tModLoader The Thorium Mod

The Quasar's Flare recipe is outdated, it also contains 3 of every fragment from Ragnarok, it is also not a cheat weapon and is perfectly obtainable in end-game.
It and the Terrarian Knife are labeled as Cheat weapons because they were donator items that were asked for with exceptionally too much power behind them. Enough that using them basically makes the rest of the game obsolete as you will never die.
Yeah, the wiki is barebones and version is found nowhere. Searching for 30 mins turned up nothing.
THorium wiki - 30 pages, none to show the version.
I don't want to screw up by blindly installing the latest on
He was looking at the wrong wiki. The one higher up on the google search it looks like. That one has 30 pages. The new, good one has over 200.

Bear in mind the wiki is still highly in its infancy.

But at least it has a full list of all the accessories you can get!

^ Shameless advertising, but we need more contributors! Head over to to find out more.

EDIT: It seems many people are heading over to the wiki hosted on Wikia. That wiki only has 30 pages, and features content that can be found on the main page of this post. The Gamepedia Thorium Wiki (link right above) has much more, but is still only less than 20% done! Thus we need more traffic, and more contributors, to bump it up to the top of the Google Search page 8-)
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Anyone have a suggestion on how to fix pre-hardmode summoner? Currently,

Soul stone +1
Phylactery +2
Necromancers soul +1
Minotaur Skull +1

all stack for a total of +5 minions. I'm thinking maybe have all 4 be exclusive. So that only one works when equiped based on the highest one used. Any other ideas?
Anyone have a suggestion on how to fix pre-hardmode summoner? Currently,

Soul stone +1
Phylactery +2
Necromancers soul +1
Minotaur Skull +1

all stack for a total of +5 minions. I'm thinking maybe have all 4 be exclusive. So that only one works when equiped based on the highest one used. Any other ideas?
Perhaps turn 1-2 into pure damage/knockback items, instead of increasing summon amount? And maybe one more a hardmode item instead? Not sure what to say here.
Anyone have a suggestion on how to fix pre-hardmode summoner? Currently,

Soul stone +1
Phylactery +2
Necromancers soul +1
Minotaur Skull +1

all stack for a total of +5 minions. I'm thinking maybe have all 4 be exclusive. So that only one works when equiped based on the highest one used. Any other ideas?
Maybe make Phylactery require ectoplasm, or buff it while making it require a papyrus scarab? It always felt overpowered to me considering that it gives +2 max minions in addition to 10% increased minion damage and knockback, and revives you to 20 life and is a prehardmode item, while Papyrus Scarab gives 1 max minion and 15% minion damage and knockback, while being an endgame item.
Perhaps turn 1-2 into pure damage/knockback items, instead of increasing summon amount? And maybe one more a hardmode item instead? Not sure what to say here.
Just looking for alternative ideas. Keep in mind +minion amount is a very strong effect and is only available post plantera generally.

I do like the direction you are pointing towards. Just keep in mind, that from accessories in vanilla you can get +3.
And all of that is post plantera and 2 are from pumpkin moons.

Maybe make Phylactery require ectoplasm, or buff it while making it require a papyrus scarab? It always felt overpowered to me considering that it gives +2 max minions in addition to 10% increased minion damage and knockback, and revives you to 20 life and is a prehardmode item, while Papyrus Scarab gives 1 max minion and 15% minion damage and knockback, while being an endgame item.

I like what youre suggesting as well.
I think potentially making them exclusive could be a solid fix, so that you can work up towards the phylactery, but the other ones simply do not stack.

So far my working theory is, make them exclusive so only 1 works. Make the soulstone available early on and slowly augmenting it at various parts of the game and at the end you have the pylactery
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So, I'm really lazy and dont like farming lots of bosses for sick loot. Will there ever be a way to cheat or save edit items from the thorium mod?
Huh. If you reforge a Terrarium accessory with an attribute that the game deems to be +2 rarity worthy, its rainbow rarity skips over amber (quest item level rarity) and loops back to gray rarity (-1 rarity, trash items like Annoying Mud)

The specific one I got this with was my Warding Terrarium Defender, as if I need any more protection from that thing.
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