Casual Things you believed when you were very young

I used to think that in karaoke, a bunch of people submitted songs to be played, and then each person who elected to sing songs would have to sing one or more random songs from the list of songs.
I used to think if you fed even just one tiny drop of chocolate to a dog they'd drop dead immediately
I used to think that in karaoke, a bunch of people submitted songs to be played, and then each person who elected to sing songs would have to sing one or more random songs from the list of songs.
Wait, is that not what karaoke is? I guess now that I think about it that does sound kinda stupid
I used to think that jobs didn't take up much time every day. A few years ago, due to not understanding the vast insignificance of an imaginary game I was playing at the time with my siblings, I foolishly sent a convo to Redigit about it, asking for advice.
I used to be really scared about the secondish episode of the super Mario super show. In the episode, Bowser kidnaped Peach and then put Mario, Luigi, and Toad into this underground hole. Then, the spiked ceiling starts slowly moving down to crush them. This scared the crap out of me
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