i have long thought that a proper Hallowed boss should be a thing like was suggested, how about there being a floating church which spawns above the hallowed area after the ragnarok (just thinking that maybe thats where this would fit?? maybe earlier tho, could be that this spawns right off the bat, but each stage only triggers after a different phase has been beaten [or is just way to hard to beat before that stage]) goes down, inside there could be stained glass windows which highlight the giant knight statue in the middle, the glass panes are actually enemies which attack you with massive aura attacks and debuffs to keep you out of the "catacomb gate" which sits under the statue. Upon killing one of the 4 windows they shatter and do damage if you walk on them, when all 4 big windows are broken the 5th window (circle above the knight) begins moving like a possessed version of a light disk but with the various rings of glass (different sized rings) acting like separate enemies. once that two breaks, all the shards could shake then fly to the statue, the knight gains 4 wings of broken colored glass and a halo of broken clear glass, it raises it's giant stone sword and shield and begins to attack with sweeping guillotine sword dives and explosive spinning shield ground slams, occasionally he will fly high and his halo will shoot shards in all dirrections which stick to players of tiles and do an aura damage to his enemies and heal him, when this form (high defense btw and decent health) is defeated the stone shell cracks and flies out with a lot of force, petrifying any hit or anyone who walks over the stone on the ground, then the knight is standing made out of stained glass (low health, multi part, low defence, immune to DOT and negative effects), each part gives him a different effect, you must break all the parts to continue, however his gem like sword now charges and fires multiple beams with different effects and his shield reflects projectiles of all kinds back at the user, the glass on the ground again hurts players, from time to time he will try to repair a broken part with his halo which charges up and then repairs a part unless interrupted by breaking a different part, his wings launch shards that do aura debuffs (and buffs him if he is close enough) and effects as he flies, once all parts are broken what looks like a dead metal wire frame stands there for a moment, then white fire glows in the eyes and heart of the filigreed beast and the stone and glass shards pull into a molten, jagged mess on the body and create a spined meteor hammer which he begins to spin, (higher armor/reflection the higher it's health, huge health, thorns, chance to reflect, his own attacks damage him some), when the MH is spinning it repels all projectiles and leaves a circle of damage, but the body is vulnerable if you can dodge the spinning chain, when he whips the MH forward he shoots massive waves of molten glass, if hit it "coats" the player doing random bad effects and constant damage, if hit by the head itself it does huge damage, if he slams the MH into the ground it causes a shockwave and launches molten globs, this attack is swung back and forth a few times, in this form the boss is mainly grounded, but it can attack with molten geysers from it's back (molten glass wing flap?) that coat areas behind or beneath (if straight up) it in liquid glass (new liquid type btw), when hit there is a shower of molten glass. once this is killed the metal melts away and so does the MH, washing the area in molten glass. the white flames inside become a will o' wisp type body coated in different flames (last form, very high health, no armor, very high True damage, immune to regular damage, deals aura damage, deals debuffs and DOT) in this form the being loses health over time, as it burns down it get weaker (less health, less damage, less chance of effects), takes extra damage from DOT, flings flames all around it, flies by burning the air, different flames to different things, very fast moving, summons pillars of flame, dive bombs to cause explosions, being near it hurts you, passing through it much more so, can stay still to charge up a pure flame, if not stopped the flame will heal it and blast an aura of damage, while it is charging flame motes float through the air making it hard to approach, when this form dies the catacombs open, allowing access to a new dungeon like area (castlevania esk with alternators and other wiring stuff) with new mobs, new loot, and new invasions that spawn only inside the dungeon. from the boss itself drops "purified"; panes, stones, gems, metal amalgamate, and fire used to make item sets related to each phase it goes through. each drop falls after a phase is beat, you will likely die multiple times trying to beat this, after beating this boss the new dungeon could vastly expand the game's length
on the idea about the forge/anvil, could you instead give us a way to fuse the base game work places and the modded ones all into one super workshop so that we don't need to fight the reach problem any more??
on the healer class, again, would it be possible to get an equipment for that set that makes their "heal others" abilities go all to the caster and like boost their radiant damage? mainly just for single player but also as kind of a sub class multiplayer?
on the idea about the forge/anvil, could you instead give us a way to fuse the base game work places and the modded ones all into one super workshop so that we don't need to fight the reach problem any more??
on the healer class, again, would it be possible to get an equipment for that set that makes their "heal others" abilities go all to the caster and like boost their radiant damage? mainly just for single player but also as kind of a sub class multiplayer?
Jonny friggin Panic
Holy crap that is a WALL O' TEXT. Maybe break that down with some punctuation and separation into paragraphs? 
Flying Church: Spawns above Surface Hallow (Post-Ragnarok)
- Spawns a Giant Knight Statue with a Glass Halo.
Phase 1: 4 Glass Windows of the Church attacks via debuffs and aura damage. Shoots out glass shards when killed. (4 Glass Windows, Low HP, Low Def)
Phase 2: Glass Halo attacks like a Possessed Lightdisk. (5 Lightdisks, Low HP, Average Def, )
Phase 3: Glass Windows and Halo form the Broken Wings and Halo of Knight. Attacks similarly to Betsy/Wyvern, diving into you with sword slashes and shield slams. Occasionally shoots his halo in all directions, which heal him and damage anyone hit. (1 Knight, Average Boss HP, High Def)
Phase 4: Stone Knight cracks, revealing a Glass Knight and petrifying anyone hit by the stone pieces. Each Broken Glass Enemy buffs the Knight, his new gem sword fires projectiles, and his gem shield blocks damage. (1 Knight, 5 Glass Enemies, and 2 Gem Weapons, Low HP, Low Def)
Phase 5: Glass Knight cracks into a wire frame, which melts into a molten hammer. Acts like an oversized Possessed Molten Hammer. Leaves molten glass when spinning, fires projectiles when charging, and explodes when hitting a block, which leaves more molten glass. Molten Glass acts like lava and disappears when killed. (1 Possessed Molten Hammer, Low HP, Average Def)
Phase 6: Hammer burns up into a will-o-wisp. The wisp deals very high damage and burns its path, chases the player and explodes repeatedly, but quickly loses HP and damage. (1 Will-O-Wisp, High HP, No Def)
Killing it opens "The Catacombs" which gives purified items used to craft the weapons and armor used by the boss.
Hopefully this helped, this is how I understood it at least. I changed a little to make it more possible. (Aura Damage isn't exactly dodgeable or fun, is it?) In my opinion, it's a massive end-game boss with an amazingly difficult fight. The 5th Phase seems pointless so might as well skip it. It's an amazing boss, but very difficult to beat, and even more so to code.
- Spawns a Giant Knight Statue with a Glass Halo.
Phase 1: 4 Glass Windows of the Church attacks via debuffs and aura damage. Shoots out glass shards when killed. (4 Glass Windows, Low HP, Low Def)
Phase 2: Glass Halo attacks like a Possessed Lightdisk. (5 Lightdisks, Low HP, Average Def, )
Phase 3: Glass Windows and Halo form the Broken Wings and Halo of Knight. Attacks similarly to Betsy/Wyvern, diving into you with sword slashes and shield slams. Occasionally shoots his halo in all directions, which heal him and damage anyone hit. (1 Knight, Average Boss HP, High Def)
Phase 4: Stone Knight cracks, revealing a Glass Knight and petrifying anyone hit by the stone pieces. Each Broken Glass Enemy buffs the Knight, his new gem sword fires projectiles, and his gem shield blocks damage. (1 Knight, 5 Glass Enemies, and 2 Gem Weapons, Low HP, Low Def)
Phase 5: Glass Knight cracks into a wire frame, which melts into a molten hammer. Acts like an oversized Possessed Molten Hammer. Leaves molten glass when spinning, fires projectiles when charging, and explodes when hitting a block, which leaves more molten glass. Molten Glass acts like lava and disappears when killed. (1 Possessed Molten Hammer, Low HP, Average Def)
Phase 6: Hammer burns up into a will-o-wisp. The wisp deals very high damage and burns its path, chases the player and explodes repeatedly, but quickly loses HP and damage. (1 Will-O-Wisp, High HP, No Def)
Killing it opens "The Catacombs" which gives purified items used to craft the weapons and armor used by the boss.
Hopefully this helped, this is how I understood it at least. I changed a little to make it more possible. (Aura Damage isn't exactly dodgeable or fun, is it?) In my opinion, it's a massive end-game boss with an amazingly difficult fight. The 5th Phase seems pointless so might as well skip it. It's an amazing boss, but very difficult to beat, and even more so to code.
Last edited:
sorry about that, i was on mobile, will now re-format
- i have long thought that a proper Hallowed boss should be a thing like was suggested.
- how about there being a floating church which spawns above the hallowed area after the ragnarok (just thinking that maybe thats where this would fit?? maybe earlier tho, could be that this spawns right off the bat, but each stage only triggers after a different phase has been beaten [or is just way to hard to beat before that stage]) goes down.
- inside there could be stained glass windows which highlight the giant knight statue in the middle. the glass panes are actually enemies which attack you with massive aura attacks and debuffs to keep you out of the "catacomb gate" which sits under the statue. Upon killing one of the 4 windows they shatter and do damage if you walk on them.
- when all 4 big windows are broken the 5th window (circle above the knight) begins moving like a possessed version of a light disk but with the various rings of glass (different sized rings) acting like separate enemies.
- once that too breaks, all the shards could shake then fly to the statue, the knight gains 4 wings of broken colored glass and a halo of broken clear glass. it raises it's giant stone sword and shield and begins to attack with sweeping guillotine sword dives and explosive spinning shield ground slams, occasionally he will fly high and his halo will shoot shards in all dirrections which stick to players of tiles and do a small aura of damage to his enemies and heal him, when this form (high defense btw and decent health) is defeated the stone shell cracks and flies out with a lot of force, petrifying any hit or anyone who walks over the stone on the ground.
- then the knight is standing made out of stained glass (low health, multi part, low defence, immune to DOT and negative effects). each part gives him a different effect, you must break all the parts to continue. however his gem like sword now charges and fires multiple beams with different effects, and his shield reflects projectiles of all kinds back at the user when he uses it to guard. the glass on the ground again hurts players, from time to time he will try to repair a broken part with his halo which charges up and then repairs a part unless interrupted by breaking a different part, his wings launch shards that do small aura debuffs (and buffs him if he is close enough) and effects as he flies.
- once all parts are broken what looks like a dead metal wire frame stands there for a moment, then white fire glows in the eyes and heart of the filigreed beast and the stone and glass shards pull into a molten, jagged mess on the body and create a spined meteor hammer which he begins to spin. (higher armor/reflection the higher it's health, huge health, thorns, chance to reflect, his own attacks damage him some). when the MH is spinning it repels all projectiles and leaves a circle of damage, but the body is vulnerable if you can dodge the spinning chain, when he whips the MH forward he shoots massive waves of molten glass, if hit it "coats" the player doing random bad effects and constant damage, if hit by the head itself it does huge damage, if he slams the MH into the ground it causes a shockwave and launches molten globs, this attack is swung back and forth a few times, in this form the boss is mainly grounded, but it can attack with molten geysers from it's back (molten glass wing flap?) that coat areas behind or beneath (if straight up) it in liquid glass (new liquid type btw), when hit there is a shower of molten glass. once this is killed the metal melts away and so does the MH, washing the area in molten glass.
- the white flames inside become a will o' wisp type body coated in different flames (last form, very high health, no armor, very high True damage, immune to regular damage, deals aura damage, deals debuffs and DOT) in this form the being loses health over time. as it burns down it get weaker (less health, less damage, less chance of effects, smaller and smaller Aura of constant damage/effects). takes extra damage from DOT, flings flames all around it, flies by burning the air and leaving a burning mist that causes effects. different flame colors do different things. very fast moving. summons pillars of flame. dive bombs to cause explosions. being near it hurts you, see above for weakening, passing through it much more so. can stay still to charge up a pure flame, if not stopped the flame will heal it and blast an aura of damage, while it is charging flame motes float through the air making it hard to approach.
- when this form dies the catacombs open, allowing access to a new dungeon like area (castlevania esk with alternators and other wiring stuff) with new mobs, new loot, and new invasions that spawn only inside the dungeon. from the boss itself drops "purified" versions of; panes, halo shards, stones, gem glass, metal amalgamate, and fire. these are used to make item sets related to each phase it goes through (aka different sub specialties for each class type, a defensive, healing, control, ranged, dps, and aoe variant of each thing pretty much... or something like that anyway, basically flavor each class like each stage of the fight). each drop falls after a phase is beat.
- you will likely die multiple times trying to beat this, after beating this boss the new dungeon could vastly expand the game's length
- on the idea about the forge/anvil, could you instead give us a way to fuse the base game work places and the modded ones all into one super workshop so that we don't need to fight the reach problem any more??
- on the healer class, again, would it be possible to get an equipment for that set that makes their "heal others" abilities go all to the caster and like boost their radiant damage? mainly just for single player but also as kind of a sub class multiplayer?
is that a little bit clearer?? and yes, sorry, i do know that it would likely be the hardest boss coding of all time
the numbering in this darn chat program doesn't let you add spaces, i did try to do that *sigh*Try to add spaces between paragraphs![]()
Hello, i'm afraid that i've found a bug whilst playing around with your mod. You know that bug where Cthulhu-dashing into the copies of the Fallen Champion would cause them to disappear? It works on the stuff flying around Dying Reality, leaving just the core. Thank you!
Jonny friggin Panic
I don't know if it was intentional, but the Angler gets a new quest every time you log out and back in, EXCEPT when he gets an Ocean quest. Personally, I LOVE that I can cycle the quests and do multiple in a day... he's normally my big roadblock in completing the Cell Phone... but if this is unintentional, please leave it like this. And if it's intentional, but he's not supposed to get hung up on Ocean quests, maybe take a look?
Eye of Cthulhu
If you're looking for a great Hallow boss, check out Calamity's Providence! (Not for the unskilled)Great wall of China text
actually he stated it as a feature before, i use it to clear out the darn grasshopper locus swarm i always get near baseBug: Icy Aura kills critters (Bunny, Frog, Worm, etc)
i have done that (and ur right, not easy) but someone aside from me mentioned that this mod could use something, and this idea came to mind so i had to write it down before it escaped my headIf you're looking for a great Hallow boss, check out Calamity's Providence! (Not for the unskilled)
Jonny friggin Panic
If I'm wearing Icy Armor and going critter hunting (like for worms during a rain), I usually just swap my helm to the vanity slot til I'm done. You'll move up from Icy Armor soon enough, anyways.Bug: Icy Aura kills critters (Bunny, Frog, Worm, etc)
It would seem as though the banners in this mod can't be placed on platforms hammered to the "down" position akin to vanilla ones.
Vanilla banners:
Vanilla banners:
Duke Fishron
Dude the resaon why the Mudmen exist is because they are the only mobs who drop that bag. Forgot what the bag was called but most of us who have played the mod before know what it's used for and, most importantly, know what it's calledCould you please make it so that you can craft Annoying Mud into Mud Blocks or something?I know, it defeats the purpose of it being completely useless, but nobody likes useless items. Also, since the Druid spawns when you kill the Corpse Bloom (That's what it's called, right?) now, there's really no reason for the Mudmen to exist at all.
General Milky
Dude the resaon why the Mudmen exist is because they are the only mobs who drop that bag. Forgot what the bag was called but most of us who have played the mod before know what it's used for and, most importantly, know what it's called![]()
Dude the rason why the druid spawns isn't because of that bag anymore. It was removed. Thorium players now know a miniboss is what triggers Druid these days.
Empress of Light
Was that intentional?Dude the rason why the druid
Where can i find the ID's for the content?
Jonny friggin Panic
I gotta say, I just detest mudmen. The jungle is challenging enough as it is without dealing with that mud. I'd rather they just poofed... there's some redundant content in the mod, but they're the only thing I can think of that could just plain go.
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