tModLoader The Thorium Mod

I didn't take a picture of it but while playing around on a test character and fighting Ragnarok I had the prefix mod on and I created an abomination. So basically Aquarious got the prefix "Leeching" which drains hit points and heals it back up while also GAINING hit points. The end result? A boss that had over 850k hp that healed for roughly 35k every couple of seconds. I spent a good thirty minutes trying to out dps it with Mjolnir before giving up and using the basic pickaxe to kill it. Even THAT took like eight swings. It was insanity.
I have a question/suggestion.
So you want Coznix to be an early Hardmode boss, correct? The problem here is that the Mechanical Bosses take first priority on Hardmode as soon as you break altars, because of their ability to randomly spawn. If you want Coznix to be fought pre-Mech bosses, it might not be a good idea to require a Mythril Anvil because otherwise you have no way to access them until you've begun to deal with Mechanical Bosses (which are too much of a nuisance to fight with Coznix). My recommendation would be a Hellforge since you have to use the Souls, making it still Hardmode, just Pre-Mechanical. If he's not meant to be Pre-Mech bosses, that's fine, but I don't know how "early" you meant, so it's not really specified.
I have a question/suggestion.
So you want Coznix to be an early Hardmode boss, correct? The problem here is that the Mechanical Bosses take first priority on Hardmode as soon as you break altars, because of their ability to randomly spawn. If you want Coznix to be fought pre-Mech bosses, it might not be a good idea to require a Mythril Anvil because otherwise you have no way to access them until you've begun to deal with Mechanical Bosses (which are too much of a nuisance to fight with Coznix). My recommendation would be a Hellforge since you have to use the Souls, making it still Hardmode, just Pre-Mechanical. If he's not meant to be Pre-Mech bosses, that's fine, but I don't know how "early" you meant, so it's not really specified.
Early hardmode is generally sometime between mech bosses but before Plantera. Personally? I try to kill him asap for his chariot to use in fighting the other bosses (sans loot pinata destroyer)
Early hardmode is generally sometime between mech bosses but before Plantera. Personally? I try to kill him asap for his chariot to use in fighting the other bosses (sans loot pinata destroyer)
Understandable, BUT I personally find the threat of Mech Bosses attacking randomly to be too much for me. I devote all of my time to making arenas for them before I break any altars, then I patiently mine and make the best gear that I can before they attack. I'd like to fight Coznix and see if I can beat him, thus earning me some extra Hardmode gear. I love variety.
Early hardmode is generally sometime between mech bosses but before Plantera. Personally? I try to kill him asap for his chariot to use in fighting the other bosses (sans loot pinata destroyer)

That's mid, really. Early hardmode in my book is the phase between starting it and downing your first mech. Coznix isn't very hard to take down during this phase, and I definitely support its crafting station being demoted to hellforge or basic anvil
Understandable, BUT I personally find the threat of Mech Bosses attacking randomly to be too much for me. I devote all of my time to making arenas for them before I break any altars, then I patiently mine and make the best gear that I can before they attack. I'd like to fight Coznix and see if I can beat him, thus earning me some extra Hardmode gear. I love variety.
Imop Mech boss attacks are so rare you practically never need to worry about them randomly spawning. Ordinarily it takes a while before they do anyways. At least that's my case. They have only ever spawned on me if I took too long in messing around with other things.

That's mid, really. Early hardmode in my book is the phase between starting it and downing your first mech. Coznix isn't very hard to take down during this phase, and I definitely support its crafting station being demoted to hellforge or basic anvil
'eh...I consider the mech bosses to be early. Killing them all leads into midgame which is plantera + golem and then that leads into end game which is lunatic cultist + moon lord.
That's mid, really. Early hardmode in my book is the phase between starting it and downing your first mech. Coznix isn't very hard to take down during this phase, and I definitely support its crafting station being demoted to hellforge or basic anvil

Demon Altar is also an option for this but I think that Hellforge is nice since he IS a second boss in hell, which you otherwise have no reason to revisit. Glad you agree with my post though! :guidehappy:

Imop Mech boss attacks are so rare you practically never need to worry about them randomly spawning. Ordinarily it takes a while before they do anyways. At least that's my case. They have only ever spawned on me if I took too long in messing around with other things.
You're lucky then! My friend and I destroyed the altars the first time we played Expert. First night after, Twins attacked. Night after, Skeleprime attacked. We finally decided that Destroyer was coming and prepared for him; instead Twins showed up again, killed us, and THEN, finally, after we died to Twins AGAIN, Destroyer visited and we BARELY won that fight. :guidecry::guideconfused:

I'd much rather be prepared after being attacked by the Mechanical Bosses four times in a row. Just my two cents though. Coznix would be a nice way to ease into it, since I'm currently debating whether I should just fish for all the stuff I need instead of breaking altars. :guidenaughty:
Demon Altar is also an option for this but I think that Hellforge is nice since he IS a second boss in hell, which you otherwise have no reason to revisit. Glad you agree with my post though! :guidehappy:

You're lucky then! My friend and I destroyed the altars the first time we played Expert. First night after, Twins attacked. Night after, Skeleprime attacked. We finally decided that Destroyer was coming and prepared for him; instead Twins showed up again, killed us, and THEN, finally, after we died to Twins AGAIN, Destroyer visited and we BARELY won that fight. :guidecry::guideconfused:

I'd much rather be prepared after being attacked by the Mechanical Bosses four times in a row. Just my two cents though. Coznix would be a nice way to ease into it, since I'm currently debating whether I should just fish for all the stuff I need instead of breaking altars. :guidenaughty:
Something you could do though is before killing the Wall of Flesh is to make all the arenas first. Fishing up tons of crates is also a handy idea since it nets you an early lead. Though yeah that sounds like a string of awful luck though. Every boss just showing up like that? Man I'd give you some of my luck but I can't send that in a package.
Something you could do though is before killing the Wall of Flesh is to make all the arenas first. Fishing up tons of crates is also a handy idea since it nets you an early lead. Though yeah that sounds like a string of awful luck though. Every boss just showing up like that? Man I'd give you some of my luck but I can't send that in a package.
Normally I do wait to kill Wall of Flesh, but since I have to destroy an altar, I figured I could wait until Hardmode starts and try to get some of these cool items from Thorium, Tremor and Calamity. :guidenaughty:
Demon Altar is also an option for this but I think that Hellforge is nice since he IS a second boss in hell, which you otherwise have no reason to revisit. Glad you agree with my post though! :guidehappy:

You're lucky then! My friend and I destroyed the altars the first time we played Expert. First night after, Twins attacked. Night after, Skeleprime attacked. We finally decided that Destroyer was coming and prepared for him; instead Twins showed up again, killed us, and THEN, finally, after we died to Twins AGAIN, Destroyer visited and we BARELY won that fight. :guidecry::guideconfused:

I'd much rather be prepared after being attacked by the Mechanical Bosses four times in a row. Just my two cents though. Coznix would be a nice way to ease into it, since I'm currently debating whether I should just fish for all the stuff I need instead of breaking altars. :guidenaughty:
yea, one thing to note, the natural mech boss spawns only begin as soon as you break a demon/crimson alter, so if you dont want them hassling you, then just dont break any alters until you are more prepared.
yea, one thing to note, the natural mech boss spawns only begin as soon as you break a demon/crimson alter, so if you dont want them hassling you, then just dont break any alters until you are more prepared.
Mhmm, I know that. That's what I'm doing this game. I'm saying I can't fight Coznix without either fishing or breaking Altars, and that ruins the whole "early pre-mech bosses" ordeal for me.
Hi, I'm new here (1st post!) :guidetongue:

I love this mod! I played through it as a thrower and it was awesome! Loved the bosses (Ragnarok was really really difficult:guidesigh:).
Just some thoughts though, I think the Shade Dagger could use and update 'cause I couldn't find a good use for it(Any tips on how to use it effectively?). Also, the summoner class doesn't get enough love, I find the Ragnarok summoner drops are kind of lacking

Over all very great mod :guidehappy:
The Void Heart does not appear in the confused zombie's shop in multiplayer it seems. I didn't try singleplayer though,but we did kill the fallen beholder.
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Quick question. I noticed that an updated version of this mod has been posted. I'm currently using Will I need to start a fresh world or new game when upgrading to, or can I just drop it in and overwrite the old thorium mod?
Quick question. I noticed that an updated version of this mod has been posted. I'm currently using Will I need to start a fresh world or new game when upgrading to, or can I just drop it in and overwrite the old thorium mod?
Just overwrite, nothing bad will happen. UNLESS you have items on weapon racks and armor stands...
What does it mean by ecounter?????
Does it say "ecounter" or does it say "Encounter"? Either way, encounter means...
Encounter (Verb) - Unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile).
Encounter (Noun) - An unexpected meeting with someone or something.
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