tModLoader The Thorium Mod

Hey guys I have a problem, when I try load the mod, it says "The wav sound file at Sounds/Custom/Cymbals.wav failed to load." Anyone know how to fix this?
Ehm, I think I got one bug report: Prophecy's effect doesn't work like it should. It doesn't heal the caster on returning.
Ehm, I think I got one bug report: Prophecy's effect doesn't work like it should. It doesn't heal the caster on returning.
Are you healing an ally first before it returns?

Damn man... I've never seen a bug like that and no one has ever reported anything of that nature before. I haven't tinkered with any tiles recently, so its rather bizarre to me that you've narrowed it down to only Thorium. There is a slight possibility that one of your mods has created a problem with the world that Thorium is reacting negatively to, regardless if that mod is active or not. But since I know nothing about this bug, I cant help you out much. I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled for a probable cause / other reports of this happening.
Damn man... I've never seen a bug like that and no one has ever reported anything of that nature before. I haven't tinkered with any tiles recently, so its rather bizarre to me that you've narrowed it down to only Thorium. There is a slight possibility that one of your mods has created a problem with the world that Thorium is reacting negatively to, regardless if that mod is active or not. But since I know nothing about this bug, I cant help you out much. I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled for a probable cause / other reports of this happening.
Just had someone else in discord ask about the same message:
The wav sound file at Sounds/Custom/Cymbals.wav failed to load
at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.Autoload()
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.do_Load(Object threadContext)

Inner Exception:
External component has thrown an exception.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffect.AllocateFormatAndData(Byte[] format, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffect..ctor(Stream stream)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffect.FromStream(Stream stream)
at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.Autoload()

I'm new at this stuff, but is this "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffect..ctor(Stream stream)" supposed to be a thing?
Hey Jabberwocky, that was me that posted that. I've found the fix. You need an audio device running. Headphones, speakers, whatever. Seems to fix it for me. Not sure why this is happening, but it is fixed.
Having an issue that a previous poster had in this thread but I couldn't find anyone answering or responding to his post. When I load up Thorium (as well as Calamity, Tremor, Spirit Mod) I get this error. I haven't been able to find anything through google to fix it. I've tried reinstalling Terraria and tmodloader and I even went back a few versions on each and get the same issue.

Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid.
at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadOptionalHeaders(UInt16& subsystem, UInt16& dll_characteristics)
at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadImage()
at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadImageFrom(Stream stream)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(Stream stream, ReaderParameters parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(String fileName, ReaderParameters parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.BaseAssemblyResolver.SearchDirectory(AssemblyNameReference name, IEnumerable`1 directories, ReaderParameters parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.BaseAssemblyResolver.Resolve(AssemblyNameReference name, ReaderParameters parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.DefaultAssemblyResolver.Resolve(AssemblyNameReference name)
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataResolver.Resolve(TypeReference type)
at Mono.Cecil.TypeReference.Resolve()
at Mono.Cecil.Mixin.CheckedResolve(TypeReference self)
at Mono.Cecil.SignatureReader.ReadCustomAttributeEnum(TypeReference enum_type)
at Mono.Cecil.SignatureReader.ReadCustomAttributeElementValue(TypeReference type)
at Mono.Cecil.SignatureReader.ReadCustomAttributeElement(TypeReference type)
at Mono.Cecil.SignatureReader.ReadCustomAttributeFixedArrayArgument(ArrayType type)
at Mono.Cecil.SignatureReader.ReadCustomAttributeFixedArgument(TypeReference type)
at Mono.Cecil.SignatureReader.ReadCustomAttributeConstructorArguments(CustomAttribute attribute, Collection`1 parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.MetadataReader.ReadCustomAttributeSignature(CustomAttribute attribute)
at Mono.Cecil.CustomAttribute.<Resolve>b__34_0(CustomAttribute attribute, MetadataReader reader)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.Read[TItem,TRet](TItem item, Func`3 read)
at Mono.Cecil.CustomAttribute.Resolve()
at Mono.Cecil.CustomAttribute.get_ConstructorArguments()
at Mono.Cecil.ImmediateModuleReader.ReadCustomAttributes(ICustomAttributeProvider provider)
at Mono.Cecil.ImmediateModuleReader.ReadType(TypeDefinition type)
at Mono.Cecil.ImmediateModuleReader.ReadTypes(Collection`1 types)
at Mono.Cecil.ImmediateModuleReader.ReadModule(ModuleDefinition module)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleWriter.WriteModuleTo(ModuleDefinition module, Stream stream, WriterParameters parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.Write(Stream stream, WriterParameters parameters)
at Terraria.ModLoader.AssemblyManager.LoadedMod.EncapsulateReferences(Byte[] code)
at Terraria.ModLoader.AssemblyManager.LoadedMod.LoadAssemblies()
at Terraria.ModLoader.AssemblyManager.InstantiateMods(List`1 modsToLoad)

Other smaller mods work such as recipe browser, yoyos2, fishing 2.0 if that is relevant.
Try going on the mod browser and wait until it asks you to update. Then update tMod :)

It doesn't prompt me to update. I believe I'm updated to the latest version already. There must be something else going on.

UPDATE: I fixed it somehow but I'm using tmodloader v10.0.2. It's working so I'm not updating for now. :D I would post a solution for others but I really don't know what I did. /shrug
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found a little bug between Thorium and Overhaul. Dragon's Breath is taken as a throwing weapon instead of magic. im reporting this in both threads because it may be interesting to analyze for both. now, overhaul is quite recent so i expect some stuff needs to be worked on but i think its because of how the weapon works and how the mod takes certain weapon mechanics.

because Dragon Breath shoots a stream of projectiles that return to the player, the other mod is classifying it as a throwing type weapon. this happens with other vanilla and thorium weapons with overhaul but most of them are pretty logical (boomerangs mostly), this is the first case where i see that a magic weapon is taken as thrown so im gonna check with other magic weapons during my thorium mage run.

i dont know how do the modding tools and the game code manages the weapon type mechanics but there has to be a way to classify them under a certain treshold so this issue can be fixed. it may not only happen with thorium anyways. just that it happened in this case in particular, i dont have more mods in my game but this may happen with other mods that add "boomerang" style weapons from other classes.

it may be worth to check.
found a little bug between Thorium and Overhaul. Dragon's Breath is taken as a throwing weapon instead of magic. im reporting this in both threads because it may be interesting to analyze for both. now, overhaul is quite recent so i expect some stuff needs to be worked on but i think its because of how the weapon works and how the mod takes certain weapon mechanics.

because Dragon Breath shoots a stream of projectiles that return to the player, the other mod is classifying it as a throwing type weapon. this happens with other vanilla and thorium weapons with overhaul but most of them are pretty logical (boomerangs mostly), this is the first case where i see that a magic weapon is taken as thrown so im gonna check with other magic weapons during my thorium mage run.

i dont know how do the modding tools and the game code manages the weapon type mechanics but there has to be a way to classify them under a certain treshold so this issue can be fixed. it may not only happen with thorium anyways. just that it happened in this case in particular, i dont have more mods in my game but this may happen with other mods that add "boomerang" style weapons from other classes.

it may be worth to check.
Overhaul doesn't work well with any content adding mod tbh
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