tModLoader The Thorium Mod

Could you maybe add a Terrarium Axe/Chainsaw and Terrarium Hammer/Jackhammer along with a possible Summoning weapon for the Terrarium set? It could also use a huge buff since the Solar Armor, tools, and weapons beat it in quality.
But great work on this mod I have been playing Terraria all day discovering all the new bosses and items that you added!
Thank you so much!

Well, I did a bit of testing. And for what I have seen, it looks like, even if you want to go multi-class, Nebula Armor is just better than Terrarium. It only requires you to get 3 stacks of buffs, which is laughably easy to get and keep up (summons, multi hitting weapons, everything) and gives 12 HP/s, 45% increased all damage and infinite mana, along with mage bonuses, and it also works for team members in multiplayer. Crafting Terrarium Armor requires you to defeat Lunatic Cultist two times if you're unlucky, and if you manage to get enough Enigma for armor, you'll barely have enough Terrarium to make weapons, which help immensely against the pillars, or the Terrarium Defender, which opens up an accessory slot if you want ankh shield and cross necklace. I think the life regeneration of the armor should be increased - 6 is too low for Pillar-tier gear - I think increasing it to... 10? maybe? Or a number equal to around 6 HP/s. I think slight increase of the damage for the Terrarium Spirits would be welcome, and increasing the damage to 30% and 15% crit chance would be welcome. Terrarium armor is awesome, but since it needs Enigma, it's supply is limited before defeating the Moon Lord for the first time - and if you defeat him 2nd time (on expert) you can easily craft the Nebula Armor, which seems to perform better for multi-class characters. Also, the summon that would cause multiple debuffs would be awesome, maybe something like "Terrarium Elemental" - looking like an Ice Elemental, but surrounded by the Terrarium particle effects, firing projectiles similiar to the armor.
Yeah, Terrarium isn't THAT good but that's honestly fine. It makes for a good set to tackle Moon Lord with if you aren't overtly committed to a certain damage type, I like to think of it as the "defensive" set with its high life regen and max life boosts.
Excuse me, what?
Within the games coding, a item rarity of -12 makes an items name rainbow, like the expert items. Labeling an item as an expert item also makes it rainbow. The issue is that if one of those rarity -12 items has a modifier, it will surpass -12 and revert to -1, which is gray. In order to keep the rainbow names on the Terrarium items, I need to keep the expert tag on them, which forces the rainbow name no matter what. Its a mislabel because Terrarium is NOT supposed to be expert mode only equipment.
I already told you how to fix that.
public override void UpdateInventory(Player player)
item.rare = -12;
in the ModItem files.
Come on now, you didn't even read my post. "The issue is that if one of those rarity -12 items has a modifier, it will surpass -12 and revert to -1, which is gray."
Come on now, you didn't even read my post. "The issue is that if one of those rarity -12 items has a modifier, it will surpass -12 and revert to -1, which is gray."
I did read your post, you're not reading mine. That code makes the item always have -12 rarity even with a modifier.
If you'd like me to prove it to you, I can...
It works better if you include this as well.
I'll concede that you were definitely not the ignorant one in this conversation, but the OnCraft and UpdateInventory methods don't fix the color of the items when picking them off the ground. You got anymore secrets up your sleeve...?
I'll concede that you were definitely not the ignorant one in this conversation, but the OnCraft and UpdateInventory methods don't fix the color of the items when picking them off the ground. You got anymore secrets up your sleeve...?
Try this.

        public override void UpdateInventory(Player player)
            item.rare = -12;
   = false;
        public override void OnCraft(Recipe recipe)
            item.rare = -12;
        public override void Update(ref float gravity, ref float maxFallSpeed)
            item.rare = -12;
        public override bool OnPickup(Player player)
   = true;
            return base.OnPickup(player);
Try this.
        public override void UpdateInventory(Player player)
            item.rare = -12;
   = false;
        public override void OnCraft(Recipe recipe)
            item.rare = -12;
        public override void Update(ref float gravity, ref float maxFallSpeed)
            item.rare = -12;
        public override bool OnPickup(Player player)
   = true;
            return base.OnPickup(player);
No dice with that one, but I suppose its not that big of a deal that its pickup name is weird.
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