to dodge and evade.
New Turret Weapons - The new ranged and melee turrets that could work. As expected, the summon items are all tools of some kind!
Popgun Projector - A wooden wrench? What?
Creates the Popgun Turret. Popgun turret fires balls with sizable knockback but little damage.
Siegemaster's Calibrator - Required to do some calibrations.
Creates the Catapult, which lobs large rocks at an arch. Rocks have similar physics to the Rolling Boulder trap.
Molten Pipewrench - A wrench that emits great heat.
Creates the Inferno Turret, a low-tier flame projector.
Familiar Fender-Denter - A black wrench that seems oddly familiar...
A TF2 Reference! Creates a Lvl 1 Sentry in a position. Over time, the Sentry evolves, eventually reaching Level 3 and gaining new attacks as it levels!
Destroyer's Collar - Grabs ahold of mechanized monsters for your own amusement!
Creates the Strange Bumper, a round device out of Destroyer parts that bounces off enemies that walk into it violently.
Golem's Visage Parts - Allows for placing the ghastly visage of the Golem.
Sets up a Golem head that fires eye blasts faster as it sits in position.
Martian Tesla Mounter - Carried by Martian Engineers.
Places one of those nasty Tesla Turrets down under your command!
Mounted Megashark Stand - It's best not to ask how this happened...
Places a Megashark that fires Lunar Bullets in position, to rapidly chew through enemies.
Mounted Combat-related Accessories
Mech Pilot License, Grades F->D->C->B->A->S->SS->SSS
An accessory craftable to add subtle buffs to the Walker mounts specifically. Upgraded with various items found in progression, and the buffs only activate when Mounted. Buffs HP regen, movement acceleration, damage mitigation,
Targeting Sensors
A late-progress accessory that offers ally/enemy sense when mounted.
Machinery Overclocker
Increases a Combat Mount's attack speed significantly.
Special Fuel Mixture
Increases movement speed and flight time of Combat Mounts.
Turret Minion related Accessories
Tinker's Toolbox
An accessory that grants Turret Minions increased numbers
High-Strength Parts
Increases the duration of Turret Minions by 50% (or 100%?)
Pulse Drive Gadget
Creates a pulse occasionally from all Turret Minions that knocks them back and deals a quarter of the minion's damage.
Monster Bait Stick
An accessory that subtly draws minions to aggro at turrets instead of players. Can be overwritten with player armor that offers increased enemy aggression.
Firework Handler's License
Increases the power of Rocket based projectiles. Useful both for the nut in Shroomite that goes for the Stynger as well as the Engineer.
Turret-based Engineer Armors
Engineer's Overalls
Base armor for an Engineer, granting increased amount of Ranged damage and lower enemy aggro towards them.
Technician's Exoskeleton
A late-game armor for an Engineer, granting increased amounts of Turrets and damage as well as a personal turret as a set bonus.
Combat Mount-based Engineer Armors
Steampunker's Overcoat
A low-tier piloting outfit, offering some general buffs for a Mounted warrior. It's set bonus would be hightened regeneration when Mounted.
Pilot's Softsuit
A late-game armor for Pilots, that offers greater buffs for Mounted combat. It allows a Heroic Sacrifice buff, allowing for a mech pilot to survive a fatal blow with a small amount of HP and a reactor explosion effect on death, doing great damage to nearby enemies. 5M Cooldown. Enemies are also more likely to target you.
*Ponders perhaps trying to sprite some of these static-image style*
Also, looking at the stuff relating to TModLoader, if reading right they've not fully finished coding for mounts yet. Shame, was really liking the Pilot idea :<
I love this mod! Personally I think for all those people that can't be bothered actually getting all the items you guys should update the All Items Map
Skeletron Prime
While i ride on warg/infernal hound/giantic crab mount,*player position* is goin down on map
Dr. Bones.
Skeletron Prime
this does also happen in vanilla... at least it did in i dont know about 1.3.1 but i have not heard about it sinceWhile i ride on warg/infernal hound/giantic crab mount,*player position* is goin down on map
Skeletron Prime
yes,this happening in vanilla but in this time icon go really deep downthis does also happen in vanilla... at least it did in i dont know about 1.3.1 but i have not heard about it since
Btw, don't feel bad about nit picky complaints; I want my work to be as clean as possible!![]()
This reminds me, actually. I noticed a while ago that the Strange Crate doesn't count as a surface on top, so you can't stack them like vanilla crates. I keep forgetting about it, though.

Official Terrarian
I don't know if this was discussed or not, but I decided to make a new world to try summoner class and every new world lacks the queen bee hives and also the jungle temple is slightly outside of the jungle.
Empress of Light
Oh I'm aware, but I haven't been able to find a fix for it yet. It'll come to me eventually, just like all the other fixes seem to...This reminds me, actually. I noticed a while ago that the Strange Crate doesn't count as a surface on top, so you can't stack them like vanilla crates. I keep forgetting about it, though.![]()
I'm not sure if that's a tModLoader issue or a mod issue, but you could test it for me if you feel like it. Try unloading every mod and generating a new small world. Then go check to see if there are any hives.I don't know if this was discussed or not, but I decided to make a new world to try summoner class and every new world lacks the queen bee hives and also the jungle temple is slightly outside of the jungle.
General Milky
Every world I've tried has queen bee hives, but my last world gen attempt was 2 updates ago. I don't see why it would be broken now.
Small worlds are just janky. Don't generate small worlds if you can help it, world gen issues have been around forever in it.
Small worlds are just janky. Don't generate small worlds if you can help it, world gen issues have been around forever in it.
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