Things that you didn't realize were in the game for the longest time?

This is all 1.3 stiff. That hardly counts.
I guess so. But I was plenty familiar with the others. Been playing 1.3 pretty heavily. It's a good way to pass time while the (tiny two-machine) render farm grinds.

Also I'd nothing else to post about in the thread.
You can catch fish as Prismite, Hemopirana or Ebonkoi in aboveground, that you can catch last two even before hardmode, that final 1.3 armor have authoglow, what "I know what are you thinking" about SLT means, that "Terrarian Gotnic" is a name of ship.
For the longest time I had no idea the bunny hood even existed. The ONLY reason I even found out about it is because I was watching back through an old let's play of this game and it was mentioned there.

It also took me quite a while to find out that the musket had auto-fire, so I might as well put that here too.
You're a terrible person. :(
Looking at puppetmaster post I decided to see what npc drops and dicovered that when you kill guide when his name is Andrew, he drop a hat :cool: biggest surprise for me was that's 1.2 stuff
You can put baits on ammo slot. I just found this by seeing random person mention about it on the forum.

The obsidian armor is merely vanity item.
I don't think, when you can use bombs and dynamites. I think it is more easier make Obsidian armor than silver and gold (of course their alternates too).

When again this thread I didn't know about Ancient Vision, wiki say he isn't dangerouS,*looks at damage*, when he/it is MAYBE slow, so they don't just simply edit it?
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